handle_info({add,X},Sum) ->


1a.) as info
1b.) as warning
1c.) as error

1.根据进程的生命周期:  如果是短生命周期(生产用完马上销毁)的进程(short-lived),你可以使用不同日志等级来记录这些消息,这将有利于发现真正的问题,不要把问题定位到接收者上,要多关注是谁发给他的,为什么会发到一个错的进程中,这样会造成什么结果?
2. 根据进程的数量:      如果这类进程数量庞大,就直接忽略了,不做trace,避免对日志IO造成压力。
3.根据进程的重要性:    如果是可以处理calls/casts/monitors/exits 消息的进程,我们应该记录下什么消息让他们异常?而其它的大多数进程,我们应该直接忽略它,不做trace。
4. "Let it crash" 哲学: 无论怎样,就是要让其Crash。
以上的”Let it crash"难免有点太牵强,这个错又不是来源于自己,为什么要让别人的错影响到自己,其它的观点很有道理,但Fred(Learn some Erlang的作者)总结非常精彩,分享如下:
I tend to go the log route. There isn't a super good reason, but the way
I think about it is a bit of probability. When do I send messages to the wrong process? A few ideas are: - Manual debugging
- Typoes
- A Refactoring gone bad
- Initial design got messed up
- Erroneous third-party code that doesn't come from my precise
development right away. Then the question is what are the consequences I want. - Manual debugging: do nothing, I'm poking around
- Typoes: I have to know about these ASAP
- Refactoring gone bad: I have to know about these ASAP
- Initial design got messed up: Something has to be loud and bad
- Third party code: I want the third party to suffer. For these reasons, I tend to take the following approach: - In handle_call/3, I log the event with a string a bit like
"mod=MYMOD at=handle_call warning=unexpected_call msg=~p" and then
return `{noreply, State}` to force the caller to crash after a
timeout. It's their fault, not mine.
- In other callbacks, just log similar messages, replacing
at=handle_call with at=handle_cast|info and
warning=unexpected_cast|info. I can, from time to time, look at logs for 'warning=unexpected_*' in
logs and see if something is going weird. If it's something happening rarely, I'm gonna have traces, but without
the weird failures (unless it's a call). If it's something frequent,
bugs will either show themselves differently, the log volume will be
very high, and so on. It tends to give me what I need given the circumstances. It's not always
as loud as I'd expect (except for calls, which is ideal), but it tends
to give me enough visibility for the occasional stray message, without
compromising service levels.
-- 重构代码时出错
-- 原本的设计混乱
-- 第三方代码库引出来错
handlle_call(Msg,_From,State) ->
log:("mod=~p at=handle_call warning=unexpected_call msg=~p",[?MOdule,Msg]),
{noreply, State};

Running Dialyzer on my codebase:


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