FOR wireless

tools: hydra, medusa, crunch, aircrack-ng packages (airodump-ng, airmon-ng, aircrack-ng, aireplay-ng), macchanger, ifconfig

hydra is for common use. sorta world wide

airmon-ng for creating virtual ethernet/wireless card

ifconfig to turn the virtual card up/down

  if "down"

    macchanger mon0 -r  # to change the MAC to be a random number

    ifconfig mon0 up # make it be in use, then use it to have fun

Build them from source, find out what's going on.

crunch // for generating passwd

|  // bash pip to transfer things returned

aircrack-ng // to calculate passwd from text dictionary

Something which would be useful from youtube:

1) Type: cd /pentest/passwords/crunch

2) Type: ./crunch (min) (max) (charset) -t (pattern) -o (wordlistname.lst)

Example: ./crunch 10 10 0123456789 -t 916@@@@@@@ -o 916phonenumbers.lst

If you plan to generate a large wordlist, you can use the following command to create multiple files:

1) Type: ./crunch (min) (max) (charset) -o START -c (words per file)

Example: ./crunch 8 16 1234abcd -o START -c 200000

This will create 8 - 16 character words made of characters 1, 2, 3, 4 and a, b, c, d. The -c option enabled us to specify how many words we want to place in each file. Therefore, if the wordlist was a total of 1,000,000 words, Crunch would generate 5 files (each with 200,000 words). To tell Crunch to create multiple files, you must include "-o START" in the command. Crunch will name each file for you.

  For more information:

here's the brife demo:

It shows that the passwd is found.

But you need to get the xxx.cap first which is captured after its handshake packages are collected. aireplay-ng, airodump-ng will help you.

take good use of

man crunch

man  # read if someone needs


easy found... Change the passwd as quickly as possible :p

For E-mail

Email passwd found :p

Changing passwd regularly is a good habbit :p

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