Today is the last day that all the laptops of winXP OS should be upgrade to WIN7. After updated. when i tried to debug my application,i received this error message.(My application runs environment: win7+vs2010+IE10.)

"Attaching the Script debugger to process 'iexplore.exe' on machine '' failed. A debugger is already attached."

i searched this issue on the internet. it was found that this is the problem when you upgrade you IE version to IE10. Below is the solution. marked this as memo in english due to the Chinese typewriting  is collapsed

  • In IE Advanced settings, under browsing remove the tick on "Disable script debugging (Internet Explorer)"
  • Running this in command prompt (with administrator rights): -

    regsvr32.exe "%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\VS7Debug\msdbg2.dll

  The combination of these 2 and a browser restart of course fixed it for me.

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