Engineering Productivity
Productivity is our job; testing and quality are the job of everyone involved in development. This means that developers own testing and developers own quality. The productivity team is responsible for enabling development to nail those two things.
Engineering Productivity team is kind of extension which allow companies to focus on quality from start of Software Engineering process (often called 'left') to the product release and live maintenance/monitoring ('right' - Testing in Production).
Engineering Productivity的目标
a) 软件能尽可能快的发布。software is released as fast as possible
b) 软件是高质量。software has the highest quality possible
c) 软件在生产环境正常工作。 software works correctly on production
a) More focus on test frameworks, internal consulting and coaching
Demanding business realities usually mean that developers have to write tests. To be fully effective They need guidance & tools provided by experienced testing specialists.
EP team should also provide correct guidelines. For example 100% unit tests coverage probably won't detect performance problems. Limited testing effort should be used in correct place.
b) Shift left in software engineering process
Obviously testing at the beginning is the cheapest. Spending time on things like IDE plugins, unit tests, code coverage tools, effective code review, OWASP secure coding practices usually have high ROI (Return of Investment). EP team should also make sure that no failures are allowed to move downstream on Continuous Integration process.
c) Shift right in software engineering process
Successful release doesn't end EP team duties. They need to constantly monitor how their application perform on production.
d) Need for speed
EP team should make sure that testing doesn't become a bottleneck and it doesn't slow down developers. For example if Selenium E2E run too long at some point they will stop giving any feedback at all, because people won't run them.
Reduce the time from concept to deliverable by providing our product development teams with the tools, practices and support to increase their productivity while maintaining high quality standards
Goal #1: Provide an easily maintainable and extensible framework that enables scrum teams to add and remove tests. This is not just the what, but the how. What are the strategies and guidelines? How do we decide to include tests? How do we maintain them? Are teams clear on our vision of testing? If teams don’t understand, how can they be successful?
Goal #2: Enable the automatic and early detection of failures within the software under development. I always talk about failing fast and a “shift left” mentality for quality (testing as early as possible). We all should know by now the cost savings of finding a defect earlier rather than later (thousands). By enabling teams to do this more easily, the engineers get faster feedback on their code. When we first started, we were running tests at merge. Now, we will be running at every pull request.
Goal #3: Prevent the source of detected failures from moving any further downstream. It’s not enough to just detect the failure—You have to prevent it from making it to production. We work very closely with the CI team to ensure our gates are in place. It should be no surprise if we do not distribute a build if our tests failed. Teams start to see the importance of being in a releasable state, and ensuring their code changes result in passing tests.
Goal #4: Accommodate all of this without impacting the engineers’ time. This is not easy work, but we want to provide everything without really impacting the engineer. It doesn’t mean that an engineer is not involved in the testing—It simply means we help them adopt the culture of delivering with high quality, which becomes ingrained in the entire Scrum team.
Engineering Productivity Team的角色
a) Test Engineers (TE)
Testers with broad product & business domain knowledge who focus on what should be tested. They drive test strategy and help to identify product risks. Usually aligned in Scrum Team.
b) Software Engineers in Tests (SETs)
Software Engineers (developers) interested in testing domain who build frameworks and tools aiming to speed up software engineering process.
c) Software Engineers, Tools & Infrastructure (SETI)
d) Release Engineers, CI Engineers, DevOps Engineers, TestOps Engineers
Highly technical role which focuses on Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and whole release process automation.
e) Site Reliability Engineers, Software Reliability Engineers (SRE)
managed systems and data centers 24x7. reference book: https://landing.google.com/sre/book/index.html
f) Product Owner, Product Manager
Generally speaking he should make sure that EP team goals are aligned with business goals.
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作者:Petter Liu
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