
这一次,就通过MongoDB shell介绍一下对文档的增删改操作。


接着上一篇文章,打开一个MongoDB shell。

通过“show dbs”可以看到所有的数据库。然后我们通过“use blog”切换到blog数据库来开始下面的演示。


  1. 1 C:\mongodb\bin>mongo.exe
  2. 2 MongoDB shell version: 2.4.6
  3. 3 connecting to: test
  4. 4 > show dbs
  5. 5 local 0.078125GB
  6. 6 >
  7. 7 > use blog
  8. 8 switched to db blog
  9. 9 >
  10. 10 > db
  11. 11 blog
  12. 12 >


  1. > post1 = {"title":"learn MongoDB", "author":"Wilber", "date":new Date()}
  2. {
  3. "title" : "learn MongoDB",
  4. "author" : "Wilber",
  5. "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T06:19:32.556Z")
  6. }
  7. > db.blog.posts.insert(post1)
  8. > db.blog.posts.find()
  9. { "_id" : ObjectId("5479657a421b7f1536cfb1f7"), "title" : "learn MongoDB", "author" : "Wilber", "date" : ISODate("2014-1
  10. -29T06::.556Z") }
  11. > show collections
  12. blog.posts
  13. system.indexes
  14. >


  1. post2 = {"title":"learn English", "author":"Will", "date":new Date()}
  2. post3 = {"title":"learn C#", "author":"Li", "date":new Date()}
  3. post4 = {"title":"learn SQL", "author":"July", "date":new Date()}



  1. > db.blog.posts.remove()
  2. > db.blog.posts.find()
  3. >


  1. > db.blog.posts.find()
  2. { "_id" : ObjectId("547967c1421b7f1536cfb1fe"), "title" : "learn MongoDB", "author" : "Wilber", "date" : ISODate("2014-1
  3. -29T06::.318Z") }
  4. { "_id" : ObjectId("547967c1421b7f1536cfb1ff"), "title" : "learn English", "author" : "Will", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-
  5. 29T06::.349Z") }
  6. { "_id" : ObjectId("547967c1421b7f1536cfb200"), "title" : "learn C#", "author" : "Li", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T06:2
  7. :.365Z") }
  8. { "_id" : ObjectId("547967c2421b7f1536cfb201"), "title" : "learn SQL", "author" : "July", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T0
  9. ::.380Z") }
  10. >
  11. >
  12. > db.blog.posts.remove({"author":"Will"})
  13. > db.blog.posts.find()
  14. { "_id" : ObjectId("547967c1421b7f1536cfb1fe"), "title" : "learn MongoDB", "author" : "Wilber", "date" : ISODate("2014-1
  15. -29T06::.318Z") }
  16. { "_id" : ObjectId("547967c1421b7f1536cfb200"), "title" : "learn C#", "author" : "Li", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T06:2
  17. :.365Z") }
  18. { "_id" : ObjectId("547967c2421b7f1536cfb201"), "title" : "learn SQL", "author" : "July", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T0
  19. ::.380Z") }
  20. >






  1. > post1.detailInfo = {"author":"Wilber","description":"this is a post about MongoDB"}
  2. { "author" : "Wilber", "description" : "this is a post about MongoDB" }
  3. > delete post1.author
  4. true
  5. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Wilber"}, post1)
  6. > db.blog.posts.find({"detailInfo.author":"Wilber"})
  7. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb202"), "title" : "learn MongoDB", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:05.560Z"),
  8. "detailInfo" : { "author" : "Wilber", "description" : "this is a post about MongoDB" } }
  9. >



$set: 修改文档的一个指定键的值,如果没有则创建。

  1. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$set: {"title":"how to learn C#"}})
  2. > db.blog.posts.find({"author":"Li"})
  3. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb204"), "author" : "Li", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:05.591Z"), "title" :
  4. "how to learn C#" }
  5. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$set: {"age":}})
  6. > db.blog.posts.find({"author":"Li"})
  7. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb204"), "age" : , "author" : "Li", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:05.591Z"
  8. ), "title" : "how to learn C#" }
  9. >

$addToSet, $push, $pop:这三个都是对数组的操作,$addToSet能够避免重复添加

  1. > comments = []
  2. [ ]
  3. > comment0 = {"score": , "content":"just so so"}
  4. { "score" : , "content" : "just so so" }
  5. > comment1 = {"score": , "content":"very good"}
  6. { "score" : , "content" : "very good" }
  7. >
  8. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$set: {"comments": comments}})
  9. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$set: {"comments.0": comment0}})
  10. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$set: {"comments.1": comment1}})
  11. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$addToSet: {"comments": comment1}})
  12. > db.blog.posts.find({"author":"Li"})
  13. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb204"), "age" : , "author" : "Li", "comments" : [ { "score" : ,
  14. "content" : "just so so" }, { "score" : , "content" : "very good" } ], "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:
  15. .591Z"), "title" : "how to learn C#" }
  16. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$push: {"comments": comment1}})
  17. > db.blog.posts.find({"author":"Li"})
  18. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb204"), "age" : , "author" : "Li", "comments" : [ { "score" : ,
  19. "content" : "just so so" }, { "score" : , "content" : "very good" }, { "score" : , "content
  20. " : "very good" } ], "date" : ISODate("--29T07::.591Z"), "title" : "how to learn C#" }
  21. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$pop: {"comments": comment1}})
  22. > db.blog.posts.find({"author":"Li"})
  23. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb204"), "age" : , "author" : "Li", "comments" : [ { "score" : ,
  24. "content" : "just so so" }, { "score" : , "content" : "very good" } ], "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:
  25. .591Z"), "title" : "how to learn C#" }
  26. >


