2.在本地用Git Bash初始化仓库A(一开始没有从GitHub上拉下来).

git init /* 初始化一个空的仓库*/

3.在本地仓库新建一个文件 test.txt,并且提交到本地仓库.

git add test.txt /* 把test.txt设为仓库跟踪文件 */ 
git commit -m “测试第一次 test.txt” /* 提交文件并且追加备注 */

4.把本地仓库提交到远程仓库master 分支

git push git@github.com:用户名/仓库名 master 
提交失败:not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository push

本地仓库跟远程仓库的版本不一样导致的,因为执行在步骤1的时候,远程的版本库会有个“commit readme.md”这个操作记录,本地仓库是不知道你有这个提交的,也就是说这个记录没在本地仓库是不存在的,所以俩个版本是不一致的.
三 、解决方法

A). 先更新本地版本在提交

  1. 利用 git pull 更新本地版本库.
  2. 再 利用git push命令把本地仓库推送至远程仓库.

B). 强制覆盖

  1. 加上 -f 参数 强制覆盖

git push -f


Git push -u orign master 提示hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository push的更多相关文章

  1. hint: not have locally. This is usually caused by another repository pushing

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  2. Git error: hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do hint: not have locally. This is usually caused b

    hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you dohint: not have locally. This ...

  3. Git error: hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you do hint: not have locally

    hint: Updates were rejected because the remote contains work that you dohint: not have locally. This ...

  4. idea关联git后 Git上传项目提示Push rejected: Push to origin/master was rejected解决办法

    当所有的东西都配好以后  就是不上数据  解决方案是在所属右键 点击Git BashHere后  输入:git pull origin master –allow-unrelated-historie ...

  5. Git上传项目到码云提示Push rejected: Push to origin/master was rejected

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  8. Git出现提交错误--Push to origin/master was rejected(转)

    Step1:出现的问题? 在使用Git Push代码的时候,会出现Push to origin/master was rejected 的错误提示.在第一次提交到代码仓库的时候非常容易出现,因为初始化 ...

  9. git push -u origin master error: failed to push some refs to

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