
* Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
*/ package com.android.volley; import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper; import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /**
* A request dispatch queue with a thread pool of dispatchers.
* Calling {@link #add(Request)} will enqueue the given Request for dispatch,
* resolving from either cache or network on a worker thread, and then delivering
* a parsed response on the main thread.
public class RequestQueue { /** Callback interface for completed requests. */
public static interface RequestFinishedListener<T> {
/** Called when a request has finished processing. */
public void onRequestFinished(Request<T> request);
} /** Used for generating monotonically-increasing sequence numbers for requests. */
private AtomicInteger mSequenceGenerator = new AtomicInteger(); /**
* Staging area for requests that already have a duplicate request in flight.
* <ul>
* <li>containsKey(cacheKey) indicates that there is a request in flight for the given cache
* key.</li>
* <li>get(cacheKey) returns waiting requests for the given cache key. The in flight request
* is <em>not</em> contained in that list. Is null if no requests are staged.</li>
* </ul>
private final Map<String, Queue<Request<?>>> mWaitingRequests =
new HashMap<String, Queue<Request<?>>>(); /**
* The set of all requests currently being processed by this RequestQueue. A Request
* will be in this set if it is waiting in any queue or currently being processed by
* any dispatcher.
private final Set<Request<?>> mCurrentRequests = new HashSet<Request<?>>(); /** The cache triage queue. */
private final PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>> mCacheQueue =
new PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>>(); /** The queue of requests that are actually going out to the network. */
private final PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>> mNetworkQueue =
new PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>>(); /** Number of network request dispatcher threads to start. */
private static final int DEFAULT_NETWORK_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = ; /** Cache interface for retrieving and storing responses. */
private final Cache mCache; /** Network interface for performing requests. */
private final Network mNetwork; /** Response delivery mechanism. */
private final ResponseDelivery mDelivery; /** The network dispatchers. */
private NetworkDispatcher[] mDispatchers; /** The cache dispatcher. */
private CacheDispatcher mCacheDispatcher; private List<RequestFinishedListener> mFinishedListeners =
new ArrayList<RequestFinishedListener>(); /**
* Creates the worker pool. Processing will not begin until {@link #start()} is called.
* @param cache A Cache to use for persisting responses to disk
* @param network A Network interface for performing HTTP requests
* @param threadPoolSize Number of network dispatcher threads to create
* @param delivery A ResponseDelivery interface for posting responses and errors
public RequestQueue(Cache cache, Network network, int threadPoolSize,
ResponseDelivery delivery) {
mCache = cache;
mNetwork = network;
mDispatchers = new NetworkDispatcher[threadPoolSize];
mDelivery = delivery;
} /**
* Creates the worker pool. Processing will not begin until {@link #start()} is called.
* @param cache A Cache to use for persisting responses to disk
* @param network A Network interface for performing HTTP requests
* @param threadPoolSize Number of network dispatcher threads to create
public RequestQueue(Cache cache, Network network, int threadPoolSize) {
this(cache, network, threadPoolSize,
new ExecutorDelivery(new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())));
} /**
* Creates the worker pool. Processing will not begin until {@link #start()} is called.
* @param cache A Cache to use for persisting responses to disk
* @param network A Network interface for performing HTTP requests
public RequestQueue(Cache cache, Network network) {
} /**
* Starts the dispatchers in this queue.
public void start() {
stop(); // Make sure any currently running dispatchers are stopped.
