php S3
- <?php
- /*
- * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.
- * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates
- * and open the template in the editor.
- */
- define('AWS_KEY', 'input your key');
- define('AWS_SECRET_KEY', 'input your secret key');
- $HOST = 'input your endpoint';
- // require the amazon sdk for php library
- require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/sdk.class.php';
- // Instantiate the S3 class and point it at the desired host
- $s3 = new AmazonS3(array(
- 'key' => AWS_KEY,
- 'secret' => AWS_SECRET_KEY,
- ));
- $s3->set_hostname($HOST);
- $s3->allow_hostname_override(false);
- // Set the S3 class to use
- // instead of
- $s3->enable_path_style();
- $bucketname="test_wx";
- #=========================create_bucket====================
- echo str_repeat("=", 30)."create_bucket".str_repeat("=", 30)."\n";
- $ret=$s3->create_bucket($bucketname, AmazonS3::REGION_US_E1);
- echo print_r($ret,1),"\n";
- #=========================list_buckets====================
- echo str_repeat("=", 30)."list_buckets".str_repeat("=", 30)."\n";
- $ListResponse = $s3->list_buckets();
- $Buckets = $ListResponse->body->Buckets->Bucket;
- foreach ($Buckets as $Bucket) {
- echo $Bucket->Name . "\t" . $Bucket->CreationDate . "\n";
- }
- #=========================create_object====================
- echo str_repeat("=", 30)."create_object:".$bucketname.str_repeat("=", 30)."\n";
- $s3->create_object($bucketname, 'hello.txt', array(
- 'body' => "Hello World!",
- 'acl'=>AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC,#对对象进行权限分配
- ));
- echo "create file hello.txt and assign public authority to it \n";
- $ret=$s3->create_object($bucketname, 'upload.jpg', array(
- 'fileUpload' => dirname(__FILE__)."/j01.png",
- 'acl'=>AmazonS3::ACL_PUBLIC,#对对象进行权限分配
- ));
- echo "return url:".$ret->header['_info']['url'],"\n";
- echo "upload file j01.png and assign public authority to it \n";
- #=========================set_object_acl 对对象进行权限更改====================
- echo str_repeat("=", 30)."set_object_acl:".$bucketname.str_repeat("=", 30)."\n";
- $s3->set_object_acl($bucketname,"hello.txt", AmazonS3::ACL_PRIVATE);
- echo "change file hello.txt authority \n";
- #=========================list_objects====================
- $ObjectsListResponse = $s3->list_objects($bucketname);
- $Objects = $ObjectsListResponse->body->Contents;
- echo str_repeat("=", 30)."list_objects:".$bucketname.str_repeat("=", 30)."\n";
- foreach ($Objects as $Object) {
- echo $Object->Key . "\t" . $Object->Size . "\t" . $Object->LastModified . "\n";
- }
- #=========================get_object_url 获取url====================
- echo str_repeat("=", 30)."get_object_url:".$bucketname.str_repeat("=", 30)."\n";
- $secret_url = $s3->get_object_url($bucketname, 'j02.jpg', '1 hour');
- echo $secret_url . "\n";
- #=========================DOWNLOAD AN OBJECT====================
- #This downloads the object upload.jpg and saves it in d:/
- $FileHandle = fopen('d:/upload.jpg', 'w+');
- $s3->get_object($bucketname, 'upload.jpg', array(
- 'fileDownload' => $FileHandle,
- ));
- #=========================delete_object====================
- echo str_repeat("=", 30)."delete_object".str_repeat("=", 30)."\n";
- $s3->delete_object($bucketname, 'hello.txt');
- #=========================delete_bucket====================
- echo str_repeat("=", 30)."delete_bucket".str_repeat("=", 30)."\n";
- $ret=$s3->delete_bucket($bucketname, 1); #This will delete the bucket even if it is not empty.
- echo print_r($ret,1),"\n";
sdk.class.php library下载地址:
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