LeetCode 30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words(确定包含所有子串的起始下标)
package leetcode_50; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map; /***
* @author pengfei_zheng
* 匹配words所有元素
*/ public class Solution30 {
public List<Integer> findSubstring(String s, String[] words) {
List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int wordLength = words[0].length(), patternLength = wordLength * words.length;
if (patternLength > s.length()) {
return result;
// array[0] stores the word count in the given pattern
// array[1] stores the word count in the actual string
int[][] wordCountArr = new int[2][words.length]; // This map is used to maintain the index of the above array
Map<String, Integer> wordCountIndexMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // storing the word counts in the given patter. array[0] is populated
for (int i = 0, idx = 0; i < words.length; i++) {
if (wordCountIndexMap.containsKey(words[i])) {
} else {
wordCountIndexMap.put(words[i], idx);
} // this is required to cover use case when the given string first letter
// doesnt corresponds to any matching word.
for (int linearScan = 0; linearScan < wordLength; linearScan++) {
int left = linearScan, right = linearScan, last = s.length() - wordLength, wordMatchCount = words.length; // reset word counts for the given string
Arrays.fill(wordCountArr[1], 0); // this logic same as minimum window problem
while (right <= last) {
while (wordMatchCount > 0 && right <= last) {
String subStr = s.substring(right, right + wordLength);
if (wordCountIndexMap.containsKey(subStr)) {
int idx = wordCountIndexMap.get(subStr);
if (wordCountArr[0][idx] >= wordCountArr[1][idx]) {
} right += wordLength;
} while (wordMatchCount == 0 && left < right) {
String subStr = s.substring(left, left + wordLength);
if (wordCountIndexMap.containsKey(subStr)) {
// this check is done to make sure the sub string has
// only the given words.
if ((right - left) == patternLength) {
} int idx = wordCountIndexMap.get(subStr);
// if this condition is satisfied, that means now we
// need to find the removed word in the remaining string
if (--wordCountArr[1][idx] < wordCountArr[0][idx]) {
} left += wordLength;
} return result;
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