// Create the cache dispatcher and start it.
mCacheDispatcher = new CacheDispatcher(mCacheQueue, mNetworkQueue, mCache, mDelivery);
mCacheDispatcher.start(); // Create network dispatchers (and corresponding threads) up to the pool size.
for (int i = ; i < mDispatchers.length; i++) {
NetworkDispatcher networkDispatcher = new NetworkDispatcher(mNetworkQueue, mNetwork,
mCache, mDelivery);
mDispatchers[i] = networkDispatcher;
} /**
* Stops the cache and network dispatchers.
public void stop() {
if (mCacheDispatcher != null) {
for (int i = ; i < mDispatchers.length; i++) {
if (mDispatchers[i] != null) {
} /**
* Gets a sequence number.
public int getSequenceNumber() {
return mSequenceGenerator.incrementAndGet();
} /**
* Gets the {@link Cache} instance being used.
public Cache getCache() {
return mCache;
} /**
* A simple predicate or filter interface for Requests, for use by
* {@link RequestQueue#cancelAll(RequestFilter)}.
public interface RequestFilter {
public boolean apply(Request<?> request);
} /**
* Cancels all requests in this queue for which the given filter applies.
* @param filter The filtering function to use
public void cancelAll(RequestFilter filter) {
synchronized (mCurrentRequests) {
for (Request<?> request : mCurrentRequests) {
if (filter.apply(request)) {
} /**
* Cancels all requests in this queue with the given tag. Tag must be non-null
* and equality is by identity.
public void cancelAll(final Object tag) {
if (tag == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot cancelAll with a null tag");
cancelAll(new RequestFilter() {
public boolean apply(Request<?> request) {
return request.getTag() == tag;
} /**
* Adds a Request to the dispatch queue.
* @param request The request to service
* @return The passed-in request
public <T> Request<T> add(Request<T> request) {
// Tag the request as belonging to this queue and add it to the set of current requests.
synchronized (mCurrentRequests) {
} // Process requests in the order they are added.
request.addMarker("add-to-queue"); // If the request is uncacheable, skip the cache queue and go straight to the network.
if (!request.shouldCache()) {
return request;
} // Insert request into stage if there's already a request with the same cache key in flight.
synchronized (mWaitingRequests) {
String cacheKey = request.getCacheKey();
if (mWaitingRequests.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
// There is already a request in flight. Queue up.
Queue<Request<?>> stagedRequests = mWaitingRequests.get(cacheKey);
if (stagedRequests == null) {
stagedRequests = new LinkedList<Request<?>>();
mWaitingRequests.put(cacheKey, stagedRequests);
if (VolleyLog.DEBUG) {
VolleyLog.v("Request for cacheKey=%s is in flight, putting on hold.", cacheKey);
} else {
// Insert 'null' queue for this cacheKey, indicating there is now a request in
// flight.
mWaitingRequests.put(cacheKey, null);
return request;
} /**
* Called from {@link Request#finish(String)}, indicating that processing of the given request
* has finished.
* <p>Releases waiting requests for <code>request.getCacheKey()</code> if
* <code>request.shouldCache()</code>.</p>
<T> void finish(Request<T> request) {
// Remove from the set of requests currently being processed.
synchronized (mCurrentRequests) {
synchronized (mFinishedListeners) {
for (RequestFinishedListener<T> listener : mFinishedListeners) {
} if (request.shouldCache()) {
synchronized (mWaitingRequests) {
String cacheKey = request.getCacheKey();
Queue<Request<?>> waitingRequests = mWaitingRequests.remove(cacheKey);
if (waitingRequests != null) {
if (VolleyLog.DEBUG) {
VolleyLog.v("Releasing %d waiting requests for cacheKey=%s.",
waitingRequests.size(), cacheKey);
// Process all queued up requests. They won't be considered as in flight, but
// that's not a problem as the cache has been primed by 'request'.
} public <T> void addRequestFinishedListener(RequestFinishedListener<T> listener) {
synchronized (mFinishedListeners) {
} /**
* Remove a RequestFinishedListener. Has no effect if listener was not previously added.
public <T> void removeRequestFinishedListener(RequestFinishedListener<T> listener) {
synchronized (mFinishedListeners) {















