Networking Support 网络支持

Working with Networking Devices 使用网络设备

自从Ansible 2.1开始,你现在可以使用成熟模型 - 编写 playbook 和 开发 module 来管理异构的网络设备 。Ansible使用 SSH之上的CLI、API(可用时)来支持越来越多的网络设备。

Network Automation Installation 网络自动化安装

Install the latest Ansible release

Available Networking Modules 可用的网络模块

大部分标准的Ansible模块被设计为在linux/unix或windows上工作,且不会使用网络设备。一些模块(包括 “slurp”, “raw”, and “setup”)是平台无关的,且会使用网络设备。

查看哪些可用的使用网络设备的模块,浏览  “networking” section of the Ansible module index

Connecting to Networking Devices 连接网络设备


每一个core 网络模块支持底层的操作系统和传输协议。操作系统和模块是一对一匹配的,同时传输协议和操作系统是一对多的关系。有些操作系统可能只有一个传输选项。


  • host - 定义了远端主机的hostname或者ip地址
  • port - 定义了要连接的远端主机的端口
  • username - 定义用来认证连接的用户名
  • password - 定义用来认证连接的密码
  • transport - 定义连接传输构建的类型
  • authorize - 启用特权上升,当设备需要时
  • auth_pass - 为特权上升定义一个密码,如需要时

单个模块可以为这些参数设置默认值为普通的值,匹配设备的默认设置。例如,transport的默认值通常是 cli 。一些模块也支持如 EOS(eapi) 和NXOS(nxapi),而有些仅支持“cli”。所有的参数在每个模块的文档中已经描述。



下面俩个配置模块本质上是相同的(使用nxos_config)作为一个例子,但是它可以应用所有的core 网络模块:

  1. ---
  2. nxos_config:
  3. src: config.j2
  4. host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
  5. username: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
  6. password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }}"
  7. transport: cli
  9. ---
  10. vars:
  11. cli:
  12. host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
  13. username: "{{ ansible_ssh_user }}"
  14. password: "{{ ansible_ssh_pass }} "
  15. transport: cli
  17. nxos_config:
  18. src: config.j2
  19. provider: "{{ cli }}"


  1. ---
  2. vars:
  3. cli:
  4. host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
  5. username: operator
  6. password: secret
  7. transport: cli
  9. tasks:
  10. - nxos_config:
  11. src: config.j2
  12. provider: "{{ cli }}"
  13. username: admin
  14. password: admin

在上面这个例子中,admin用户名和admin密码会覆写provider中 “cli” 的相应值。


  1. ---
  2. vars:
  3. cli:
  4. host: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
  5. username: operator
  6. password: secret
  7. transport: cli
  9. tasks:
  10. - nxos_config:
  11. src: config.j2
  12. provider: "{{ cli }}"
  13. transport: nxapi


  1. ---
  2. vars:
  3. conn:
  4. password: cisco_pass
  5. transport: cli
  7. tasks:
  8. - nxos_config:
  9. src: config.j2
  10. provider: "{{ conn }}"


  1. "msg": "missing required arguments: username,host"

整体上来说,这提供了一个非常细粒度的级别,用于控制凭据如何与模块一起使用。它给playbook设计者提供上下文变化的的最大控制力,当在运行playbook 需要的时候。

Networking Environment Variables 网络环境变量








  • Default
  • Environment
  • Provider
  • Task arguments

Conditionals in Networking Modules 网络模块中的条件

Ansible allows you to use conditionals to control the flow of your playbooks. Ansible networking command modules use the following unique conditional statements.

  • eq - Equal
  • neq - Not equal
  • gt - Greater than
  • ge - Greater than or equal
  • lt - Less than
  • le - Less than or equal
  • contains - Object contains specified item

Conditional statements evaluate the results from the commands that are executed remotely on the device. Once the task executes the command set, the waitfor argument can be used to evaluate the results before returning control to the Ansible playbook.

For example:

  1. ---
  2. - name: wait for interface to be admin enabled
  3. eos_command:
  4. commands:
  5. - show interface Ethernet4 | json
  6. waitfor:
  7. - "result[0].interfaces.Ethernet4.interfaceStatus eq connected"

In the above example task, the command show interface Ethernet4 | json is executed on the remote device and the results are evaluated. If the path(result[0].interfaces.Ethernet4.interfaceStatus) is not equal to “connected”, then the command is retried. This process continues until either the condition is satisfied or the number of retries has expired (by default, this is 10 retries at 1 second intervals).

The commands module can also evaluate more than one set of command results in an interface. For instance:

  1. ---
  2. - name: wait for interfaces to be admin enabled
  3. eos_command:
  4. commands:
  5. - show interface Ethernet4 | json
  6. - show interface Ethernet5 | json
  7. waitfor:
  8. - "result[0].interfaces.Ethernet4.interfaceStatus eq connected"
  9. - "result[1].interfaces.Ethernet4.interfaceStatus eq connected"

In the above example, two commands are executed on the remote device, and the results are evaluated. By specifying the result index value (0 or 1), the correct result output is checked against the conditional.

The waitfor argument must always start with result and then the command index in [], where 0 is the first command in the commands list, 1 is the second command, 2 is the third and so on.

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