

package com.ietree.base.initialization;

// 在类的内部,变量定义的先后顺序决定了初始化的顺序。即使变量定义散布于方法定义之间,它们仍旧会在任何方法(包括构造器)被调用之前得到初始化。
class Window
Window(int maker)
System.out.println("Window(" + maker + ")");
} class House
System.out.println("House()"); //
w3 = new Window(33); //
} Window w1 = new Window(1); // Window w2 = new Window(2); // void f()
System.out.println("f()"); //
Window w4 = new Window(4); //
} Window w3 = new Window(3); //
} // output:
// Window(1)
// Window(2)
// Window(3)
// House()
// Window(33)
// f()
// Window(4)
public class OrderOfInitialization
public static void main(String[] args)
House h = new House();
h.f(); //


package com.ietree.base.staticintialization;

* 初始化的顺序是先静态对象,而后是“非静态”对象,构造器可以看成是静态方法。
class Bowl
public Bowl(int marker)
System.out.println("Bowl(" + marker + ")");
} void f1(int marker)
System.out.println("f1(" + marker + ")");
} class Table
static Bowl bowl1 = new Bowl(1); // public Table()
System.out.println("Table()"); //
bowl2.f1(1); //
} void f2(int marker)
System.out.println("f2(" + marker + ")");
} static Bowl bowl2 = new Bowl(2); //
} class Cupboard
Bowl bowl3 = new Bowl(3); //9 //14 // static Bowl bowl4 = new Bowl(4); // public Cupboard()
System.out.println("Cupboard()");//10 //15 //
bowl4.f1(2);//11 //16 //
} void f3(int marker)
System.out.println("f3(" + marker + ")");
} static Bowl bowl5 = new Bowl(5); //
} //output:
//Creating new Cupboard() in main
//Creating new Cupboard() in main
public class StaticIntialization
public static void main(String[] args)
System.out.println("Creating new Cupboard() in main");//
new Cupboard();//
System.out.println("Creating new Cupboard() in main");
new Cupboard(); //
table.f2(1); //
} static Table table = new Table(); // static Cupboard cupboard = new Cupboard(); //


package com.ietree.base.reuseclass.extendskey;

class Art
System.out.println("Art constructor"); //
} class Drawing extends Art
System.out.println("Drawing constructor"); //
} // output:
// Art constructor
// Drawing constructor
// Cartoon constructor
public class Cartoon extends Drawing
public Cartoon()
System.out.println("Cartoon constructor"); //
} public static void main(String[] args)
Cartoon x = new Cartoon(); //


package com.ietree.base.reuseclass.hide;

class Homer
char doh(char c)
return 'd';
} float doh(float f)
return 1.0f;
} class Milhouse
} class Bart extends Homer
void doh(Milhouse m)
} public class Hide
public static void main(String[] args)
Bart b = new Bart();
b.doh(new Milhouse());
// output:
// doh(float)
// doh(char)
// doh(Milhouse)


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