Oracle sql优化之分析函数优化标量子查询
select a.code as code, a.m_code as m_code,a.stktype as f_stype,a.e_year as e_year,
b.sname as sname,a.c_date as c_date,to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD') as createtime,
to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD') as updatetime,
(select sum(valuef2) from a t where t.code=a.code and t.c_date between to_char(to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD')-180,'YYYYMMDD') and a.c_date and t.e_year=a.e_year) e70115_70011,
(select sum(valuef1) from a t where t.code=a.code and t.c_date between to_char(to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD')-180,'YYYYMMDD') and a.c_date and t.e_year=a.e_year) e70104_70011,
(select sum(valuef6) from a t where t.code=a.code and t.c_date between to_char(to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD')-180,'YYYYMMDD') and a.c_date and t.e_year=a.e_year) e70126_70011,
(select sum(valuef2) from a t where t.code=a.code and t.c_date between to_char(to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD')-180,'YYYYMMDD') and a.c_date and t.e_year=a.e_year) e70131_70011,
'-' as f_unit
from a,b@link b
where a.code = b.code
and b.stype=2 and b.status=1 and c_date>to_char(sysdate-3,'YYYYMMDD')
t.c_date between to_char(to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD')-180,'YYYYMMDD') and a.c_date
该语句的目标实现c_date 180天内的数据汇总,因此可以分析函数表示为
order by to_date(c_date,'YYYYMMDD') range between 180 preceding current row
sum(valuef2) over(partition by a.code,a.year order by to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD') range between 180 preceding current row)
when a.c_date>to_char(sysdate-3,'YYYYMMDD')
sum(valuef2) over(partition by a.code,a.year order by to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD') range between 180 preceding current row)
select A.*,b.sname as sname,to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD') as createtime,
to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD') as updatetime from
(select a.code as code,a.m_code as m_code, a.stktype as f_stype,a.e_year as e_year, a.c_date as c_date,
when a.c_date>to_char(sysdate-3,'YYYYMMDD')
sum(valuef2) over(partition by a.code,a.year order by to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD') range between 180 preceding current row)
end as f70115_70011,
when a.c_date>to_char(sysdate-3,'YYYYMMDD')
sum(valuef1) over(partition by a.code,a.year order by to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD') range between 180 preceding current row)
end as f70104_70011,
when a.c_date>to_char(sysdate-3,'YYYYMMDD')
sum(valuef6) over(partition by a.code,a.year order by to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD') range between 180 preceding current row)
end as f70126_70011,
when a.c_date>to_char(sysdate-3,'YYYYMMDD')
sum(valuef5) over(partition by a.code,a.year order by to_date(a.c_date,'YYYYMMDD') range between 180 preceding current row)
end as f70131_70011,
'-' as f_unit
from a where a.c_date>= to_char(sysdate-3-180,'YYYYMMDD') ---缩小数据区间
) A inner join b@link B on(A.code=B.code)
where B.stype=2 and B.status=1 and A.c_date>=to_char(sysdate-3,'YYYYMMDD')
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