<trim prefix="where" prefixOverrides="where" suffixOverrides="and">
<if test="select_items != null">
ID = #{select_items,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
or HOME_URL = #{select_items,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
or CHIEF = #{select_items,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
or CONTACT_PERSON = #{select_items,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
<if test="groupName != null">
GROUP_NAME = #{groupName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}


prefix : 给<trim>包裹的sql语句加上前缀.

suffix : 给<trim>包裹的sql语句加上后缀.

prefixOverrides: 如果<trim>包裹的sql语句是空语句(经常出现在 if 判断为否的情况下),取消指定的前缀,如where.

suffixOverrides: 如果<trim>包裹的sql语句是空语句(经常出现在 if 判断为否的情况下),取消指定的后缀,如and | or. 逗号等

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