Key Concepts in RL
标签(空格分隔): RL_learning
- states and observations (状态和观测)
- action spaces(动作空间)
- policies(策略)
- trajectories(运动轨迹)
- different formulations of return(不同形式的奖励)
- the RL optimization problem(RL的优化问题)
- value functions()
States and Observations
states(状态) s 是一个对世界的完整的描述,states反映了世界的真实情况。
observation(观测) o 是对状态的一个部分描述,可能缺少某些信息。
在 deep RL 中 通常用 real-valued vector, matrix, or higher-order tensor 来描述。对于图像而言观测值是像素矩阵,对于机器人而言观测是它的速度和角度等。
如果agent可以观察到关于环境的所有的状态,那么我们称之为fully observed 。如果agent只能看到部分信息,我们称之为partially observed。
Action Spaces
不同的环境可以用不同的动作来描述。在给定环境里的所有的可执行动作就是动作空间。在一些环境中,比如Atari 和 Go,是离散的运动空间,其中agent可执行的动作只有有限个。在一些其他环境中,比如真是世界中的机器人的控制,它的运动空间是连续的。在这样的空间中动作通常是 real-valued vector。
对于不同的action spaces 会对RL的算法有很大的影响,一些算法在某种场景下可以直接应用,在其他的场景下可能需要全部重新改编。
Policies(策略)就是agent用来选择action的规则,它可以是明确的,通常表示为$\mu $:
在deep RL中我们其实是在处理参数化的策略问题:
Deterministic Polices
下面是Deterministic Police的例子
obs = tf.placeholder(shape=(None, obs_dim), dtype=tf.float32)
net = mlp(obs, hidden_dims=(64,64), activation=tf.tanh)
actions = tf.layers.dense(net, units=act_dim, activation=None)
where mlp
is a function that stacks multiple dense
layers on top of each other with the given sizes and activation.
Stochastic Policies
在深度学习中最常见的两种随机策略是Categorical Policies(分类策略)和diagonal Gaussian policies对角高斯策略。
categorical policies适用于离散的动作空间,而diagonal Gaussian polices使用于连续的动作空间。
- sampling actions from policy,
- and computing log likelihoods of particular actions,\(log\pi_\theta(a|s)\).
Categorical Policies
Categorical Policies类似一个对离散动作进分类的分类器,对它构建神经网络的方法与构建分类器的方法是一样的。输入是observation,然后是一些层(一般来说是convolutional or densely-connected,取决于输入的种类)。最后是一个线性层给出选择action的概率。
Diagonal Gaussian Policies
多元高斯分布通过平均值向量\(\mu\)和协方差矩阵\(\Sigma\)来描述,Diagonal Gussian distribution(对角高斯分布)是一个特殊的情况,它的协方差矩阵只有对角线上的元素,所以我们可以通过一个向量来表示。
Diagonal Gaussian policy通常通过神经网络将observation映射到mean action,\(\mu_\theta (s)\)。
Sampling.通过输入mean action\(\mu_\theta(s)\),标准差 \(\sigma_\theta(s)\)和成球面高斯分布的噪声 \((z \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I))\),可以得到action sample $$a = \mu_{\theta}(s) + \sigma_{\theta}(s) \odot z,$$
Log-Likelihood. The log-likelihood of a \(k\) -dimensional action \(a\), for a diagonal Gaussian with mean \(\mu = \mu_{\theta}(s)\) and standard deviation \(\sigma = \sigma_{\theta}(s)\), is given by
A trajectory \(\tau\) is a sequence of states and actions in the world,
State transitions (what happens to the world between the state at time \(t\), \(s_t\), and the state at \(t+1\), \(s_{t+1}\), are governed by the natural laws of the environment, and depend on only the most recent action, \(a_t\). They can be either deterministic,
or stochastic,$$s_{t+1} \sim P(\cdot|s_t, a_t).$$Actions come from an agent according to its policy.
Reward and Return
The reward function R is critically important in reinforcement learning. It depends on the current state of the world, the action just taken, and the next state of the world:
although frequently this is simplified to just a dependence on the current state, \(r_t = R(s_t)\), or state-action pair \(r_t = R(s_t,a_t)\).
The goal of the agent is to maximize some notion of cumulative reward over a trajectory, but this actually can mean a few things. We’ll notate all of these cases with \(R(\tau)\), and it will either be clear from context which case we mean, or it won’t matter (because the same equations will apply to all cases)
One kind of return is the finite-horizon undiscounted return, which is just the sum of rewards obtained in a fixed window of steps:
Another kind of return is the infinite-horizon discounted return, which is the sum of all rewards ever obtained by the agent, but discounted by how far off in the future they’re obtained. This formulation of reward includes a discount factor\(\gamma \in(0,1)\):
Why would we ever want a discount factor, though? Don’t we just want to get all rewards? We do, but the discount factor is both intuitively appealing and mathematically convenient. On an intuitive level: cash now is better than cash later. Mathematically: an infinite-horizon sum of rewards may not converge to a finite value, and is hard to deal with in equations. But with a discount factor and under reasonable conditions, the infinite sum converges.
