# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
import os
import jieba.posseg as pseg
# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
import os
def splitSentence(inputFile,name):
    fin = open(inputFile, 'r')      #以读的方式打开文件
    print name
    fout= open('/home/xdj/target/'+name,'w')         #以写得方式打开文件
    for eachLine in fin:
        line = eachLine.strip().decode('utf-8', 'ignore')      #去除每行首尾可能出现的空格,并转为Unicode进行处理
    line=line.strip('\n')                                       #去掉多余空行
        wordList = pseg.cut(line)                        #用结巴分词,对每行内容进行分词    
        outStr = ''
        for word in wordList:#
        #print word.word,word.flag            
        outStr += word.word+'/'+word.flag
    #print outStr
        fout.write(outStr.encode('utf-8'))              #将分词好的结果写入到输出文件
fns=[os.path.join(root,fn) for root,dirs,files in os.walk(path) for fn in files]
#fout= open('/home/xdj/myOutput.txt','w')  
for f in fns:
    print f
    strm = '%d' %i
print num

# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
import os
import jieba.posseg as pseg
# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
import os def splitSentence(inputFile,name):
fin = open(inputFile, 'r') #以读的方式打开文件
print name
fout= open('/home/xdj/target/'+name,'w') #以写得方式打开文件
for eachLine in fin:
line = eachLine.strip().decode('utf-8', 'ignore') #去除每行首尾可能出现的空格,并转为Unicode进行处理
line=line.strip('\n') #去掉多余空行
wordList = pseg.cut(line) #用结巴分词,对每行内容进行分词
outStr = ''
for word in wordList:#
#print word.word,word.flag
outStr += word.word+'/'+word.flag
#print outStr
fout.write(outStr.encode('utf-8')) #将分词好的结果写入到输出文件
fout.close() path='/media/软件/zhuomian/VARandLDA/xuejiesourse'
fns=[os.path.join(root,fn) for root,dirs,files in os.walk(path) for fn in files]
#fout= open('/home/xdj/myOutput.txt','w') i=-1
for f in fns:
print f
strm = '%d' %i
print num

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