Happiness is a direction, not a place.


Do you remember those moments in your life when you were happy and joyful?

Do you remeber how those moments came, and how they made you feel?

If you have some clear answers, I think you will know how to regain them, especially when you desperately need some strength to get through the hard times in life.

For myself, I know what can make me happy, those things are being loved by someone, successfully coding for a big project, thoroughly mastering some new knowledges that others haven't known, and so on.

But sometimes, I feel that those things seemed to me as something I would never achieve in all my life, and I would never stand on the podium again for my best performance.

Maybe I am too pessimistic about myself.

Maybe I have demanded too much of life, without making enough efforts to pursue my dreams.

I have got lost in such feelings, unable to enjoy the present, unable to stand firmly on the ground.

Now, I have a chance to show all of my abilities, I don't intend to let it go.

Even in the loneliest moments, I have been there for myself.


From Sanober Khan.

Living alone is an acquired taste.

I really enjoy the time I was alone and I can do something I love.

Sometimes, I was immersed in my books, there would come to me the awareness of all that I don't know, of all that I hadn't read.

But when I realized that my time is so limited, I may not read so much, I may not learn I want to know, then the serenity I labored for was shattered.

Maybe I should adjust my ways of reading and learning so that they can produce some effective outcomes to the world.

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