Given two cells on the standard chess board, determine whether they have the same color or not.


  • For cell1 = "A1" and cell2 = "C3", the output should be
    chessBoardCellColor(cell1, cell2) = true.

  • For cell1 = "A1" and cell2 = "H3", the output should be
    chessBoardCellColor(cell1, cell2) = false.


def chessBoardCellColor(cell1, cell2):
return abs(int(cell1[1])-int(cell2[1])) % 2 == 0 if abs(ord(cell1[0]) - ord(cell2[0])) % 2 == 0 else abs(int(cell1[1])-int(cell2[1])) % 2 == 1
def chessBoardCellColor(cell1, cell2):
return (ord(cell1[0]) + int(cell1[1]) + ord(cell2[0]) + int(cell2[1])) % 2 == 0


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