第一: 首先在view目录下的__init__.py文件定义好

(1) Flask实例 :

app = Flask(__name__)

(2) 数据库实例

Mongo = Conn.MongoDB(app.config.get('DB'), app.config.get('PORT'), app.config.get('DBNAME'),
app.config.get('DBUSERNAME'), app.config.get('DBPASSWORD'))

(3) 其他用到的变量

app.secret_key = "\xe8\xf7\xb9\xae\xfb\x87\xea4<5\xe7\x97D\xf4\x88)Q\xbd\xe1j'\x83\x13\xc7"
app.config.from_pyfile('default_config.py') #  这里defualt_config.py是文件   ## default_config.py
HOST = 'localhost'
PORT = 5000
DEBUG = True
调用方式 :


第二: 定义好Flask 核心代码  Views.py

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import json
import os
from datetime import datetime
from urllib import unquote, urlopen, urlretrieve, quote
from bson.json_util import dumps
from bson.objectid import ObjectId
from flask import request, render_template, redirect, url_for, session, make_response
from lib.CreateExcel import *
from lib.Login import logincheck
from lib.QueryLogic import querylogic
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
from . import app, Mongo, page_size, file_path # 搜索页
def Search():
return render_template('search.html') # 搜索结果页
def Main():
q = request.args.get('q', '')
page = int(request.args.get('page', ''))
plugin = Mongo.coll['Plugin'].find() # 插件列表
plugin_type = plugin.distinct('type') # 插件类型列表
if q: # 基于搜索条件显示结果
result = q.strip().split(';')
query = querylogic(result)
cursor = Mongo.coll['Info'].find(query).sort('time', -1).limit(page_size).skip((page - 1) * page_size)
return render_template('main.html', item=cursor, plugin=plugin, itemcount=cursor.count(),
else: # 自定义,无任何结果,用户手工添加
return render_template('main.html', item=[], plugin=plugin, itemcount=0, plugin_type=[]) # 获取插件信息异步
@app.route('/getplugin', methods=['get', 'post'])
def Getplugin():
type = request.form.get('type', '')
risk = request.form.get('risk', '')
search = request.form.get('search', '')
query = {}
if type:
query['type'] = type
if risk:
query['level'] = risk
if search:
search = unquote(search)
query['name'] = {"$regex": search, '$options': 'i'}
cursor = Mongo.coll['Plugin'].find(query)
rsp = []
for i in cursor:
result = {'name': i['name'], 'info': i['info']}
return json.dumps(rsp) # 新增任务异步
@app.route('/addtask', methods=['get', 'post'])
def Addtask():
title = request.form.get('title', '')
plugin = request.form.get('plugin', '')
condition = unquote(request.form.get('condition', ''))
plan = request.form.get('plan', 0)
ids = request.form.get('ids', '')
isupdate = request.form.get('isupdate', '')
resultcheck = request.form.get('resultcheck', '')
result = 'fail'
if plugin:
targets = []
if resultcheck == 'true': # 结果集全选
list = condition.strip().split(';')
query = querylogic(list)
cursor = Mongo.coll['Info'].find(query)
for i in cursor:
tar = [i['ip'], i['port']]
else: # 当前页结果选择
for i in ids.split(','):
tar = [i.split(':')[0], int(i.split(':')[1])]
temp_result = True
for p in plugin.split(','):
query = querylogic(condition.strip().split(';'))
item = {'status': 0, 'title': title, 'plugin': p, 'condition': condition, 'time': datetime.now(),
'target': targets, 'plan': int(plan), 'isupdate': int(isupdate), 'query': dumps(query)}
insert_reuslt = Mongo.coll['Task'].insert(item)
if not insert_reuslt:
temp_result = False
if temp_result:
result = 'success'
return result # 任务列表页面
def Task():
page = int(request.args.get('page', ''))
cursor = Mongo.coll['Task'].find().sort('time', -1).limit(page_size).skip((page - 1) * page_size)
return render_template('task.html', item=cursor) # 复测任务异步
def Recheck():
tid = request.args.get('taskid', '')
task = Mongo.coll['Task'].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(tid)})
result = 'fail'
if task and task['plan'] == 0 and task['status'] == 2: # 一次性任务,并且已经扫描完成
result = Mongo.coll['Task'].update({'_id': ObjectId(tid)}, {'$set': {'status': 0}})
if result:
result = 'success'
return result # 任务详情页面
def TaskDetail():
id = request.args.get('taskid', '')
page = int(request.args.get('page', ''))
taskdate = request.args.get('taskdate', "")
plugin_name = ''
task_info = Mongo.coll['Task'].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(id)})
if task_info:
plugin_name = task_info['plugin']
vulcount = 0