有人会问?解析到response以后,我们给request设计一个方法(例如将parseRespose(Respsonse respsonse))用于使用response,同时在这个方法内,回调监听器不就好了吗?为什么要多此一举,创建一个分发器呢?






* A request dispatch queue with a thread pool of dispatchers.
* Calling {@link #add(Request)} will enqueue the given Request for dispatch,
* resolving from either cache or network on a worker thread, and then delivering
* a parsed response on the main thread.
* 一个拥有线程池的请求队列
* 调用add()分发,将添加一个用于分发的请求
* worker线程从缓存或网络获取响应,然后将该响应提供给主线程
public class RequestQueue { /**
* Callback interface for completed requests.
* 任务完成的回调接口
public static interface RequestFinishedListener<T> {
/** Called when a request has finished processing. */
public void onRequestFinished(Request<T> request);
} /**
* Used for generating monotonically-increasing sequence numbers for requests.
* 使用原子类,记录队列中当前的请求数目
private AtomicInteger mSequenceGenerator = new AtomicInteger(); /**
* Staging area for requests that already have a duplicate request in flight.<br>
* 等候缓存队列,重复请求集结map,每个queue里面都是相同的请求
* <ul>
* <li>containsKey(cacheKey) indicates that there is a request in flight for the given cache
* key.</li>
* <li>get(cacheKey) returns waiting requests for the given cache key. The in flight request
* is <em>not</em> contained in that list. Is null if no requests are staged.</li>
* </ul>
* 如果map里面包含该请求的cachekey,说明已经有相同key的请求在执行
* get(cacheKey)根据cachekey返回对应的请求
private final Map<String, Queue<Request<?>>> mWaitingRequests =
new HashMap<String, Queue<Request<?>>>(); /**
* The set of all requests currently being processed by this RequestQueue. A Request
* will be in this set if it is waiting in any queue or currently being processed by
* any dispatcher.
* 队列当前拥有的所以请求的集合
* 请求在队列中,或者正被调度,都会在这个集合中
private final Set<Request<?>> mCurrentRequests = new HashSet<Request<?>>(); /**
* The cache triage queue.
* 缓存队列
private final PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>> mCacheQueue =
new PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>>(); /**
* The queue of requests that are actually going out to the network.
* 网络队列,有阻塞和fifo功能
private final PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>> mNetworkQueue =
new PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>>(); /**
* Number of network request dispatcher threads to start.
* 默认用于调度的线程池数目
private static final int DEFAULT_NETWORK_THREAD_POOL_SIZE = ; /**
* Cache interface for retrieving and storing responses.
* 缓存
private final Cache mCache; /**
* Network interface for performing requests.
* 执行请求的网络
private final Network mNetwork; /** Response delivery mechanism. */
private final ResponseDelivery mDelivery; /**
* The network dispatchers.
* 该队列的所有网络调度器
private NetworkDispatcher[] mDispatchers; /**
* The cache dispatcher.
* 缓存调度器
private CacheDispatcher mCacheDispatcher; /**
* 任务完成监听器队列
private List<RequestFinishedListener> mFinishedListeners =
new ArrayList<RequestFinishedListener>();


1,首先看List<RequestFinishedListener> mFinishedListeners任务完成监听器队列,这个队列保留了很多监听器,这些监听器都是监听RequestQueue请求队列的,而不是监听单独的某个请求。RequestQueue中每个请求完成后,都会回调这个监听队列里面的所有监听器。这是RequestQueue的统一管理的体现。

2,AtomicInteger mSequenceGenerator原子类,对java多线程熟悉的朋友应该知道,这个是为了线程安全而创造的类,不了解的朋友,可以把它认识是int类型,用于记录当前队列中的请求数目

3,PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>> mCacheQueue缓存队列,用于存放向请求缓存的request,线程安全,有阻塞功能,也就是说当队列里面没有东西的时候,线程试图从队列取请求,这个线程就会阻塞

