

package com.ebizwindow.crm.utils;

import java.util.List;

import com.ebizwindow.crm.constants.SqlConst;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.constants.TableConst;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.model.TableDefinition;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.portlet.base.SystemStatus;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.service.OpportunityLocalServiceUtil;
import com.ebizwindow.crm.service.TableDefinitionLocalServiceUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.StringPool;

public class SQLUtil {
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_CREATEUSERID = "createUserId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_EDITUSERID = "editUserId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_AUDITUSERID = "auditUserId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_CLOSEUSERID = "closeUserId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_CONFIRMUSERID = "confirmUserId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_REQUESTUSERID = "requestUserId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_EXECUTORID = "executorId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_SUBMITUSERID = "submitUserId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_OWNERID = "ownerId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_UPID = "upId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_CUSTOMERID = "customerId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_CONTACTID = "contactId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_CONTRACTID = "contractId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_OPPORTUNITYID = "opportunityId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_QUOTATIONID = "quotationId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_CLUEID = "clueId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_ACTIVITYID = "activityId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_MARKETID = "marketId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_SALESTEMPLATEID = "salesTemplateId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_DEPARTMENTID = "departmentId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_PRODUCTID = "productId";
    private static final String PK_COLUMN_PROJECTID = "projectId";

public static String getQueryValue(String queryValue, String columnName, long companyId) throws SystemException {
        String results = StringPool.BLANK;
        String query = StringPool.BLANK;
        if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CREATEUSERID)
                || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_EDITUSERID)
                || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_AUDITUSERID)
                || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_OWNERID)
                || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CLOSEUSERID)
                || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CONFIRMUSERID)
                || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_REQUESTUSERID)
                || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_SUBMITUSERID)
                || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_EXECUTORID) ) {

query = "select userId from User_ where firstName like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_UPID) || columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CUSTOMERID)) {
            query = "select customerId from CRM_Customer where chineseName like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CONTACTID)) {
            query = "select contactId from CRM_Contact where chineseName like '%" + queryValue + "%'";

} else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_MARKETID)) {
            query = "select marketId from CRM_Market where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CLUEID)) {
            query = "select clueId from CRM_Clue where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_OPPORTUNITYID)) {
            query = "select opportunityId from CRM_Opportunity where topic like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_QUOTATIONID)) {
            query = "select quotationId from CRM_Quotation where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_CONTRACTID)) {
            query = "select contractId from CRM_Contract where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_ACTIVITYID)) {
            query = "select activityId from CRM_Activity where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_SALESTEMPLATEID)) {
            query = "select salesTemplateId from CRM_SalesTemplate where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_PRODUCTID)) {
            query = "select productId from CRM_Product where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'";
        } else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_DEPARTMENTID)) {
            query = "select departmentId from OPERATOR_Department where departmentName like '%" + queryValue + "%'";

} else if (columnName.equals(PK_COLUMN_PROJECTID)) {
            query = "select projectId from CRM_Project where name like '%" + queryValue + "%'";

        query += " and companyId = '" + companyId + "'";
        List<Long> entityIDs = OpportunityLocalServiceUtil.searchBySQLQueryString(query, -1, -1);
        String entityIDsStr = entityIDs.toString();
        results = StringPool.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + entityIDsStr.subSequence(1, entityIDsStr.length() - 1) + StringPool.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS;

return results;
    //private static Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(BasePortlet.class);

public static String symbolToString(String symbol, String value) {
        String str = StringPool.BLANK;
        if (!symbol.equals(StringPool.BLANK)) {
            if (symbol.equals("eq") || symbol.equals(StringPool.EQUAL)) {

str = " = '" + value + "'";

} else if (symbol.equals("gt") || symbol.equals(StringPool.GREATER_THAN)) {

str = " > '" + value + "'";

} else if (symbol.equals("lt") || symbol.equals(StringPool.LESS_THAN)) {

str = " < '" + value + "'";

} else if (symbol.equals("gteq") || symbol.equals(StringPool.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {

str = " >= '" + value + "'";

} else if (symbol.equals("lteq") || symbol.equals(StringPool.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL)) {

str = " <= '" + value + "'";

