• NiViewer

  1. ESC关闭NiViewer程序

  2. 右键可以显示出控制选项

  3. 按0到9以及“-”与“=”键,这12个键可以控制显示的方法

  4. 按M键控制显示图像是否镜像

  5. F键全屏切换



  • 深度感应器原理



  •  获取深度数据

  具体创建工程的步骤可以参考OpenNI文档中的Getting Started章节。下图描述了数据获取的流程:

  1. 轮询方式:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <OpenNI.h> #include "OniSampleUtilities.h" #define SAMPLE_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT 2000 //2000ms using namespace openni; // The entire C++ API is available under the openni namespace. int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// Be sure to call openni::OpenNI::initialize(), to make sure all drivers are loaded
// If no drivers are found, this function will fail. If it does, you can get some basic
// log by calling openni::OpenNI::getExtendedError() (which returns a string)
Status rc = OpenNI::initialize();
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
// getExtendedError() method returns additional, human-readable information about the error.
printf("Initialize failed\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
return ;
} // Provides an interface to a single sensor device connected to the system. Requires OpenNI
// to be initialized before it can be created. Devices provide access to Streams.
Device device; // Device::open(): connects to a physical hardware device
// This function returns a status code indicating either success or what error occurred.
if (argc < )
rc = device.open(ANY_DEVICE);
rc = device.open(argv[]); if (rc != STATUS_OK)
printf("Couldn't open device\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
return ;
} VideoStream depth; // VideoStream: Abstracts a single video stream. Obtained from a specific Device. // Get the SensorInfo for a specific sensor type on this device
// The SensorInfo is useful for determining which video modes are supported by the sensor
// Parameters: sensorType of sensor to get information
// Returns: SensorInfo object corresponding to the sensor type specified,or NULL if such a sensor is not available from this device.
if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_DEPTH) != NULL)
// Before VideoStream object can be used, this object must be initialized with the VideoStream::create() function.
// The create() function requires a valid initialized device. Once created,
// you should call the VideoStream::start() function to start the flow of data
rc = depth.create(device, SENSOR_DEPTH);
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
printf("Couldn't create depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
return ;
} rc = depth.start(); // Start data generation from the video stream
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
return ;
} VideoFrameRef frame; // VideoFrameRef: Abstracts a single video from and related meta-data. Obtained from a specific Stream. // Polling based data reading
while (!wasKeyboardHit())
int changedStreamDummy;
VideoStream* pStream = &depth; // A system of polling for stream access can be implemented by using the OpenNI::waitForAnyStream() function.
// When called, it blocks until any of the streams in the list have new data available,or the timeout has passed.
// It then returns a status code and indicates which stream has data available.
rc = OpenNI::waitForAnyStream(&pStream, , &changedStreamDummy, SAMPLE_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT);
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
printf("Wait failed! (timeout is %d ms)\n%s\n", SAMPLE_READ_WAIT_TIMEOUT, OpenNI::getExtendedError());
} // Once a VideoStream has been created, data can be read from it directly with the VideoStream::readFrame() function.
rc = depth.readFrame(&frame);
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
printf("Read failed!\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
} // getVideoMode() can be used to determine the video mode settings of the sensor
// This information includes the pixel format and resolution of the image, as well as the frame rate
// PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM: The values are in depth pixel with 1mm accuracy
if (frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat() != PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_1_MM && frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat() != PIXEL_FORMAT_DEPTH_100_UM)
printf("Unexpected frame format\n");
} // VideoFrameRef::getData() function that returns a pointer directly to the underlying frame data.
// This will be a void pointer, so it must be cast using the data type of the individual pixels in order to be properly indexed.
DepthPixel* pDepth = (DepthPixel*)frame.getData(); // getHeight() and getWidth() functions are provided to easily determine the resolution of the frame
int middleIndex = (frame.getHeight() + ) * frame.getWidth() / ; // getTimestamp: Provides timestamp of frame, measured in microseconds from an arbitrary zero
printf("[%08llu] %8d\n", (long long)frame.getTimestamp(), pDepth[middleIndex]); // %md:m为指定的输出字段的宽度。如果数据的位数小于m,则左端补以空格,若大于m,则按实际位数输出
// 0:有0表示指定空位填0,如省略表示指定空位不填。
// u格式:以无符号十进制形式输出整数。对长整型可以用"%lu"格式输出
} depth.stop(); // Stop the flow of data depth.destroy(); // Destroy the stream // The close() function properly shuts down the hardware device. As a best practice, any device
// that is opened should be closed. This will leave the driver and hardware device in a known
// state so that future applications will not have difficulty connecting to them.
device.close(); // When an application is ready to exit, the OpenNI::shutdown() function
// should be called to shutdown all drivers and properly clean up.
OpenNI::shutdown(); return ;

  2. 事件方式:

#include <stdio.h>
#include "OpenNI.h" #include "OniSampleUtilities.h" using namespace openni; // VideoFrameRef class encapsulates all data related to a single frame read from a VideoStream
void analyzeFrame(const VideoFrameRef& frame)
DepthPixel* pDepth;
RGB888Pixel* pColor; // This structure stores a single color pixel value(in 24-bit RGB format). int middleIndex = (frame.getHeight()+)*frame.getWidth()/; // getVideoMode() can be used to determine the video mode settings of the sensor
// This information includes the pixel format and resolution of the image, as well as the frame rate
switch (frame.getVideoMode().getPixelFormat())
// VideoFrameRef::getData() returns a pointer directly to the underlying frame data.
pDepth = (DepthPixel*)frame.getData();
printf("[%08llu] %8d\n", (long long)frame.getTimestamp(),
pColor = (RGB888Pixel*)frame.getData();
printf("[%08llu] 0x%02x%02x%02x\n", (long long)frame.getTimestamp(),
printf("Unknown format\n");
} // The VideoStream::NewFrameListener class is provided to allow the implementation of event driven frame reading.
// To use it, create a class that inherits from it and implement override the onNewFrame() method
class PrintCallback : public VideoStream::NewFrameListener
void onNewFrame(VideoStream& stream)
{ // Once a VideoStream has been created, data can be read from it directly with the VideoStream::readFrame() function.
stream.readFrame(&m_frame); // VideoFrameRef objects are obtained from calling VideoStream::readFrame()
VideoFrameRef m_frame;
}; class OpenNIDeviceListener : public OpenNI::DeviceConnectedListener,
public OpenNI::DeviceDisconnectedListener,
public OpenNI::DeviceStateChangedListener
// All three events provide a pointer to a openNI::DeviceInfo object. This object can be used to get
// details and identification of the device referred to by the event
virtual void onDeviceStateChanged(const DeviceInfo* pInfo, DeviceState state)
printf("Device \"%s\" error state changed to %d\n", pInfo->getUri(), state);
} virtual void onDeviceConnected(const DeviceInfo* pInfo)
printf("Device \"%s\" connected\n", pInfo->getUri());
} virtual void onDeviceDisconnected(const DeviceInfo* pInfo)
printf("Device \"%s\" disconnected\n", pInfo->getUri());
}; int main()
Status rc = OpenNI::initialize();
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
printf("Initialize failed\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
return ;
} OpenNIDeviceListener devicePrinter; // OpenNI defines three events: onDeviceConnected, onDeviceDisconnected, and onDeviceStateChanged
// Listener classes can be added or removed from the list of event handlers
OpenNI::addDeviceStateChangedListener(&devicePrinter); openni::Array<openni::DeviceInfo> deviceList;
// OpenNI::enumerateDevices() returns a list of all available devices connected to the system.
for (int i = ; i < deviceList.getSize(); ++i)
// DeviceInfo::getUri returns te divice URI. URI can be used by Device::open to open a specific device.
printf("Device \"%s\" already connected\n", deviceList[i].getUri());
} Device device;
rc = device.open(ANY_DEVICE);
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
printf("Couldn't open device\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
return ;
} VideoStream depth; if (device.getSensorInfo(SENSOR_DEPTH) != NULL)
rc = depth.create(device, SENSOR_DEPTH);
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
printf("Couldn't create depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
rc = depth.start();
if (rc != STATUS_OK)
printf("Couldn't start the depth stream\n%s\n", OpenNI::getExtendedError());
} PrintCallback depthPrinter; // Register your created class with an active VideoStream using the VideoStream::addNewFrameListener() function.
// Once this is done, the event handler function you implemented will be called whenever a new frame becomes available.
depth.addNewFrameListener(&depthPrinter); // Wait while we're getting frames through the printer
while (!wasKeyboardHit())
} // Removes a Listener from this video stream list. The listener removed will no longer receive new frame events from this stream
depth.removeNewFrameListener(&depthPrinter); depth.stop();
OpenNI::shutdown(); return ;



        // getHeight() and getWidth() functions are provided to easily determine the resolution of the frame
int middleIndex = (frame.getHeight() + ) * frame.getWidth() / ;

  这里需要注意,深度图中像素值直接代表深度,单位是mm。在通过convertDepthToWorld这个函数转换到真实坐标系(World coordinates)时Z坐标是不变的。函数会根据Depth坐标系下的(X, Y, Z),去计算World坐标系下的位置(X’, Y’, Z),X、Y是depth map的索引位置(X:为column ,Y:为row)。也就是说,在OpenNI里Depth坐标系和World坐标系下Z坐标的意义是相同的。所以,如果只想知道某个点的深度,其实不用转换到真实坐标系中,直接在投影坐标系对Z值做计算就可以了。但是如果想知道两点的距离,那就还是要进行转换,把真实坐标系的X、Y坐标计算出来。

  OpenNI applications commonly use two different coordinate systems to represent depth. These two systems are referred to as Depth and World representation. Depth coordinates are the native data representation. In this system, the frame is a map (two dimensional array), and each pixel is assigned a depth value. This depth value represents the distance between the camera plane and whatever object is in the given pixel. The X and Y coordinates are simply the location in the map, where the origin is the top-left corner of the field of view.

  World coordinates superimpose a more familiar 3D Cartesian coordinate system on the world, with the camera lens at the origin. In this system, every point is specified by 3 points – x, y and z. The x axis of this system is along a line that passes through the infrared projector and CMOS imager of the camera. The y axis is parallel to the front face of the camera, and perpendicular to the x axis (it will also be perpendicular to the ground if the camera is upright and level). The z axis runs into the scene, perpendicular to both the x and y axis. From the perspective of the camera, an object moving from left to right is moving along the increasing x axis. An object moving up is moving along the increasing y axis, and an object moving away from the camera is moving along the increasing z axis.

  Mathematically, the Depth coordinate system is the projection of the scene on the CMOS. If the sensor's angular field of view and resolution are known, then an angular size can be calculated for each pixel. This is how the conversion algorithms work.

  Note that converting from Depth to World coordinates is relatively expensive computationally. It is generally not practical to convert the entire raw depth map to World coordinates. A better approach is to have your computer vision algorithm work in Depth coordinates for as long as possible, and only converting a few specific points to World coordinates right before output. Note that when converting from Depth to World or vice versa, the Z value remains the same.


《OpenNI体感应用开发实战》 机械工业出版社

Kinect + OpenNI 的深度值

OpenNI 的座標系統

OpenNI 2 的座標系統轉換

OpenNI 2 VideoStream 與 Device 的設定與使用

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