Syntax of an Import Statement


An import statement allows clients to tell the engine which modules, JavaScript resources and component directories are used within a QML document. The types which may be used within a document depends on which modules, resources and directories are imported by the document.


Import Types


There are three different types of imports. Each import type has a slightly different syntax, and different semantics apply to different import types.


Module (Namespace) Imports


The most common type of import is a module import. Clients can import QML modules which register QML object types and JavaScript resources into a given namespace.


The generic form of a module import is as follows:


import <ModuleIdentifier> <Version.Number> [as <Qualifier>]

The <ModuleIdentifier> is an identifier specified in dotted URI notation, which uniquely identifies the type namespace provided by the module.

The <Version.Number> is a version of the form MajorVersion.MinorVersion which specifies which definitions of various object types and JavaScript resources will be made available due to the import.

The <Qualifier> is an optional local namespace identifier into which the object types and JavaScript resources provided by the module will be installed, if given. If omitted, the object types and JavaScript resources provided by the module will be installed into the global namespace.




An example of an unqualified module import is as follows:


import QtQuick 2.0

This import allows the use of all of the types provided by the QtQuick module without needing to specify a qualifier. For example, the client code to create a rectangle is as follows:

这样导入允许使用 QtQuick 模块提供的所有类型,不需要指定限定(的命名空间)。例如,客户代码可以创建 rectangle 如下:

import QtQuick 2.0

Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 100
color: "red"

An example of a qualified module import is as follows:


import QtQuick 2.0 as Quick

This import allows multiple modules which provide conflicting type names to be imported at the same time, however since each usage of a type provided by a module which was imported into a qualified namespace must be preceded by the qualifier, the conflict is able to be resolved unambiguously by the QML engine.


An example of client code which creates a rectangle after using a qualified module import is as follows:

如下是一个使用限定式模块导入的客户代码创建一个 rectangle 的例子:

import QtQuick 2.0 as Quick

Quick.Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 100
color: "red"

For more information about qualified imports, see the upcoming section on Importing Into A Qualified Local Namespace.

关于限定式导入的更多信息,请看接下来的章节<Importing Into A Qualified Local Namespace>导入到限定的本地命名空间。

Note that if a QML document does not import a module which provides a particular QML object type, but attempts to use that object type anyway, an error will occur.


For example, the following QML document does not import QtQuick and thus attempting to use the Rectangle type will fail:

例如,如下的QML文档不导入 QtQuick 并尝试使用 Rectangle 类型,将失败:

Rectangle {
width: 200
height: 100
color: "red"

In this case, the engine will emit an error and refuse to load the file.


Non-module Namespace Imports


Types can also be registered into namespaces directly via the various registration functions in C++ (such as qmlRegisterType()). The types which have been registered into a namespace in this way may be imported by importing the namespace, as if the namespace was a module identifier.

类型也可以在C++中通过各种注册函数直接注册到命名空间(例如 qmlRegisterType() 函数)。被注册进命名空间的类型可以通过导入命名空间被导入,如同命名空间是一个模块标识。

This is most common in client applications which define their own QML object types in C++ and register them with the QML type system manually.


Importing into a Qualified Local Namespace


The import statement may optionally use the as keyword to specify that the types should be imported into a particular document-local namespace. If a namespace is specified, then any references to the types made available by the import must be prefixed by the local namespace qualifier.


Below, the QtQuick module is imported into the namespace "CoreItems". Now, any references to types from the QtQuick module must be prefixed with the CoreItems name:

如下,QtQuick 模块被导入进命名空间 "CoreItems" 。现在,任何引用 QtQuick 模块的类型都必须使用 CoreItems 前缀:

import QtQuick 2.0 as CoreItems

CoreItems.Rectangle {
width: 100; height: 100 CoreItems.Text { text: "Hello, world!" } // WRONG! No namespace prefix - the Text type won't be found
Text { text: "Hello, world!" }

A namespace acts as an identifier for a module within the scope of the file. The namespace does not become an attribute of the root object that can be referred to externally as can be done with properties, signals and methods.


