if (!function_exists('bccomp')) {

* 支持正数和负数的比较
* ++ -- +-
* @param $numOne
* @param $numTwo
* @param null $scale
* @return int|string
function bccomp($numOne, $numTwo, $scale = null)
if (!preg_match("/^([+-]?)\d+(\.\d+)?$/", $numOne, $numOneSign) ||
!preg_match("/^([+-]?)\d+(\.\d+)?$/", $numTwo, $numTwoSign)
) {
return '0';
} $signOne = $numOneSign[1] === '-' ? '-' : '+';
$signTwo = $numTwoSign[1] === '-' ? '-' : '+'; if ($signOne !== $signTwo) { //异号
if ($signOne === '-' && $signTwo === '+') {
return -1;
} else if ($signOne === '+' && $signTwo === '-') {
return 1;
} else {
return '0';
} else { //同号
if ($signOne === "-" && $signTwo === '-') {
$numOne = abs($numOne);
$numTwo = abs($numTwo);
$flag = bccompPositiveNum($numOne, $numTwo, $scale);
if ($flag === 0) {
return 0;
} else if ($flag === 1) {
return -1;
} else if ($flag === -1) {
return 1;
} else {
return '0';
} else { //两个正数比较
return bccompPositiveNum($numOne, $numTwo, $scale);
} if (!function_exists('bccompPositiveNum')) {
* 比较正数的大小写问题
* @param $numOne
* @param $numTwo
* @param null $scale
* @return int|string
function bccompPositiveNum($numOne, $numTwo, $scale = null)
// check if they're valid positive numbers, extract the whole numbers and decimals
if (!preg_match("/^\+?(\d+)(\.\d+)?$/", $numOne, $tmpOne) ||
!preg_match("/^\+?(\d+)(\.\d+)?$/", $numTwo, $tmpTwo)
) {
return '0';
} // remove leading zeroes from whole numbers
$numOne = ltrim($tmpOne[1], '0');
$numTwo = ltrim($tmpTwo[1], '0'); // first, we can just check the lengths of the numbers, this can help save processing time
// if $numOne is longer than $numTwo, return 1.. vice versa with the next step.
if (strlen($numOne) > strlen($numTwo)) {
return 1;
} else {
if (strlen($numOne) < strlen($numTwo)) {
return -1;
} // if the two numbers are of equal length, we check digit-by-digit
else { // remove ending zeroes from decimals and remove point
$Dec1 = isset($tmpOne[2]) ? rtrim(substr($tmpOne[2], 1), '0') : '';
$Dec2 = isset($tmpTwo[2]) ? rtrim(substr($tmpTwo[2], 1), '0') : ''; // if the user defined $scale, then make sure we use that only
if ($scale != null) {
$Dec1 = substr($Dec1, 0, $scale);
$Dec2 = substr($Dec2, 0, $scale);
} // calculate the longest length of decimals
$DLen = max(strlen($Dec1), strlen($Dec2)); // append the padded decimals onto the end of the whole numbers
$numOne .= str_pad($Dec1, $DLen, '0');
$numTwo .= str_pad($Dec2, $DLen, '0'); // check digit-by-digit, if they have a difference, return 1 or -1 (greater/lower than)
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($numOne); ++$i) {
if ((int)$numOne{$i} > (int)$numTwo{$i}) {
return 1;
} elseif ((int)$numOne{$i} < (int)$numTwo{$i}) {
return -1;
} // if the two numbers have no difference (they're the same).. return 0
return 0;

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