Define your service using Protocol Buffers, a powerful binary serialization toolset and language
记得要把Update a gRPC service
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compile 'io.grpc:grpc-netty:1.4.0' compile 'io.grpc:grpc-protobuf:1.4.0' compile 'io.grpc:grpc-stub:1.4.0'
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apply plugin: 'java' apply plugin: ''
buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { // ASSUMES GRADLE 2.12 OR HIGHER. Use plugin version 0.7.5 with earlier // gradle versions classpath '' } }
protobuf { protoc { artifact = "" } plugins { grpc { artifact = 'io.grpc:protoc-gen-grpc-java:1.4.0' } } generateProtoTasks { all()*.plugins { grpc {} } } }
The Gradle plugin that compiles Protocol Buffer (aka. Protobuf) definition files (*.proto) in your project. There are two pieces of its job:
- It assembles the Protobuf Compiler (protoc) command line and use it to generate Java source files out of your proto files.
- It adds the generated Java source files to the input of the corresponding Java compilation unit (sourceSet in a Java project; variant in an Android project), so that they can be compiled along with your Java sources.
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syntax = "proto3";
package com.sail.proto;
option java_package = "com.sail.proto"; option java_outer_classname = "StudentProto"; option java_multiple_files = true;
service StudentService { rpc GetRealNameByUsername(MyRequest) returns (MyResponse) {}
rpc GetStudentsByAge(StudentRequest) returns (stream StudentResponse) {}
rpc GetStudentsWrapperByAges(stream StudentRequest) returns (StudentResponseList) {}
rpc BiTalk(stream StreamRequest) returns (stream StreamResponse) {} }
message MyRequest { string username = 1; }
message MyResponse { string realname = 2; }
message StudentRequest { int32 age = 1; }
message StudentResponse { string name = 1; int32 age = 2; string city = 3; }
message StudentResponseList { repeated StudentResponse studentResponse = 1; }
message StreamRequest { string request_info = 1; }
message StreamResponse { string response_info = 1; }
然后执行gradle generateProto
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package com.sail.grpc;
import com.sail.proto.*; import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver;
import java.util.UUID;
/** * @author yangfan * @date 2017/08/01 */ public class StudentServiceImpl extends StudentServiceGrpc.StudentServiceImplBase {
@Override public void getRealNameByUsername(MyRequest request, StreamObserver<MyResponse> responseObserver) { System.out.println("接收到客户端信息: " + request.getUsername()); responseObserver.onNext(MyResponse.newBuilder().setRealname("张三").build()); responseObserver.onCompleted(); }
/** * 接收StudentRequest参数 * 返回stream的StudentResponse */ @Override public void getStudentsByAge(StudentRequest request, StreamObserver<StudentResponse> responseObserver) { System.out.println("接收到客户端信息:" + request.getAge());
responseObserver.onNext(StudentResponse.newBuilder().setName("张三").setAge(20).setCity("北京").build()); responseObserver.onNext(StudentResponse.newBuilder().setName("李四").setAge(30).setCity("天津").build()); responseObserver.onNext(StudentResponse.newBuilder().setName("王五").setAge(40).setCity("成都").build()); responseObserver.onNext(StudentResponse.newBuilder().setName("赵六").setAge(50).setCity("深圳").build());
responseObserver.onCompleted(); }
/** * 接收stream的StudentRequest参数 * 返回StudentResponseList */ @Override public StreamObserver<StudentRequest> getStudentsWrapperByAges(StreamObserver<StudentResponseList> responseObserver) { return new StreamObserver<StudentRequest>() {
@Override public void onNext(StudentRequest value) { System.out.println("onNext: " + value.getAge()); }
@Override public void onError(Throwable t) { System.out.println(t.getMessage()); }
@Override public void onCompleted() { StudentResponse studentResponse = StudentResponse.newBuilder().setName("张三").setAge(20).setCity("西安").build(); StudentResponse studentResponse2 = StudentResponse.newBuilder().setName("李四").setAge(30).setCity("成都").build();
StudentResponseList studentResponseList = StudentResponseList.newBuilder() .addStudentResponse(studentResponse).addStudentResponse(studentResponse2).build();
responseObserver.onNext(studentResponseList); responseObserver.onCompleted(); } }; }