} else if (symbol.equals("ne") || symbol.equals(StringPool.NOT_EQUAL)) {

str = " <> '" + value + "'";

} else if (symbol.equals("c")) {

str = " like '%" + value + "%'";

} else if (symbol.equals("sl")) {

str = " like '" + value + "%'";
            } else if (symbol.equals("sr")) {

str = " like '%" + value + "'";

} else if (symbol.equals("nn")) {

str = " <> '' ";

} else if (symbol.equals("n")) {

str = " = '' ";
            } else if (symbol.equals("isn")) {

str = " is null ";
            } else if (symbol.equals("!eq")) {
                str = " != '" + value + "'";
            } else if (symbol.equals("tc")) {
                str = " in " + value + " ";
        } else {
            str = " = '' ";
        return str;

public static String getActivitySQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("select activity.activityId from CRM_Activity activity where (activity.executorId in ")
            .append(" or activity.createUserId in ")
        return sb.toString();
    public static String getCustomerSQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select customer.customerId from CRM_Customer customer where 1=1 and (customer.ownerId in "
            + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId, TableConst.CUSTOMER) + ")";
        return sql;

public static String getCustomerSQL4Dialog(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select customer.customerId from CRM_Customer customer where customer.ownerId = '" + userId + "'";
        return sql;
    public static String getContactSQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select contact.contactId from CRM_Contact contact where (contact.ownerId in "
            + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.CONTACT) + ")";
        return sql;
    public static String getContactTop10SQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select contact.contactId from CRM_Contact contact where (contact.ownerId in "
                + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.CONTACT) + ") order by contact.createDate limit 10 ";
        return sql;

public static String getContractSQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select contract.contractId from CRM_Contract contract where (contract.ownerId in "
                + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.CONTRACT) + ")";
        return sql;
    public static String getMarketSQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select market.marketId from CRM_Market market where (market.ownerId in "
                + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.MARKET)  + ")";
        return sql;

public static String getClueSQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select clue.clueId from CRM_Clue clue where (clue.ownerId in "
            + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.CLUE) + ") and clue.auditStatus='"+SystemStatus.Audit.getStatus()+"'";
        return sql;
    public static String getOpportunitySQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select opportunity.opportunityId from CRM_Opportunity opportunity where (opportunity.ownerId in "
            + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.OPPORTUNITY) + ")";
        return sql;

public static String getOpportunityTop10SQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select opportunity.opportunityId from CRM_Opportunity opportunity where (opportunity.ownerId in "
                + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.OPPORTUNITY) + ") order by opportunity.createDate limit 10";
        return sql;

public static String getQuotationSQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select quotation.quotationId from CRM_Quotation quotation where (quotation.ownerId in "
                + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.QUOTATION) + ")";
        return sql;
    public static String getOrderSQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select order_.orderId from CRM_Order order_ where (order_.ownerId in "
            + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.ORDER) + ")";
        return sql;

public static String getProductSQL(long companyId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select product.productId from CRM_Product product where product.companyId = '" + companyId + "'";
        return sql;

public static String getProjectSQL(long companyId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select project.projectId from CRM_Project project where project.companyId = '" + companyId + "'";
        return sql;

public static String getRPlanSQL(long userId) throws SystemException {
        String sql = "select receivablesPlan.receivablesPlanId from CRM_ReceivablesPlan receivablesPlan where (receivablesPlan.ownerId in "
             + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.RPLAN) + ")";
        return sql;
    public static String getRRecordSQL(long userId) throws SystemException{
        String sql = "select receivablesRecord.receivablesRecordId from CRM_ReceivablesRecord receivablesRecord where (receivablesRecord.ownerId in "
             + OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.RRECORD) + ")";
        return sql;
    public static String getCreditRightsSQL(long userId) throws SystemException{
        String sql = "select credit.CRId from CR_CreditRights credit where (credit.ownerId in " +
            OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(userId,TableConst.CreditRights)+" ) ";
        return sql;
    public static String getOperatorSQL(long departmentId) throws SystemException{
        //select operator.operatorId from Operator_operator as operator where operator.departmentId in (204);
        String sql = "select operator.operatorId from Operator_operator as operator where (operator.operatorId in "+OperatorUtil.searchViewOperatorIds(departmentId,TableConst.OPERATOR_Operator)+")";
        return sql;

