
在没加上调用者权  authid current_user之前,报错如下

ORA-01031: insufficient privilegesORA-06512: at "RT_ANN_ODS.ODS_EI_WDNEW", line 1720





create or replace procedure p_test
2 Authid Current_User ----写在过程名称之后,is之前
3 is
4 begin
5 execute immediate 'create table creat_table(id number)';
6 end;
7 /


AUTHID only allowed on schema-level programs


查了下错误原因 An AUTHID
clause was specified for a subprogram inside a package or type. These clauses
are only supported for top-level stored procedures, packages, and types.



create or replace package p_test
authid current_user is


PLS-00157: AUTHID only allowed on schema-level programs解决办法 包体的过程使用调用者权限方法的更多相关文章

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