/** * 双向流式数据传递 */ @Override public StreamObserver<StreamRequest> biTalk(StreamObserver<StreamResponse> responseObserver) { return new StreamObserver<StreamRequest>() { @Override public void onNext(StreamRequest value) { System.out.println(value.getRequestInfo());
responseObserver.onNext(StreamResponse.newBuilder().setResponseInfo(UUID.randomUUID().toString()).build()); }
@Override public void onError(Throwable t) { System.out.println(t.getMessage()); }
@Override public void onCompleted() { responseObserver.onCompleted(); } }; } }
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package com.sail.grpc;
import io.grpc.Server; import io.grpc.ServerBuilder;
/** * @author yangfan * @date 2017/08/01 */ public class GrpcServer {
private Server server;
private void start() throws IOException { this.server = ServerBuilder.forPort(8899).addService(new StudentServiceImpl()).build().start(); System.out.println("server started!");
// 这里在关闭JVM的时候会执行JVM回调钩子 Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread(() -> { System.out.println("关闭jvm"); GrpcServer.this.stop(); }));
System.out.println("执行到这里"); }
private void stop() { if (server != null) { this.server.shutdown(); } }
private void awaitTermination() throws InterruptedException { if (server != null) { this.server.awaitTermination(); } }
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
GrpcServer grpcServer = new GrpcServer(); grpcServer.start(); grpcServer.awaitTermination();
} }
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package com.sail.grpc;
import com.sail.proto.*; import io.grpc.ManagedChannel; import io.grpc.ManagedChannelBuilder; import io.grpc.stub.StreamObserver;
import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.Iterator;
/** * @author yangfan * @date 2017/08/01 */ public class GrpcClient { public static void main(String[] args) { ManagedChannel managedChannel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8899) .usePlaintext(true).build();
StudentServiceGrpc.StudentServiceBlockingStub blockingStub = StudentServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(managedChannel); StudentServiceGrpc.StudentServiceStub stub = StudentServiceGrpc.newStub(managedChannel); MyResponse myResponse = blockingStub.getRealNameByUsername(MyRequest.newBuilder().setUsername("zhangsan").build());
Iterator<StudentResponse> iter = blockingStub.getStudentsByAge(StudentRequest.newBuilder().setAge(20).build());
while (iter.hasNext()) { StudentResponse studentResponse =;
System.out.println(studentResponse.getName() + ", " + studentResponse.getAge() + ", " + studentResponse.getCity());
// getStudentsWrapperByAges的调用代码
StreamObserver<StudentResponseList> studentResponseListStreamObserver = new StreamObserver<StudentResponseList>() { @Override public void onNext(StudentResponseList value) { value.getStudentResponseList().forEach(studentResponse -> { System.out.println(studentResponse.getName() + ", " + studentResponse.getAge() + ", " + studentResponse.getCity()); System.out.println("*******"); }); }
@Override public void onError(Throwable t) { System.out.println(t.getMessage()); }
@Override public void onCompleted() { System.out.println("completed!"); } };
// 只要客户端是以流式发送请求,那么一定是异步的 StreamObserver<StudentRequest> studentRequestStreamObserver = stub.getStudentsWrapperByAges(studentResponseListStreamObserver); // 发送多条数据 studentRequestStreamObserver.onNext(StudentRequest.newBuilder().setAge(20).build()); studentRequestStreamObserver.onNext(StudentRequest.newBuilder().setAge(30).build()); studentRequestStreamObserver.onNext(StudentRequest.newBuilder().setAge(40).build()); studentRequestStreamObserver.onNext(StudentRequest.newBuilder().setAge(50).build()); studentRequestStreamObserver.onCompleted();
// 以上代码是没有输出结果的,因为stub是异步的,所以当执行完onCompleted的时候程序就已经结束了,还没有来得及发送请求 // 现在加入以下代码,让程序多运行一会 try { Thread.sleep(50000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
// 双向数据流的调用
StreamObserver<StreamRequest> requestStreamObserver = stub.biTalk(new StreamObserver<StreamResponse>() { @Override public void onNext(StreamResponse value) { System.out.println(value.getResponseInfo()); }
@Override public void onError(Throwable t) { System.out.println(t.getMessage()); }
@Override public void onCompleted() { System.out.println("onCompleted!"); } });
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { requestStreamObserver.onNext(StreamRequest.newBuilder().setRequestInfo(; try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
} }
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