The main reasons why hydraulic motors have this symmetrical internal structure are as follows: The     Hydraulic Motor manufacturers    states:


1. Because this product is in use, it needs to be able to achieve forward and reverse. In order to achieve such a rotation, it is necessary to be symmetrical in the internal structure, otherwise it can only be forwarded like a hydraulic pump, and cannot be reversed.


2. Because the application has different operation requirements for the hydraulic motor than the hydraulic pump, it only needs to perform the forward rotation, but it needs to realize the two different rotations of forward rotation and reverse rotation, so the internal structure will be Unlike the requirements of hydraulic pumps, it requires both internal structural symmetry.


Summary: The internal structure of the hydraulic motor is symmetrical, because when you use the product, you need to realize the two different rotations of forward rotation and reverse rotation by virtue of the symmetrical internal structure.

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