设大圆圆心为A,半径为Ra,小圆圆心为B,半径为Rb,轨迹点为C,半径为Rc(BC距离),设小圆公转的弧度为 θ [0, ∞),如图:
小圆圆心(xb, yb)绕大圆圆心(xa, ya)公转,公转轨迹是一个半径为 RA - RB 的圆。求小圆圆心坐标,相当于是求半径为 RA - RB 的圆上 θ 弧度对应的点的坐标。
x = r * cos(θ), y = r * sin(θ)
所以小圆圆心坐标(xb, yb)为:( xa + (Ra - Rb) * cos(θ), ya + (Ra - Rb) * sin(θ) )
Ra * θ = Rb * α
小圆自转弧度 α = (Ra / Rb) * θ
点C相对小圆圆心B的公转轨迹是一个半径为 Rc 的圆,计算方法同第一步,有:
轨迹点C的坐标(xc, yc)为:( xb + Rc * cos(α), yb + Rc * sin(α) )
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import math
- '''
- 功能:
- 已知圆的圆心和半径,获取某弧度对应的圆上点的坐标
- 入参:
- center:圆心
- radius:半径
- radian:弧度
- '''
- def get_point_in_circle(center, radius, radian):
- return (center[0] + radius * math.cos(radian), center[1] - radius * math.sin(radian))
- '''
- 功能:
- 内外圆A和B,内圆A沿着外圆B的内圈滚动,已知外圆圆心、半径,已知内圆半径,已知公转弧度和绕点半径,计算绕点坐标
- 入参:
- center_A:外圆圆心
- radius_A:外圆半径
- radius_B:内圆半径
- radius_C:绕点半径
- radian:公转弧度
- '''
- def get_point_in_child_circle(center_A, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, radian):
- # 计算内圆圆心坐标
- center_B = get_point_in_circle(center_A, radius_A - radius_B, radian)
- # 计算绕点弧度(公转为逆时针,则自转为顺时针)
- radian_C = 2.0 * math.pi - ((radius_A / radius_B * radian) % (2.0 * math.pi))
- # 计算绕点坐标
- return get_point_in_circle(center_B, radius_C, radian_C)
(2)默认公转为逆时针,则自转为顺时针,所以第30行求自转弧度时,使用了2π - α%(2π);
- ''' 计算两点距离(平方和) '''
- def get_instance(p1, p2):
- return (p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1])
- '''
- 功能:
- 获取绕点路径的所有点的坐标
- 入参:
- center:外圆圆心
- radius_A:外圆半径
- radius_B:内圆半径
- radius_C:绕点半径
- shift_radian:每次偏移的弧度,默认0.01,值越小,精度越高,计算量越大
- '''
- def get_points(center, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, shift_radian=0.01):
- # 转为实数
- radius_A *= 1.0
- radius_B *= 1.0
- radius_C *= 1.0
- P2 = 2*math.pi # 一圈的弧度为 2PI
- R_PER_ROUND = int(P2/shift_radian/4) + 1 # 一圈需要走多少步(弧度偏移多少次)
- # 第一圈的起点坐标
- start_point = get_point_in_child_circle(center, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, 0)
- points = [start_point]
- # 第一圈的路径坐标
- for r in range(1, R_PER_ROUND):
- points.append(get_point_in_child_circle(center, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, shift_radian*r))
- # 以圈为单位,每圈的起始弧度为 2PI*round,某圈的起点坐标与第一圈的起点坐标距离在一定范围内,认为路径结束
- for round in range(1, 100):
- s_radian = round*P2
- s_point = get_point_in_child_circle(center, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, s_radian)
- if get_instance(s_point, start_point) < 0.1:
- break
- points.append(s_point)
- for r in range(1, R_PER_ROUND):
- points.append(get_point_in_child_circle(center, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, s_radian + shift_radian*r))
- return points
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- import math
- import random
- '''
- 功能:
- 已知圆的圆心和半径,获取某弧度对应的圆上点的坐标
- 入参:
- center:圆心
- radius:半径
- radian:弧度
- '''
- def get_point_in_circle(center, radius, radian):
- return (center[0] + radius * math.cos(radian), center[1] - radius * math.sin(radian))
- '''
- 功能:
- 内外圆A和B,内圆A沿着外圆B的内圈滚动,已知外圆圆心、半径,已知内圆半径、公转弧度,已知绕点半径,计算绕点坐标
- 入参:
- center_A:外圆圆心
- radius_A:外圆半径
- radius_B:内圆半径
- radius_C:绕点半径
- radian:公转弧度
- '''
- def get_point_in_child_circle(center_A, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, radian):
