[Robot Framework] 如何在Setup中用Run Keywords执行多个带参数的关键字
Setup/Teardown Robot Framework more than one keyword?
Is it possible to add to test Setup/Teardown procedure in Robot Framework more than one keyword?
Best How To :
Yes. Use the Run Keywords keyword, and use the special argument AND
to separate your keywords.
For example:
*** Settings ***
| Test Setup | Run keywords
| ... | A keyword | with | arguments
| ... | AND | Another keyword | with | arguments
| ... | AND | One more keyword
Note that my use of the pipe-separated format isn't intended to imply that it's the only format you can use in this situation. You can use any supported format with this solution. For example, here is the same thing using the space-separated format:
*** Settings ***
Test Setup Run keywords
... A keyword with arguments
... AND Another keyword with arguments
... AND One more keyword
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