通用链表实现(参考Linux List)
#ifndef _I_LIST_H_2012_11_23_
#define _I_LIST_H_2012_11_23_ #ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /** \brief 双向链表连接器
* \details 实现用户自定义结构链表的连接器的结构定义,使用注意事项:
1. 务必将其嵌入到用户自定义结构体元素的顶端;
2. 务必使用结构类型而非其指针类型嵌入到用户自定义结构体
* \typedef typedef struct _IList IList,*pIList
typedef struct _IList
struct _IList *_prev;
struct _IList *_next;
}IList, *pIList; /**
\brief 遍历链表所有节点
\details 遍历链表所有节点,在遍历过程中,请勿执行添加、删除操作 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[out] pLink 节点
#define IList_Foreach(pList, pos) \
for ( \
pos = pos = (pList)->_next; \
pos != (pList); \
pos = pos->_next \
) /**
\brief 遍历链表所有节点
\details 安全遍历链表所有节点,在遍历过程中,可以删除节点 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[out] pLink 节点
#define IList_Foreach_Salf(pList, temp, pos) \
for ( \
pos = (pList)->_next, temp = pos->_next; \
pos != (pList); \
pos = temp, temp = pos->_next\
) /**
\brief 链表初始化 \param[in] pList 链表对象
void IList_Init(pIList pList); /**
\brief 插入新节点
\details 将新节点插入链表指定节点之前 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[in] pLink 指定节点
\param[in] pNewLink 带插入节点
void IList_Insert(pIList pLink, pIList pNewLink); /**
\brief 插入新节点至链表尾部 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[in] pLink 指定节点
\param[in] pNewLink 带插入节点
void IList_Append(pIList pList, pIList pNewLink); /**
\brief 插入新节点至链表尾头部 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[in] pLink 指定节点
\param[in] pNewLink 带插入节点
void IList_Prepend(pIList pList, pIList pNewLink); /**
\brief 删除指定节点 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[in] pLink 带删除的节点
void IList_Remove(pIList pLink); /**
\brief 获取表头节点 \param[in] pList 链表对象 \return NULL: 链表为空
其他: 表头节点地址
pIList IList_Head(pIList pList); /**
\brief 获取表尾节点 \param[in] pList 链表对象 \return NULL: 链表为空
其他: 表尾节点地址
pIList IList_Tail(pIList pList); /**
\brief 检测链表是否为空 \param[in] pList 链表对象 \return 0: 链表非空
1: 链表为空
int IList_IsEmpty(pIList pList);
\brief 获取链表节点数 \param[in] pList 链表对象 \return 链表节点数
int IList_Size(pIList pList); /**
\brief 获取指定节点的后一节点 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[in] pLink 指定的节点 \return NULL: 指定节点为尾节点
其他: 指定节点后一节点地址
pIList IList_Next(pIList pList, pIList pLink); /**
\brief 获取指定节点的前一节点 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[in] pLink 指定的节点 \return NULL: 指定节点为头节点
其他: 指定节点前一节点地址
pIList IList_Prev(pIList pList, pIList pLink); /**
\brief 获取链表中第index个节点 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[in] index 节点序号,从1计数 \return NULL: 指定序号无节点
其他: 链表中第index所对应的节点
pIList IList_Nth(pIList pList, int index); /**
\brief 获取链表中指定节点的序号 \param[in] pList 链表对象
\param[in] pLink 指定节点 \return NULL: 指定序号无节点
其他: 链表中第index所对应的节点
int IList_Find(pIList pList, pIList pLink); #ifdef __cplusplus
#endif #endif//_I_LIST_H_2012_11_23_
#include <stdio.h>
#include "iList.h" void IList_Init(pIList pList)
pList->_prev = pList;
pList->_next = pList;
} void IList_Insert(pIList pLink, pIList pNewLink)
pNewLink->_prev = pLink->_prev;
pNewLink->_next = pLink;
pNewLink->_prev->_next = pNewLink;
pNewLink->_next->_prev = pNewLink;
} void IList_Append(pIList pList, pIList pNewLink)
IList_Insert(pList, pNewLink);
} void IList_Prepend(pIList pList, pIList pNewLink)
IList_Insert(pList->_next, pNewLink);
} void IList_Remove(pIList pLink)
pLink->_prev->_next = pLink->_next;
pLink->_next->_prev = pLink->_prev;
} pIList IList_Head(pIList pList)
return pList->_next != pList ? pList->_next : NULL;
} pIList IList_Tail(pIList pList)
return pList->_prev != pList ? pList->_prev : NULL;
} int IList_IsEmpty(pIList pList)
return pList->_next == pList;
} int IList_Size(pIList pList)
int count = ;
pIList temp = NULL; if (pList->_next == pList)
return ; IList_Foreach(pList, temp)
count ++;
} return count;
} pIList IList_Next(pIList pList, pIList pLink)
return pLink->_next != pList ? pLink->_next : NULL;
} pIList IList_Prev(pIList pList, pIList pLink)
return pLink->_prev != pList ? pLink->_prev : NULL;
} pIList IList_Nth(pIList pList, int index)
pIList pLink = NULL;
int count = ; IList_Foreach(pList, pLink)
count ++;
if (count == index)
return pLink;
} return NULL;
} int IList_Find(pIList pList, pIList pLink)
pIList pTemp = NULL;
int index = ; pTemp = IList_Head(pList); while ((pTemp != NULL) && (pTemp != pLink))
pTemp = IList_Next(pList, pTemp);
} if (pTemp == NULL)
return (-);
return (index);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "iList.h" typedef struct _Student
IList _list; int _id;
char *name;
}Student, *pStudent; int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int i = ;
int num = ;
int count = ;
pStudent temp= NULL;
pIList list, link; if (argc > )
num = atoi(argv[]); list = (IList *)malloc(sizeof(IList));
if (!list)
printf("Error in malloc.\n");
return -;
memset(list, , sizeof(IList)); IList_Init(list);
for (i = ; i < num; i ++)
temp = malloc(sizeof(Student));
if (!temp)
return -;
memset(temp, , sizeof(Student));
temp->_id = i + ;
IList_Append(list, &temp->_list);
//IList_Prepend(list, &temp->_list);
} IList_Foreach(list, link)
temp = (pStudent)link;
printf("%d\t", temp->_id);
printf("\n"); printf("Input the num(1 ~ %d) that you want to:\n", IList_Size(list));
scanf("%d", &count);
link = IList_Nth(list, count);
printf("Num %d id: %d\n", count, ((pStudent)link)->_id);
printf("Id %d num: %d\n", ((pStudent)link)->_id, IList_Find(list, link)); printf("List count: %d\n", IList_Size(list));
/*for (link = IList_Head(list);!IList_IsEmpty(list);)
pIList tLink = link;
link = IList_Next(list, link);
pIList n, pos;
IList_Foreach_Salf(list, n, pos)
} while ();
printf("List count: %d\n", IList_Size(list)); free(list); return ;
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