Converting between IEEE 754 and Float (Format related
What confuses me is that nowadays floats are stored just what IEEE 754 says to be. Or maybe windows only?
But the most important thing is, wh
2024-10-30 15:41:53 原文The float can be converted to well known single-precision IEEE 754 number, why 754? It's the standard representation of single-precision numbers, used in net transmission.
Compares to send the float as text or send/receive without re-formatting/un-formatting, it's much faster & safer.
What confuses me is that nowadays floats are stored just what IEEE 754 says to be. Or maybe windows only?
But the most important thing is, when sending/receiving data/numbers, use standards.
See this page for more info.
I'll explain this format a little. It uses the first bit as a sign representation(1 if negative), the following 8bit as its exponential part, the last 23bit as its fraction part.
See this example:
1 10000001 10110011001100110011010
sign expo mantissa
It is divided as stated above.
The Microsoft's floats is following this standard. See the following definition of float in Windows.
Where float uses 8 bits of exponent and 23 bits of mantissa, compares to double's 11 bits of exponent and 52 bits of mantissa.
About the bias refered to in the page above:
Because exponents are stored in an unsigned form, the exponent is biased by half its possible value.For type float, the bias is 127; for type double, it is 1023.You can compute the actual exponent value by subtracting the bias value from the exponent value.
Note that this exponent's base is not 10, of course it's 2! So 2E127 is approximately 10E38, that's why float's range is about 1E-38~3E38!
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