4,PriorityBlockingQueue<Request<?>> mNetworkQueue网络队列,用于存放准备发起网络请求的request,功能同上

5,CacheDispatcher mCacheDispatcher缓存调度器,继承了Thread类,本质是一个线程,这个线程将会被开启进入一个死循环,不断从mCacheQueue缓存队列取出请求,然后去缓存Cache中查找结果

6,NetworkDispatcher[] mDispatchers网络调度器数组,继承了Thread类,本质是多个线程,所以线程都将被开启进入死循环,不断从mNetworkQueue网络队列取出请求,然后去网络Network请求数据

7,Set<Request<?>> mCurrentRequests记录队列中的所有请求,也就是上面mCacheQueue缓存队列与mNetworkQueue网络队列的总和,用于统一管理

8,Cache mCache缓存对象,面向对象的思想,把缓存看成一个实体

9,Network mNetwork网络对象,面向对象的思想,把网络看成一个实体

10,ResponseDelivery mDelivery分发器,就是这个分发器,负责把响应发给对应的请求,分发器存在的意义之前已经提到了,主要是为了耦合更加送并且能在主线程中操作UI

11,Map<String, Queue<Request<?>>> mWaitingRequests等候缓存队列,重复请求集结map,每个queue里面都是相同的请求。为什么需要这个map呢?map的key其实是request的url,如果我们有多个请求的url都是相同的,也就是说请求的资源是相同的,volley就把这些请求放入一个队列,在用url做key将队列放入map中。






* Creates the worker pool. Processing will not begin until {@link #start()} is called.
* 创建一个工作池,在调用start()方法以后,开始执行
* @param cache A Cache to use for persisting responses to disk
* @param network A Network interface for performing HTTP requests
* @param threadPoolSize Number of network dispatcher threads to create
* @param delivery A ResponseDelivery interface for posting responses and errors
public RequestQueue(Cache cache, Network network, int threadPoolSize,
ResponseDelivery delivery) {
mCache = cache;//缓存,用于保留响应到硬盘
mNetwork = network;//网络接口,用于执行http请求
mDispatchers = new NetworkDispatcher[threadPoolSize];//根据线程池大小,创建调度器数组
mDelivery = delivery;//一个分发接口,用于响应和错误
} /**
* Creates the worker pool. Processing will not begin until {@link #start()} is called.
* @param cache A Cache to use for persisting responses to disk
* @param network A Network interface for performing HTTP requests
* @param threadPoolSize Number of network dispatcher threads to create
public RequestQueue(Cache cache, Network network, int threadPoolSize) {
this(cache, network, threadPoolSize,
new ExecutorDelivery(new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper())));




* Starts the dispatchers in this queue.
public void start() {
stop(); //保证当前所有运行的分发停止 Make sure any currently running dispatchers are stopped.
// Create the cache dispatcher and start it.
mCacheDispatcher = new CacheDispatcher(mCacheQueue, mNetworkQueue, mCache, mDelivery);
mCacheDispatcher.start(); // Create network dispatchers (and corresponding threads) up to the pool size.
for (int i = ; i < mDispatchers.length; i++) {
NetworkDispatcher networkDispatcher = new NetworkDispatcher(mNetworkQueue, mNetwork,
mCache, mDelivery);
mDispatchers[i] = networkDispatcher;





* Stops the cache and network dispatchers.
* 停止调度器(包括缓存和网络)
public void stop() {
if (mCacheDispatcher != null) {
for (int i = ; i < mDispatchers.length; i++) {
if (mDispatchers[i] != null) {



