convirt2.0是一款使用python和jquery结合编写的其于web的集中管理xen服务的程序。该程序在xen 社区项目,管理项目中被使用的量很高,convirt开发有开源版本与企业版本,企业版拥有服务支持,并增强了xen动态资源调整的功能,此次介绍的的为convirt2.0开源版。

Whats new in ConVirt 2.1

This update include numerous bug fixes, enhancements requested by community over a period of last several months. Some of them are listed here.
SSH to managed server : This provides easy access to get to the managed server via ssh.

IE8 support : Now ConVirt Console is available via Internet Explorer 8.

Annotation for Server and Virtual Machines : This allows users to annotate Servers and Virtual Machines thus helping coordinate activities like "Who is working on this server issue?" or "How long this server is going to be down ?"

VNC Password for KVM virtual machines : Now one can specify the password for Virtual Machine console.

SLES 11 SP2 certification : : We are pleased to announce that this version can now be used with SLES 11 SP2.

Diagnostic capabilities Few diagnostic capabilities are added to be able to identify problems without shutting down the Management server.

Deployment information This version collects some deployment information and send it to Convirture. This data will be used to improve features and guide future development. This can be turned off by changing setting in development.i

Whats new in ConVirt 2.1.1

This update include numerous few fixes and enhancements.
Ubuntu 12.04 : Now Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is supported as managed server as well as CMS platform.

VhostNet support : VhostNet provides better latency (10% less than e1000 on my system) and greater throughput (8x the normal virtio, around 7~8 Gigabits/sec here) for network. Now vhost=on can be specified in the vif property in Miscellaneous page of the VM settings page from ConVirt.

Bug fixes


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