lastscan = Mongo.coll["Result"].distinct('task_date', {'task_id': ObjectId(id)})
result_list = []
if len(lastscan) > 0:
if taskdate: # 根据扫描批次查看结果
cursor = Mongo.coll['Result'].find(
{'task_id': ObjectId(id), 'task_date': datetime.strptime(taskdate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")}).sort(
'time', -1).limit(page_size).skip((page - 1) * page_size)
else: # 查看最新批次结果
taskdate = lastscan[0].strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
cursor = Mongo.coll['Result'].find(
{'task_id': ObjectId(id), 'task_date': lastscan[0]}).sort('time', -1).limit(page_size).skip(
(page - 1) * page_size)
vulcount = cursor.count()
for _ in cursor:
{'ip': _['ip'], 'port': _['port'], 'info': _['info'], 'vul_level': _['vul_info']['vul_level'],
'time': _['time']}) # 速度优化,数据量多采取不同的方式查询
if len(result_list) > 100:
ip_hostname = {}
hostname = Mongo.coll['Info'].aggregate(
[{'$match': {'hostname': {'$ne': None}}}, {'$project': {'_id': 0, 'ip': 1, 'hostname': 1}}])
for _ in hostname:
if 'hostname' in hostname:
ip_hostname[_["ip"]] = _["hostname"]
for _ in result_list:
if 'ip' in ip_hostname:
_['hostname'] = ip_hostname[_["ip"]]
_['hostname'] = ''
for _ in result_list:
hostname = Mongo.coll['Info'].find_one({'ip': _['ip']})
if hostname and 'hostname' in hostname:
_['hostname'] = hostname['hostname']
_['hostname'] = ''
return render_template('detail.html', item=result_list, count=vulcount, id=id, taskdate=taskdate,
plugin_name=plugin_name, scanlist=lastscan) # 删除任务异步
@app.route('/deletetask', methods=['get', 'post'])
def DeleteTask():
oid = request.form.get('oid', '')
if oid:
result = Mongo.coll['Task'].delete_one({'_id': ObjectId(oid)})
if result.deleted_count > 0:
result = Mongo.coll['Result'].delete_many({'task_id': ObjectId(oid)})
if result:
return 'success'
return 'fail' # 下载excel报表异步
@app.route('/downloadxls', methods=['get', 'post'])
def DownloadXls():
tid = request.args.get('taskid', '')
taskdate = request.args.get('taskdate', '')
result_list = []
if tid: # 有任务id
if taskdate: # 从任务中拉取指定批次扫描结果
taskdate = datetime.strptime(taskdate, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
cursor = Mongo.coll['Result'].find({'task_id': ObjectId(tid), 'task_date': taskdate}).sort(
'time', -1)
else: # 从任务中直接取该任务最新一次扫描结果
lastscan = Mongo.coll["Result"].distinct('task_date', {'task_id': ObjectId(tid)})
if len(lastscan) == 0:
cursor = []
taskdate = datetime.now()
taskdate = lastscan[0]
cursor = Mongo.coll['Result'].find({'task_id': ObjectId(tid), 'task_date': taskdate}).sort(
'time', -1)
title = Mongo.coll['Task'].find_one({'_id': ObjectId(tid)})['title']
for _ in cursor:
hostname = ''
result = Mongo.coll['Info'].find_one({'ip': _['ip']})
if result and 'hostname' in result:
hostname = result['hostname']
{'ip': _['ip'], 'port': _['port'], 'info': _['info'], 'vul_level': _['vul_info']['vul_level'],
'time': _['time'], 'vul_name': _['vul_info']['vul_name'], 'lastscan': taskdate, 'title': title,
'hostname': hostname})
response = make_response(CreateTable(result_list, taskdate.strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")))
if taskdate == '':
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=nodata.xls;"
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=" + quote(
title.encode('utf-8')) + taskdate.strftime(
"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") + ".xls;"
else: # 下载综合报表
tasks = Mongo.coll['Task'].find({})
t_list = []
for t in tasks:
name = t['title']
lastscan = Mongo.coll["Result"].distinct('task_date', {'task_id': t['_id']})
if len(lastscan) == 0:
cursor = Mongo.coll['Result'].find({'task_id': t['_id']})
taskdate = None
taskdate = lastscan[0]
cursor = Mongo.coll['Result'].find({'task_id': t['_id'], 'task_date': taskdate})
for _ in cursor: # 单任务详情
hostname = Mongo.coll['Info'].find_one({'ip': _['ip']})
if hostname:
_['hostname'] = hostname['hostname']
_['hostname'] = None
_['title'] = name
_['vul_level'] = _['vul_info']['vul_level']
_['vul_name'] = _['vul_info']['vul_name']
_['lastscan'] = taskdate
response = make_response(CreateTable(t_list, 'all_data'))
response.headers["Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=all_data.xls;"
