MSBuild could not create or connect to a task host with runtime "CLR2" and architecture "x86".
vs2010 and vs2012 are installed on target machine.
Build c# project using vs2010, following error occurred:
ERROR message :
error MSB4216: Could not run the "GenerateResource" task because MSBuild could not create or connect to a task host with runtime "CLR2" and architecture "x86". Please ensure that (1) the requested runtime and/or architecture are available on the machine, and (2) that the required executable "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v8.0A\bin\NETFX 4.0 Tools\MSBuildTaskHost.exe" exists and can be run.
Set environment variables:
Following solution is provided by Forrest Guo.
Following content is only used for knowledge sharing. ^^
This is a known issue which supposed to be fixed in later release. The MSBuildTaskHost.exe is introduced by Visual Studio 2012 but not the Windows SDK. This is a new feature in VS 2012 build system, out of process build.
You can disable this feature if VS 2012 is not used in building. Setting environment variable: DISABLEOUTOFPROCTASKHOST=1
Reference: Build is unable to find MSBuildTaskHost.exe
MSBuild could not create or connect to a task host with runtime "CLR2" and architecture "x86".的更多相关文章
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