The latest pip versions will fail on you when the packages it needs to install are not hosted on PyPI . When you try to install MySQL Connector/Python the usually way, you get following message is:

shell> pip install mysql-connector-python
Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement
Some externally hosted files were ignored
(use --allow-external mysql-connector-python to allow).

I have updated the download URL to include the MD5 checksum, and MySQL Connector/Python should now install using pip using following command:

shell> pip install --allow-external mysql-connector-python \

Yes, you have to repeat the mysql-connector-python name.

AboutGeert Vanderkelen

Geert JM Vanderkelen, based in Berlin (Germany), is a member of the MySQL Utilities Team at Oracle and lead developer of Connector/Python. Before joining the MySQL team, he has worked as Developer, DBA and SysAdmin for over 6 years for various companies in Belgium and Germany. Geert was a key member of the MySQL Support Team for more than 7 years.

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