* Adds a Request to the dispatch queue.
* @param request The request to service
* @return The passed-in request
* 向请求队列添加请求
public <T> Request<T> add(Request<T> request) {
// Tag the request as belonging to this queue and add it to the set of current requests.
synchronized (mCurrentRequests) {
} // Process requests in the order they are added.
request.addMarker("add-to-queue"); // If the request is uncacheable, skip the cache queue and go straight to the network.
if (!request.shouldCache()) {
return request;
// Insert request into stage if there's already a request with the same cache key in flight.
synchronized (mWaitingRequests) {
String cacheKey = request.getCacheKey();
if (mWaitingRequests.containsKey(cacheKey)) {
// There is already a request in flight. Queue up.
Queue<Request<?>> stagedRequests = mWaitingRequests.get(cacheKey);
if (stagedRequests == null) {
stagedRequests = new LinkedList<Request<?>>();
mWaitingRequests.put(cacheKey, stagedRequests);
if (VolleyLog.DEBUG) {
VolleyLog.v("Request for cacheKey=%s is in flight, putting on hold.", cacheKey);
} else {
// Insert 'null' queue for this cacheKey, indicating there is now a request in
// flight.
mWaitingRequests.put(cacheKey, null);
return request;







* Called from {@link Request#finish(String)}, indicating that processing of the given request
* has finished.
* 在request类的finish()方法里面,会调用这个方法,说明该请求结束
* <p>Releases waiting requests for <code>request.getCacheKey()</code> if
* <code>request.shouldCache()</code>.</p>
public <T> void finish(Request<T> request) {
// Remove from the set of requests currently being processed.
synchronized (mCurrentRequests) {//从当前请求队列中移除
synchronized (mFinishedListeners) {//回调监听器
for (RequestFinishedListener<T> listener : mFinishedListeners) {
} if (request.shouldCache()) {//如果该请求要被缓存
synchronized (mWaitingRequests) {
String cacheKey = request.getCacheKey();
Queue<Request<?>> waitingRequests = mWaitingRequests.remove(cacheKey);//移除该缓存
if (waitingRequests != null) {//如果存在缓存等候队列
if (VolleyLog.DEBUG) {
VolleyLog.v("Releasing %d waiting requests for cacheKey=%s.",
waitingRequests.size(), cacheKey);
// Process all queued up requests. They won't be considered as in flight, but
// that's not a problem as the cache has been primed by 'request'.
// 处理所有队列中的请求




* A simple predicate or filter interface for Requests, for use by
* {@link RequestQueue#cancelAll(RequestFilter)}.
* 一个简单的过滤接口,在cancelAll()方法里面被使用
public interface RequestFilter {
public boolean apply(Request<?> request);
} /**
* Cancels all requests in this queue for which the given filter applies.
* @param filter The filtering function to use
* 根据过滤器规则,取消相应请求
public void cancelAll(RequestFilter filter) {
synchronized (mCurrentRequests) {
for (Request<?> request : mCurrentRequests) {
if (filter.apply(request)) {
} /**
* Cancels all requests in this queue with the given tag. Tag must be non-null
* and equality is by identity.
* 根据标记取消相应请求
public void cancelAll(final Object tag) {
if (tag == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot cancelAll with a null tag");
cancelAll(new RequestFilter() {
public boolean apply(Request<?> request) {
return request.getTag() == tag;


在cancelAll(RequestFilter filter)方法里面,我们传入过滤器,就可以根据需要取消我想要取消的一类request,这种形式类似文件遍历的FileFilter

而这种形式,volley还为我们提供了一个具体的实现cancelAll(final Object tag),来根据标签取消request,这里我们也就明白了request<T>类中mTag属性的用处了





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    前端同学因开发需要,本地搭建的服务需要调用其它域名的接口,在帮助正确配置后,已能正常使用. 这里写一篇博客,记录一下. 前端页面地址为127.0.0.1:9813/a.html 接口地址http:// ...

  9. Android组件--碎片(fragment)

    1. 基本概念 参考资料:http://blog.csdn.net/lmj623565791/article/details/37970961/ 一.什么是事务: 事务是应用程序中一系列严密的操作,所 ...

  10. Vue2.0项目实战语法

    一.安装配置依赖 1) vue init webpack-simple 项目名称 2) cnpm install 3 )  npm run dev 4 )  cnpm install vuex vue ...