  1. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$inc: {"comments.1.score": }})
  2. > db.blog.posts.find({"author":"Li"})
  3. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb204"), "age" : , "author" : "Li", "comments" : [ { "score" : ,
  4. "content" : "just so so" }, { "score" : , "content" : "very good" } ], "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:
  5. .591Z"), "title" : "how to learn C#" }
  6. >


  1. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"Li"}, {$unset: {"comments": }})
  2. > db.blog.posts.find({"author":"Li"})
  3. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb204"), "age" : , "author" : "Li", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:05.591Z"
  4. ), "title" : "how to learn C#" }

update(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4)



  1. > db.blog.posts.update({"author":"June"}, {"author": "June", "title": "C++ introduction"}, true)
  2. > db.blog.posts.find({"author":"June"})
  3. { "_id" : ObjectId("5479781d217928d2be69552c"), "author" : "June", "title" : "C++ introduction" }
  4. >


  1. > db.blog.posts.insert(post1)
  2. > db.blog.posts.find({"detailInfo.author":"Wilber"})
  3. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb202"), "title" : "learn MongoDB", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:05.560Z"),
  4. "detailInfo" : { "author" : "Wilber", "description" : "this is a post about MongoDB" } }
  5. { "_id" : ObjectId("54797864421b7f1536cfb206"), "title" : "learn MongoDB", "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:05.560Z"),
  6. "detailInfo" : { "author" : "Wilber", "description" : "this is a post about MongoDB" } }
  7. > db.blog.posts.update({"detailInfo.author":"Wilber"}, {$set: {"title":"how to learn MongoDB"}}, false, true)
  8. >
  9. > db.blog.posts.find({"detailInfo.author":"Wilber"})
  10. { "_id" : ObjectId("54797864421b7f1536cfb206"), "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:05.560Z"), "detailInfo" : { "author"
  11. : "Wilber", "description" : "this is a post about MongoDB" }, "title" : "how to learn MongoDB" }
  12. { "_id" : ObjectId("547971c5421b7f1536cfb202"), "date" : ISODate("2014-11-29T07:12:05.560Z"), "detailInfo" : { "author"
  13. : "Wilber", "description" : "this is a post about MongoDB" }, "title" : "how to learn MongoDB" }
  14. >


这篇文章主要介绍了通过MongoDB shell对数据库文档进行增删改操作,接下来会介绍查询的操作。

Ps: 附件包含了本文中的所有命令作为参考。



  1. 对mongo文档的增删改操作

    在mongo db 中增加.删除.修改文档有好多方法,这里简单记录一下我所知道的一些方法. 前置条件: 1.创建study数据库  use study; 2.创建persons集合,当第一次向pers ...

  2. Elasticsearch之文档的增删改查以及ik分词器

    文档的增删改查 增加文档 使用elasticsearch-head查看 修改文档 使用elasticsearch-head查看 删除文档 使用elasticsearch-head查看 查看文档的三种方 ...

  3. mongodb对数组元素及内嵌文档进行增删改查操作(转)

    from:https://my.oschina.net/132722/blog/168274 比如我有一个user类,他包含一个标签属性,这个标签是一个数组,数组里面的元素是内嵌文档,格式如下: &l ...

  4. MongoDB对数组元素及内嵌文档进行增删改查操作

    比如我有一个user类,他包含一个标签属性,这个标签是一个数组,数组里面的元素是内嵌文档,格式如下: {    "_id" : "195861",    &qu ...

  5. Mongodb的基本操作-数据库 集合 文档的增删改查

    数据库操作: //查看有哪些数据库 > show dbs local  0.078GB mydb   0.078GB //use操作将切换到一个数据库 如果数据库存在将直接切换 如果不存在 那么 ...

  6. 分布式搜索elasticsearch 索引文档的增删改查 入门

    1.RESTful接口使用方法 为了方便直观我们使用Head插件提供的接口进行演示,实际上内部调用的RESTful接口. RESTful接口URL的格式: http://localhost:9200/ ...

  7. Java对XML文档的增删改查

    JAVA增删改查XML文件   最近总是需要进行xml的相关操作. 不免的要进行xml的读取修改等,于是上网搜索,加上自己的小改动,整合了下xml的常用操作. 读取XML配置文件 首先我们需要通过Do ...

  8. head插件对elasticsearch 索引文档的增删改查

    1.RESTful接口使用方法 为了方便直观我们使用Head插件提供的接口进行演示,实际上内部调用的RESTful接口.  RESTful接口URL的格式: http://localhost:9200 ...

  9. Elasticsearch 索引文档的增删改查

    利用Elasticsearch-head可以在界面上(对索引进行增删改查 1.RESTful接口使用方法 为了方便直观我们使用Head插件提供的接口进行演 ...


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    The Secret Of SteveThe secret of Steve is simple. It explains his success and excess. It exemplifies ...

  2. linux 木马清理过程

    服务器出现异常,完全无法访问,ssh登陆都极其缓慢 解决过程 top 查看系统状态,发现 load average 平均负载值非常高,再看排名第一的进程,是一个不认识的进程名:minerd 感觉是被入 ...

  3. JSONObject遍历获取键值方法合并两个JSONObject

    JSONObject obj1= new JSONObject(); try { obj1.put("obj1_data", obj1_data); if (null != obj ...

  4. 关于css定位

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  7. 【1】JVM-内存模型

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