The RL Problem
Whatever the choice of return measure (whether infinite-horizon discounted, or finite-horizon undiscounted), and whatever the choice of policy, the goal in RL is to select a policy which maximizes expected return when the agent acts according to it.
To talk about expected return, we first have to talk about probability distributions over trajectories.
Let’s suppose that both the environment transitions and the policy are stochastic. In this case, the probability of a \(T\)-step trajectory is:
The expected return (for whichever measure), denoted by \(J(\pi)\), is then:
The central optimization problem in RL can then be expressed by
with \(\pi^*\) being the optimal policy.
Value Functions
It’s often useful to know the value of a state, or state-action pair. By value, we mean the expected return if you start in that state or state-action pair, and then act according to a particular policy forever after. Value functions are used, one way or another, in almost every RL algorithm.
知道某个状态或者状态-动作对的值对我们来说很有用,那么这个值就是在这个状态或者状态-动作对根据策略选择动作之后得到的期望收益。在所有的RL算法中都会用到一个或者几个Value Functions.
主要有以下四种Value Function
- The On-Policy Value Function, \(V^{\pi}(s)\), which gives the expected return if you start in state \(s\) and always act according to policy \(\pi\):
- The On-Policy Action-Value Function, Q^{\pi}(s,a), which gives the expected return if you start in state s, take an arbitrary action a (which may not have come from the policy), and then forever after act according to policy \pi:
The Optimal Value Function, V^*(s), which gives the expected return if you start in state s and always act according to the optimal policy in the environment:
\[V^*(s) = \max_{\pi} \underset {\tau \sim \pi}{E} [R(\tau) |s_0 = s]
\]The Optimal Action-Value Function, Q^*(s,a), which gives the expected return if you start in state s, take an arbitrary action a, and then forever after act according to the optimal policy in the environment:
\[Q^*(s,a) = \max_{\pi} \underset {\tau \sim \pi} {E} [R(\tau)\ | s_0 = s, a_0 = a]
The Optimal Q-function and the Optimal Action
There is an important connection between the optimal action-value function \(Q^*(s,a)\) and the action selected by the optimal policy. By definition, \(Q^*(s,a)\) gives the expected return for starting in state \(s\), taking (arbitrary) action \(a\), and then acting according to the optimal policy forever after.
The optimal policy in s will select whichever action maximizes the expected return from starting in \(s\). As a result, if we have \(Q^*\), we can directly obtain the optimal action, \(a^*(s)\), via
Note: there may be multiple actions which maximize \(Q^*(s,a)\), in which case, all of them are optimal, and the optimal policy may randomly select any of them. But there is always an optimal policy which deterministically selects an action.
Bellman Equations
All four of the value functions obey special self-consistency equations called Bellman equations. The basic idea behind the Bellman equations is this:
The value of your starting point is the reward you expect to get from being there, plus the value of wherever you land next.
The Bellman equations for the on-policy value functions are
where \(s'\sim P\) is shorthand for \(s'\sim P(\cdot |s,a)\),indicating that the next state \(s'\) is sampled from the environment’s transition rules; $a \sim \pi $ is shorthand for \(a \sim \pi(\cdot|s)\); and \(a' \sim \pi\) is shorthand for \(a' \sim \pi(\cdot|s')\).
The Bellman equations for the optimal value functions are
The crucial difference between the Bellman equations for the on-policy value functions and the optimal value functions, is the absence or presence of the \max over actions. Its inclusion reflects the fact that whenever the agent gets to choose its action, in order to act optimally, it has to pick whichever action leads to the highest value.
The term “Bellman backup” comes up quite frequently in the RL literature. The Bellman backup for a state, or state-action pair, is the right-hand side of the Bellman equation: the reward-plus-next-value.
Advantage Functions
Sometimes in RL, we don’t need to describe how good an action is in an absolute sense, but only how much better it is than others on average. That is to say, we want to know the relative advantage of that action. We make this concept precise with the advantage function.
The advantage function \(A^{\pi}(s,a)\) corresponding to a policy \(\pi\) describes how much better it is to take a specific action a in state s, over randomly selecting an action according to \(\pi(\cdot|s)\), assuming you act according to \(\pi\) forever after. Mathematically, the advantage function is defined by
advantage function is crucially important to policy gradient methods.
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