The namespaced import is useful if there is a requirement to use two QML types that have the same name but are located in different modules. In this case the two modules can be imported into different namespaces to ensure the code is referring to the correct type:


import QtQuick 2.0 as CoreItems
import "../textwidgets" as MyModule CoreItems.Rectangle {
width: 100; height: 100 MyModule.Text { text: "Hello from my custom text item!" }
CoreItems.Text { text: "Hello from Qt Quick!" }

Note that multiple modules can be imported into the same namespace in the same way that multiple modules can be imported into the global namespace. For example:


import QtQuick 2.0 as Project
import QtMultimedia 5.0 as Project Project.Rectangle {
width: 100; height: 50 Project.Audio {
source: "music.wav"
autoPlay: true

Directory Imports


A directory which contains QML documents may also be imported directly in a QML document. This provides a simple way for QML types to be segmented into reusable groupings: directories on the filesystem.


The generic form of a directory import is as follows:


import "<DirectoryPath>" [as <Qualifier>]

Note: Import paths are network transparent: applications can import documents from remote paths just as simply as documents from local paths. See the general URL resolution rules for Network Transparency in QML documents. If the directory is remote, it must contain a directory import listing qmldir file as the QML engine cannot determine the contents of a remote directory if that qmldir file does not exist.


Similar semantics for the <Qualifier> apply to directory imports as for module imports; for more information on the topic, please see the previous section about Importing into a Qualified Local Namespace.

<Qualifier>应用到目录导入和模块导入有相同的语义;更多信息请查看前一章节<Importing into a Qualified Local Namespace>。

For more information about directory imports, please see the in-depth documentation about directory imports.

关于目录导入的更多信息,请查看更深入的文档<directory imports>。

JavaScript Resource Imports


JavaScript resources may be imported directly in a QML document. Every JavaScript resource must have an identifier by which it is accessed.


The generic form of a JavaScript resource import is as follows:


import "<JavaScriptFile>" as <Identifier>

Note that the <Identifier> must be unique within a QML document, unlike the local namespace qualifier which can be applied to module imports.


JavaScript Resources from Modules


Javascript files can be provided by modules, by adding identifier definitions to the qmldir file which specifies the module.


For example, if the projects.MyQMLProject.MyFunctions module is specified with the following qmldir file, and installed into the QML import path:


module projects.MyQMLProject.MyFunctions
SystemFunctions 1.0 SystemFunctions.js
UserFunctions 1.0 UserFunctions.js

a client application is able to import the JavaScript resources declared in the module by importing the module and using the identifier associated with a declared resource:


import QtQuick 2.0
import projects.MyQMLProject.MyFunctions 1.0 Item {
Component.onCompleted: { SystemFunctions.cleanUp(); }

If the module was imported into a document-local namespace, the JavaScript resource identifiers must be prefixed with the namespace qualifier in order to be used:


import QtQuick 2.0
import projects.MyQMLProject.MyFunctions 1.0 as MyFuncs
import org.example.Functions 1.0 as TheirFuncs Item {
Component.onCompleted: {

Further Information


For more information about JavaScript resources, please see the documentation about defining JavaScript resources in QML, and for more information about how to import JavaScript resources, and how imports can be used from within JavaScript resources, please see the in-depth documentation about importing JavaScript resources in QML.

关于JavaScript资源的更多信息,请查看QML中文档<defining JavaScript resources in QML>在QML中定义JavaScript资源,更多的关于导入JavaScript资源的信息,如何在JavaScript资源内部导入,请查看更深入的文档<importing JavaScript resources in QML>在QML中导入JavaScript资源。

QML Import Path

QML 导入路径

When an identified module is imported, the QML engine searches the import path for a matching module.

当识别的模块被导入,QML 引擎查找匹配的模块的导入路径。

This import path, as returned by QQmlEngine::importPathList(), defines the default locations to be searched by the engine. By default, this list contains:

这个导入路径,作为 QQmlEngine::importPathList() 的返回值,定义引擎搜索的默认为止。默认情况下,列表包含:

1 The directory of the current file

2 The location specified by QLibraryInfo::Qml2ImportsPath

3 Paths specified by the QML2_IMPORT_PATH environment variable

Additional import paths can be added through QQmlEngine::addImportPath() or the QML2_IMPORT_PATH environment variable. When running the qmlscene tool, you can also use the -I option to add an import path.

附加导入路径可以通过 QQmlEngine::addImportPath() 或者环境变量 QML2_IMPORT_PATH 添加。当运行 qmlscene 工具,可以使用 -I 选项添加导入路径。


The QML_IMPORT_TRACE environment variable can be useful for debugging when there are problems with finding and loading modules. See Debugging module imports for more information.

当查找和载入模块有问题时,环境变量 QML_IMPORT_TRACE 对调试有用。更详细的信息请查看调试模块的导入。

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