public static String getSQLBeginningByTableDefinitionId(long tableDefinitionId) throws PortalException, SystemException {
        String result = "";
        TableDefinition tableDefinition = TableDefinitionLocalServiceUtil.getTableDefinition(tableDefinitionId);
        String tableName = tableDefinition.getTableName();
        if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Customer)) {
            result = SqlConst.CUSTOMER_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Customer)) {
            result = SqlConst.CUSTOMER_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Contact)) {
            result = SqlConst.CONTACT_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Market)) {
            result = SqlConst.MARKET_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Clue)) {
            result = SqlConst.CLUE_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Activity)) {
            result = SqlConst.ACTIVITY_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Opportunity)) {
            result = SqlConst.OPPORTUNITY_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Quotation)) {
            result = SqlConst.QUOTATION_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Contract)) {
            result = SqlConst.CONTRACT_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else if (tableName.equals(TableConst.CRM_Product)) {
            result = SqlConst.PRODUCT_SQL_BEGINNING;
        } else {
            result = SqlConst.CUSTOMER_SQL_BEGINNING;
        return result;
    public static String filterQuery(String columnName){
        if (columnName.equals("type") || columnName.equals("code")) {
            return columnName + StringPool.UNDERLINE;
        } else {
            return columnName;
    //private static Log _log = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(SQLUtil.class);





package com.ebizwindow.operator.service.persistence;

import java.util.List;

import com.ebizwindow.operator.model.Operator;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Query;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.QueryUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.SQLQuery;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.dao.orm.Session;
import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.SystemException;
import com.liferay.portal.service.persistence.impl.BasePersistenceImpl;

public class OperatorFinderImpl extends BasePersistenceImpl<Operator> implements OperatorFinder{

    public List<Long> findBySQLQueryString(String queryString, int start,
            int end) throws SystemException {
        List<Long> list = null;
        if (list == null) {
            Session session = null;
            try {
                session = openSession();
                SQLQuery q = session.createSQLQuery(queryString);
                list = (List<Long>) QueryUtil.list(q, getDialect(), start, end);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new SystemException(e);
            } finally {
        return list;
    public List<Operator> findOperators(String queryString,int start,int end,String name,String role) throws SystemException{
        List<Operator> list = null;
        if (list == null) {
            Session session = null;
                session = openSession();
                Query query = session.createQuery(queryString);
                query.setString(0, name);
                query.setString(1, role);
                list = (List) QueryUtil.list(query, getDialect(), start, end);
            }catch(Exception e){
                throw new SystemException(e);
        return list;


else if(actionName.equals("operator.search")) {//查询的方法
                    String name = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "customer_name",StringPool.BLANK);
                    //select * from operator_operator as operator where operator.roleId in
                    //(select roleId from operator_role where roleName like "%员%" ) and operator.name like "%张妍妍%";
                    String role = ParamUtil.getString(actionRequest, "customer_role",StringPool.BLANK);
                    long departmentId = ParamUtil.getLong(actionRequest, "departmentId", 0L);
                    //根据id,用逗号隔开select roleId from operator_role where roleName like "%员%";
                    String idsql = "select roleId from OPERATOR_Role where roleName like '%" + role + "%'";
                    List<Long> ids = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchBySQLQueryString(idsql, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS);
                    String strsql = ids.toString();
                    String ss = StringPool.OPEN_PARENTHESIS + strsql.subSequence(1, strsql.length() - 1)+ StringPool.CLOSE_PARENTHESIS;
                    StringBuffer query = new StringBuffer();
                    query.append("select operator.operatorId from ");
                    query.append(" as operator ");
                    query.append(" where 1=1 ");
                    if (!"".equals(role) &&!ss.equals("()")) {
                        query.append(" and ");
                        query.append(" operator.roleId in ");
                    if (!"".equals(name)) {
                        query.append(" and ");
                        query.append("operator.name ");
                        query.append(" like '%");
                    if (departmentId != 0) {
                        List<Operator> alloperator =  getOperatorByDepartmentId(departmentId);
                        String operatorids = "(";
                        for (int i = 0;i<alloperator.size();i++) {
                            if (i != alloperator.size()-1) {
                        query.append(" and ");
                        query.append(" operator.operatorId in ");
                    actionRequest.setAttribute("customer_name", name);
                    actionRequest.setAttribute("customer_role", role);
                    forward = "/jsp/operator/operator-list.jsp";