response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/x-xls"
return response # 插件列表页
def Plugin():
page = int(request.form.get('page', ''))
cursor = Mongo.coll['Plugin'].find().limit(page_size).skip((page - 1) * page_size)
return render_template('plugin.html', cursor=cursor, vultype=cursor.distinct('type'), count=cursor.count()) # 新增插件异步
@app.route('/addplugin', methods=['get', 'post'])
def AddPlugin():
result = 'fail'
if request.referrer and request.referrer.replace('http://', '').split('/')[0] == request.host:
f = request.files['file']
if f:
fname = secure_filename(f.filename)
if fname.split('.')[-1] == 'py':
path = file_path + fname
if os.path.exists(file_path + fname):
fname = fname.split('.')[0] + '_' + datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + '.py'
path = file_path + fname
if os.path.exists(path):
file_name = fname.split('.')[0]
module = __import__(file_name)
mark_json = module.get_plugin_info()
mark_json['filename'] = file_name
mark_json['add_time'] = datetime.now()
mark_json['count'] = 0
if 'source' not in mark_json:
mark_json['source'] = 0
insert_result = Mongo.coll['Plugin'].insert(mark_json)
if insert_result:
result = 'success' else:
name = request.form.get('name', '')
info = request.form.get('info', '')
author = request.form.get('author', '')
level = request.form.get('level', '')
type = request.form.get('vultype', '')
keyword = request.form.get('keyword', '')
pluginurl = request.form.get('pluginurl', '')
methodurl = request.form.get('methodurl', '')
pdata = request.form.get('pdata', '')
analyzing = request.form.get('analyzing', '')
analyzingdata = request.form.get('analyzingdata', '')
tag = request.form.get('tag', '')
query = {'name': name, 'info': info, 'level': level, 'type': type, 'author': author, 'url': pluginurl,
'keyword': keyword, 'source': 0}
query['plugin'] = {'method': methodurl.split(' ', 1)[0], 'url': methodurl.split(' ', 1)[1],
'analyzing': analyzing, 'analyzingdata': analyzingdata, 'data': pdata, 'tag': tag}
file_name = secure_filename(name) + '_' + datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S") + ".json"
with open(file_path + file_name, 'wb') as wt:
query['add_time'] = datetime.now()
query['count'] = 0
query['filename'] = file_name
insert_result = Mongo.coll['Plugin'].insert(query)
if insert_result:
result = 'success'
return result # 删除插件异步
@app.route('/deleteplugin', methods=['get', 'post'])
def DeletePlugin():
oid = request.form.get('oid', '')
if oid:
result = Mongo.coll['Plugin'].find_one_and_delete({'_id': ObjectId(oid)}, remove=True)
if not result['filename'].find('.') > -1:
result['filename'] = result['filename'] + '.py'
if os.path.exists(file_path + result['filename']):
os.remove(file_path + result['filename'])
return 'success'
return 'fail' # 统计页面
def Analysis():
ip = len(Mongo.coll['Info'].distinct('ip'))
record = Mongo.coll['Info'].find().count()
task = Mongo.coll['Task'].find().count()
vul = Mongo.coll['Result'].find().count()
plugin = Mongo.coll['Plugin'].find().count()
vultype = Mongo.coll['Result'].group(['vul_info.vul_type'], {}, {'count': 0}, 'function(o,p){p.count++}')
cur = Mongo.coll['Statistics'].find().sort('date', -1).limit(30)
trend = []
for i in cur:
{'time': i['date'], 'add': i['info']['add'], 'update': i['info']['update'], 'delete': i['info']['delete']})
vulbeat = Mongo.coll['Heartbeat'].find_one({'name': 'load'})
scanbeat = Mongo.coll['Heartbeat'].find_one({'name': 'heartbeat'})
if vulbeat == None or scanbeat == None:
taskpercent = 0
taskalive = False
scanalive = False
taskpercent = vulbeat['value'] * 100
taskalive = (datetime.now() - vulbeat['up_time']).seconds
scanalive = (datetime.now() - scanbeat['up_time']).seconds
taskalive = True if taskalive < 120 else False
scanalive = True if scanalive < 120 else False
server_type = Mongo.coll['Info'].aggregate(
[{'$group': {'_id': '$server', 'count': {'$sum': 1}}}, {'$sort': {'count': -1}}])
web_type = Mongo.coll['Info'].aggregate([{'$match': {'server': 'web'}}, {'$unwind': '$webinfo.tag'},
{'$group': {'_id': '$webinfo.tag', 'count': {'$sum': 1}}},
{'$sort': {'count': -1}}])
