Months ago, I bought the keyboard Noppoo Choc Mini 84keys for using under XUbuntu12.10, and I have forgot which keyboard layout I had set. When the OS upgrades to XUbuntu13.10, it doesn't work! After searched Google, no available answers for me.

But, I find the "Setting Manager -> Keyboard -> Layout -> Fujitus-Simens ComputersAMILO laptop" model can work normally on my Acer Aspire E1 -471G laptop.

However, we must confirm that our keyboard's USB was inserted into computer when the mechian was booting, so that the "Delete" light would flash twice. So, it's not important which keyboard layout you have chosen, but the time you link them two maters. Ah, haha.

So, I write it maybe someone else have the same problem like me.

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