- # 计算内圆圆心坐标
- center_B = get_point_in_circle(center_A, radius_A - radius_B, radian)
- # 计算绕点弧度(公转为逆时针,则自转为顺时针)
- radian_C = 2.0*math.pi - ((radius_A / radius_B * radian) % (2.0*math.pi))
- # 计算绕点坐标
- center_C = get_point_in_circle(center_B, radius_C, radian_C)
- center_B_Int = (int(center_B[0]), int(center_B[1]))
- return center_B_Int, center_C
- ''' 计算两点距离(平方和) '''
- def get_instance(p1, p2):
- return (p1[0] - p2[0]) * (p1[0] - p2[0]) + (p1[1] - p2[1]) * (p1[1] - p2[1])
- '''
- 功能:
- 获取绕点路径的所有点的坐标
- 入参:
- center:外圆圆心
- radius_A:外圆半径
- radius_B:内圆半径
- radius_C:绕点半径
- shift_radian:每次偏移的弧度,默认0.01,值越小,精度越高,计算量越大
- '''
- def get_points(center_A, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, shift_radian=0.01):
- # 转为实数
- radius_A *= 1.0
- radius_B *= 1.0
- radius_C *= 1.0
- P2 = 2*math.pi # 一圈的弧度为 2PI
- R_PER_ROUND = int(P2/shift_radian) + 1 # 一圈需要走多少步(弧度偏移多少次)
- # 第一圈的起点坐标
- start_center, start_point = get_point_in_child_circle(center_A, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, 0)
- points = [start_point]
- centers = [start_center]
- # 第一圈的路径坐标
- for r in range(1, R_PER_ROUND):
- center, point = get_point_in_child_circle(center_A, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, shift_radian*r)
- points.append(point)
- centers.append(center)
- # 以圈为单位,每圈的起始弧度为 2PI*round,某圈的起点坐标与第一圈的起点坐标距离在一定范围内,认为路径结束
- for round in range(1, 100):
- s_radian = round*P2
- s_center, s_point = get_point_in_child_circle(center_A, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, s_radian)
- if get_instance(s_point, start_point) < 0.1:
- break
- points.append(s_point)
- centers.append(s_center)
- for r in range(1, R_PER_ROUND):
- center, point = get_point_in_child_circle(center_A, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C, s_radian + shift_radian*r)
- points.append(point)
- centers.append(center)
- print(len(points)/R_PER_ROUND)
- return centers, points
- import pygame
- from pygame.locals import *
- pygame.init()
- screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 400))
- clock = pygame.time.Clock()
- color_black = (0, 0, 0)
- color_white = (255, 255, 255)
- color_red = (255, 0, 0)
- color_yello = (255, 255, 0)
- center = (300, 200)
- radius_A = 150
- radius_B = 110
- radius_C = 50
- test_centers, test_points = get_points(center, radius_A, radius_B, radius_C)
- test_idx = 2
- draw_point_num_per_tti = 5
- while True:
- for event in pygame.event.get():
- if event.type==pygame.QUIT:
- pygame.quit()
- exit(0)
- screen.fill(color_white)
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, color_black, center, int(radius_A), 2)
- if test_idx <= len(test_points):
- pygame.draw.aalines(screen, (0, 0, 255), False, test_points[:test_idx], 1)
- if test_idx < len(test_centers):
- pygame.draw.circle(screen, color_black, test_centers[test_idx], int(radius_B), 1)
- pygame.draw.aaline(screen, color_black, test_centers[test_idx], test_points[test_idx], 1)
- test_idx = min(test_idx + draw_point_num_per_tti, len(test_points))
- clock.tick(50)
- pygame.display.flip()
关于pygame的使用,参考博客 eyehere.net/2011/python-pygame-novice-professional-index/
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