return render_template('analysis.html', ip=ip, record=record, task=task, vul=vul, plugin=plugin, vultype=vultype,
trend=sorted(trend, key=lambda x: x['time']), taskpercent=taskpercent, taskalive=taskalive,
scanalive=scanalive, server_type=server_type, web_type=web_type) # 配置页面
def Config():
val = []
table = request.args.get('config', '')
if table in ("vulscan", "nascan"):
dict = Mongo.coll['Config'].find_one({'type': table})
if dict and 'config' in dict:
dict = dict['config']
for _ in dict:
if _.find('_') > 0:
item_type = "list"
item_type = "word"
val.append({"show": item_type, "type": _, "info": dict[_]["info"], "help": dict[_]["help"],
"value": dict[_]["value"]})
val = sorted(val, key=lambda x: x["show"], reverse=True)
return render_template('config.html', values=val) # 配置更新异步
@app.route('/updateconfig', methods=['get', 'post'])
def UpdateConfig():
name = request.form.get('name', '')
value = request.form.get('value', '')
conftype = request.form.get('conftype', '')
if name and value and conftype:
if name == 'Masscan' or name == 'Port_list':
origin_value = Mongo.coll['Config'].find_one({'type': 'nascan'})["config"][name]["value"]
value = origin_value.split('|')[0] + '|' + value
elif name == 'Port_list_Flag':
name = 'Port_list'
origin_value = Mongo.coll['Config'].find_one({'type': 'nascan'})["config"]['Port_list']["value"]
value = value + '|' + origin_value.split('|')[1]
elif name == 'Masscan_Flag':
name = 'Masscan'
path = Mongo.coll['Config'].find_one({'type': 'nascan'})["config"]["Masscan"]["value"]
if len(path.split('|')) == 3:
path = path.split('|')[1] + "|" + path.split('|')[2]
path = path.split('|')[1]
if value == '':
value = '1|' + path
value = '0|' + path
result = Mongo.coll['Config'].update({"type": conftype}, {'$set': {'config.' + name + '.value': value}})
if result:
return 'success'
return 'fail' # 拉取线上最新插件异步
def PullUpdate():
rsp = 'err'
now = datetime.now()
f = urlopen('https://sec-pic-ly.b0.upaiyun.com/xunfeng/list.json?time=' + str(now))
j = f.read().strip()
if j:
remotelist = json.loads(j)
remotelist.sort(lambda x, y: cmp(x['unicode'], y['unicode']), reverse=True)
locallastest = Mongo.coll['Update'].find().sort('unicode', -1)
local = None
if locallastest.count() != 0:
local = locallastest.next()
for remote in remotelist:
if local is None or remote['unicode'] != local['unicode']:
remote['isInstall'] = 0
rsp = 'true'
return rsp # 检查本地已知的线上插件列表异步
def CheckUpdate():
json = []
notinstall = Mongo.coll['Update'].find({'isInstall': 0}).sort('unicode', -1)
for _ in notinstall:
json.append({'unicode': _['unicode'], 'name': _['name'], 'info': _['info'], 'time': _['pushtime'],
'author': _['author']})
return dumps(json) # 安装/下载插件异步
def installplugin():
rsp = 'fail'
unicode = request.args.get('unicode', '')
item = Mongo.coll['Update'].find_one({'unicode': unicode})
json_string = {'add_time': datetime.now(), 'count': 0, 'source': 1}
file_name = secure_filename(item['location'].split('/')[-1])
if os.path.exists(file_path + file_name):
file_name = file_name + '_' + datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
urlretrieve(item['location'], file_path + file_name)
if os.path.exists(file_path + file_name):
if file_name.split('.')[-1] == 'py':
module = __import__(file_name.split('.')[0])
mark_json = module.get_plugin_info()
json_string['filename'] = file_name.split('.')[0]
json_text = open(file_path + file_name, 'r').read()
mark_json = json.loads(json_text)
json_string['filename'] = file_name
Mongo.coll['Update'].update_one({'unicode': unicode}, {'$set': {'isInstall': 1}})
rsp = 'success'
return rsp # 登录
@app.route('/login', methods=['get', 'post'])
def Login():
if request.method == 'GET':
return render_template('login.html')
account = request.form.get('account')
password = request.form.get('password')
if account == app.config.get('ACCOUNT') and password == app.config.get('PASSWORD'):
session['login'] = 'loginsuccess'
return redirect(url_for('Search'))
return redirect(url_for('Login')) # 登出异步
def LoginOut():
session['login'] = ''
return redirect(url_for('Login')) @app.route('/404')
def NotFound():
return render_template('404.html') @app.route('/500')
def Error():
return render_template('500.html')

