#include <limits>
using namespace std; int main()
cout << "type: \t\t" << "************size**************"<< endl;
cout << "bool: \t\t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(bool);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<bool>::max)();
cout << "\t\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<bool>::min)() << endl;
cout << "char: \t\t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(char);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<char>::max)();
cout << "\t\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<char>::min)() << endl;
cout << "signed char: \t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(signed char);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<signed char>::max)();
cout << "\t\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<signed char>::min)() << endl;
cout << "unsigned char: \t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(unsigned char);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned char>::max)();
cout << "\t\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned char>::min)() << endl;
cout << "wchar_t: \t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(wchar_t);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<wchar_t>::max)();
cout << "\t\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<wchar_t>::min)() << endl;
cout << "short: \t\t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(short);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<short>::max)();
cout << "\t\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<short>::min)() << endl;
cout << "int: \t\t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(int);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<int>::max)();
cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<int>::min)() << endl;
cout << "unsigned: \t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(unsigned);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned>::max)();
cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned>::min)() << endl;
cout << "long: \t\t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(long);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<long>::max)();
cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<long>::min)() << endl;
cout << "unsigned long: \t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(unsigned long);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max)();
cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<unsigned long>::min)() << endl;
cout << "double: \t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(double);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<double>::max)();
cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<double>::min)() << endl;
cout << "long double: \t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(long double);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<long double>::max)();
cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<long double>::min)() << endl;
cout << "float: \t\t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(float);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<float>::max)();
cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<float>::min)() << endl;
cout << "size_t: \t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(size_t);
cout << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<size_t>::max)();
cout << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<size_t>::min)() << endl;
cout << "string: \t" << "所占字节数:" << sizeof(string) << endl;
// << "\t最大值:" << (numeric_limits<string>::max)() << "\t最小值:" << (numeric_limits<string>::min)() << endl;
cout << "type: \t\t" << "************size**************"<< endl;
return 0;
概念、整型:表示整数、字符和布尔值的算术类型合称为整型(integral type)。
关于带符号与无符号类型:整型 int、stort 和 long 都默觉得带符号型。要获得无符号型则必须制定该类型为unsigned,比方unsigned long。unsigned int类型能够简写为unsigned。也就是说。unsigned后不加其它类型说明符就意味着是unsigned int。
一字节表示八位,即:1byte = 8 bit;
int: 4byte = 32 bit 有符号signed范围:2^31-1 ~ -2^31即:2147483647 ~ -2147483648无符号unsigned范围:2^32-1 ~ 0即:4294967295
~ 0
long: 4 byte = 32 bit 同int型
double: 8 byte = 64 bit 范围:1.79769e+308 ~ 2.22507e-308
long double: 12 byte = 96 bit 范围: 1.18973e+4932 ~ 3.3621e-4932
float: 4 byte = 32 bit 范围: 3.40282e+038 ~ 1.17549e-038
int、unsigned、long、unsigned long 、double的数量级最大都仅仅能表示为10亿,即它们表示十进制的位数不超过10个,即能够保存全部9位整数。而short仅仅是能表示5位;
float型仅仅能保证6位有效数字,而double型至少能够保证15位有效数字(小数点后的数位),long double型提供的精度通常没有必要,并且还要承担额外的执行代价。
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