“Live Desktop” pays attention to your privacy protection. Sometimes we need some information to provide you with the services you requested, and this privacy statement explains the data collection and use in these cases. This privacy statement applies to all relevant services of the Live Desktop APP application product.
Collection of your personal information
We will ask for your permission when we need information that can identify you (personal information) or can contact you.
Control your personal information
“In the” Live Desktop or comply with the legal requirements of the relevant “Live Desktop” terms of service, software licensing agreement to disclose any of your personal information, or have good reason to believe that this was necessary to: (a) to meet the legal regulations, or in conformity with the “theme” of the application of the law applicable to the store the program; (b) in accordance with the relevant terms of service “Live Desktop”, software license agreement; (c) protection “Live Desktop” rights or property, and (d) in case of emergency protection “theme”, “Live Desktop store employees” product or service users or public personal safety.
The Live Desktop will not share the information without permission from the third party, except for the conditions listed in this statement.
The security of your personal information
Strictly protect the security of your personal information. We use a variety of security technologies and procedures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure. If you have any doubt about our privacy protection, please leave a message under this Agreement and we will contact you in time.
About Disclaimer
The Live Desktop is not liable for any of the following:
1. Live Desktops provide your personal information in accordance with the law or the requirements of the relevant government;
2. non personal information leakage due to Live Desktop;
3. any dispute arising from the use of your personal information by any third party under the terms and conditions stated in the Live Desktop;
4. any temporary service caused by hacker attack, computer virus invasion or government control;
5. any consequence caused by force majeure;
6. exemptions from the terms and conditions of the “theme shop” in each of the terms of service and statements.
Privacy statement amendment:
The privacy statement will be amended as required. We recommend that users regularly surf the Internet to see the latest privacy policies in terms of use. As soon as any future terms are updated, we will not take the initiative to remind the user and will not backtrack to what happened before, without changing the way we dealt with the data we collected.

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