第三: 定义好run(*argxs) 入口函数

from views.View import app

if __name__ == '__main__':
app.debug = True
app.run(threaded=True, port=80,host='')


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    NIO服务端主要创建过程:   步骤一:打开ServerSocketChannel,用于监听客户端的连接,它是所有客户端连接的副管道,示例代码如下:      ServerSocketChannel ...

  4. AJPFX关于枚举,泛型详解

    枚举类型是JDK5.0的新特征.Sun引进了一个全新的关键字enum来定义一个枚举类.下面就是一个典型枚举类型的定义:public enum Color{RED,BLUE,BLACK,YELLOW,G ...

  5. LeetCode 69 题

    1.题目要求 实现 int sqrt(int x) 函数. 计算并返回 x 的平方根,其中 x 是非负整数. 由于返回类型是整数,结果只保留整数的部分,小数部分将被舍去. 示例 1: 输入: 4 输出 ...

  6. codeforces415D. Glad to see you!(交互)

    题意 交互题. 有$k$个值域为$[1, n]$的数. 请在不超过$60$次询问内找出其中的两个数. 每次询问形式为1 x y 交互库会返回$|x - a| <= |y - b| ? " ...

  7. C#创建任务计划

    因写的调用DiskPart程序是要用管理员身份运行的,这样每次开机检查都弹个框出来确认肯定不行.搜了下,似乎也只是使用任务计划程序运行来绕过UAC提升权限比较靠谱,网上的都是添加到计算机启动的,不是指 ...

  8. Windows程序设计1(工具、编码、窗口)

    一.几个常用小工具: 1. 编译器:CL.EXE   将源文件转变为目标文件(汇编语言). CL.EXE  /c  xxx.c  或   xx.cpp cl.exe  -? 显示cl帮助 cl.exe ...

  9. 设计模式、SOLID原则:组件与联系

    组件原则 - SRP The Single Responsibility Principle 单一责任原则 当需要修改某个类的时候原因有且只有一个.换句话说就是让一个类只做一种类型的责任,当这个类需要 ...

  10. MySQL数据表查询操作

    准语法结构:编写DQL时一定要严格按照此语法的顺序来实现!/* SELECT [ALL | DISTINCT] ALL表示查询出所有的内容 DISTINCT 去重 {* | 表名.* | 表名.字段名 ...