    private void listOperator(PortletRequest portletRequest,String query) throws PortalException, SystemException {
        List<Long> operatorIds = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.searchBySQLQueryString(query, QueryUtil.ALL_POS, QueryUtil.ALL_POS);//查找所有的
        List<Operator> operators = new ArrayList<Operator>();
        for (int i = 0;i<operatorIds.size();i++) {
            Long operatorId = Long.valueOf(String.valueOf(operatorIds.get(i)));
            Operator operator = OperatorLocalServiceUtil.getOperator(operatorId);
        portletRequest.setAttribute("operators", operators);


function search(){
        var url ='<%=searchCustomerURL %>';
        var customerName = $("input[name='customer_name']").val();
        var customerRole = $("input[name='customer_role']").val();
        $.get(url, {customer_name:customerName,customer_role:customerRole}, function(response) {
            if (response.length > 0) {

<portlet:actionURL var="searchCustomerURL" windowState="<%=LiferayWindowState.EXCLUSIVE.toString() %>">
        <portlet:param name="operation" value="operator.search"/>
        <portlet:param name="departmentId" value="<%=String.valueOf(departmentId) %>"/>

<div class="list-wrapper">
        <div id="searchCustomer" align="right">
            姓名&nbsp;<input class="" id="aui_3_4_0_1_2004" name="customer_name" id = "customer_name" type="text" value="<%=name %>">
            角色&nbsp;<input class="" id="aui_3_4_0_1_1962" name="customer_role" id = "customer_role" type="text" value = "<%=roleName %>">
            <input value="搜索" type="button" onclick="search();">



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  1. Sencha Touch 扩展集合

    https://market.sencha.com/extensions http://try.sencha.com/touch/2.1.0/ http://www.mitchellsimoens.c ...

  2. VMware ESXI5.5 Memories limits resolved soluation.

    在使用VMware ESXI5.5 的时候提示内存限制了,在网上找的了解决方案: 如下文: 1. Boot from VMware ESXi 5.5; 2. wait "Welcome to ...

  3. 在ubuntu中安装rpm包

    Ubuntu的软件包格式是deb,如果要安装rpm的包,则要先用alien把rpm转换成deb. sudo apt-get install alien #alien默认没有安装,所以首先要安装它 su ...

  4. Protocol Buffers java

    Protocol Buffers https://developers.google.cn/protocol-buffers/ 一. 例 addressbook.proto. syntax = &qu ...

  5. Linux下常用命令wget的使用技巧

    Linux下wget是一个下载文件的工具,它用在命令行下.对于Linux用户是必不可少的工具,尤其对于网络管理员 经常要下载一些软件或从远程服务器恢复备份到本地服务器.如果我们使用虚拟主机,处理这样的 ...

  6. 【CF819C】Mister B and Beacons on Field 数学

    [CF819C]Mister B and Beacons on Field 题意:外星人盯上了Farmer Jack的农场!我们假设FJ的农场是一个二维直角坐标系,FJ的家在原点.外星人向FJ的农场上 ...

  7. yii的安装

    1.安装composer windows系统直接下载Composer-Setup.exe 运行安装. 2.安装Composer asset plugin composer安装完成后,在一个可通过web ...

  8. js模拟点击打开超链接

    js模拟点击打开超链接,页面上有一些锚文本,如果用 JS 批量在新窗口打开. jquery示例: <div class="link"> <a href=" ...

  9. CodeForce 832A Sasha and Sticks

    A. Sasha and Sticks time limit per test2 seconds memory limit per test256 megabytes inputstandard in ...

  10. HOJ 2133&POJ 2964 Tourist(动态规划)

    Tourist Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 65536K Total Submissions: 1503 Accepted: 617 Description A ...