Maintenance and support are the key factors for the smooth functioning of ERP solutions. ERP maintenance and support solutions provided by Exforsys are not only efficient but also affordable. Our company’s ERP consultants provide you the best solutions for
applications that need maintenance and support to generate efficient results.

Exforsys provides excellent support and maintenance service and offers various modules and functionalities to enable the application to run efficiently. It is very much essential to upgrade the application with the proper technical enhancement work, which
our ERP experts carry out with great efficiency.

Support and Maintenance Portfolio:

Exforsys provides support and maintenance services for ERP software which are mentioned below:

  • Functional Support
  • Technical Support
  • End User Training Support
  • Database Support
  • Other needed services

1: Functional Support

ERP software needs a certain degree of functional support initially, particularly during the deployment or implementation phase. We undertake configuration changes and module setup as required by the software according to the client’s specifications and requirements.

2: Technical Support

Technical support mainly consists of the customization of interfaces, forms, reports, conversions and so on. Our ERP professionals develop forms and reports that are appropriate for the interfaces. We strive to convert the client requirements into
implementation through proper workflows. Our consultants analyze the requirements in two ways. Initially, the specifications are explored and high level functionalities are incorporated in the ERP modules and later-on functionalities are enlarged with detailed
level functionalities. Both the high level and detailed level functionalities are analyzed.

3: End user Training Support

Our end-user training support for the ERP clients is based on their requirement and specifications. Training and support is provided to the users to utilize the appropriate features of the software so that they can use it in an efficient manner and
deliver optimized results.

4: Database Support

Another important aspect of our ERP support services is the database
We firmly believe that database support services vary according to clients and their specifications. Generally we follow the procedure outlined here when initiating database support service to a client:

  • At first, the given requirements will be noted and the database will be studied for better performance, optimization and convenience.
  • After analyzing the database, our ERP professionals will suggest if the ERP software needs any database improvement for improved performance.
  • Our professionals modify the database to get the desired results.
  • The database tuning process includes clustering, backup, recovery and disaster recovery management.

Additional, database security is very much important and essential for the ERP software to protect the data and the applications when an unauthorized user tries to access data.

Other Needed Services

Exforsys also provides other types of ERP software support and maintenance services such as Help desk support, offshore and remote access support, DBA support and DB upgrade, custom development, testing support, engineering process outsourcing (EPO) and software
application support.

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