AOF,RDB是两种 redis持久化的机制。用于crash后,redis的恢复。
选择的标准,就是看系统是愿意牺牲一些性能,换取更高的缓存一致性(AOF),还是愿意写操作频繁的时候,不启用备份来换取更高的性能,待手动运行save的时候,再做备份(RDB)。RDB这个就更有些 eventually consistent的意思了。
<!-- redis客户端:Jedis -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"
<!-- Redis连接池的设置 -->
<bean id="jedisPoolConfig" class="redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig">
<!-- 控制一个pool可分配多少个jedis实例 -->
<property name="maxTotal" value="${redis.pool.maxActive}" />
<!-- 连接池中最多可空闲maxIdle个连接 ,这里取值为20,表示即使没有数据库连接时依然可以保持20空闲的连接,而不被清除,随时处于待命状态。 -->
<property name="maxIdle" value="${redis.pool.maxIdle}" />
<!-- 最大等待时间:当没有可用连接时,连接池等待连接被归还的最大时间(以毫秒计数),超过时间则抛出异常 -->
<property name="maxWaitMillis" value="${redis.pool.maxWait}" />
<!-- 在获取连接的时候检查有效性 -->
<property name="testOnBorrow" value="${redis.pool.testOnBorrow}" />
</bean> <!-- 创建Redis连接池,并做相关配置 -->
<bean id="jedisWritePool" class="com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisPoolWriper"
<constructor-arg index="0" ref="jedisPoolConfig" />
<constructor-arg index="1" value="${redis.hostname}" />
<constructor-arg index="2" value="${redis.port}" type="int" />
</bean> <!-- 创建Redis工具类,封装好Redis的连接以进行相关的操作 -->
<bean id="jedisUtil" class="com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil" scope="singleton">
<property name="jedisPool">
<ref bean="jedisWritePool" />
<!-- Redis的key操作 -->
<bean id="jedisKeys" class="com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil$Keys"
<constructor-arg ref="jedisUtil"></constructor-arg>
<!-- Redis的Strings操作 -->
<bean id="jedisStrings" class="com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil$Strings"
<constructor-arg ref="jedisUtil"></constructor-arg>
<!-- Redis的Lists操作 -->
<bean id="jedisLists" class="com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil$Lists"
<constructor-arg ref="jedisUtil"></constructor-arg>
<!-- Redis的Sets操作 -->
<bean id="jedisSets" class="com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil$Sets"
<constructor-arg ref="jedisUtil"></constructor-arg>
<!-- Redis的HashMap操作 -->
<bean id="jedisHash" class="com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil$Hash"
<constructor-arg ref="jedisUtil"></constructor-arg>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns="http://www.springframework.org/schema/beans"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:context="http://www.springframework.org/schema/context"
<!-- 配置整合mybatis过程 -->
<!-- 1.配置数据库相关参数properties的属性:${url} -->
<bean class="com.ouyan.o2o.util.EncryptPropertyPlaceholderConfigurer">
<property name="locations">
<property name="fileEncoding" value="UTF-8" />
<!-- 2.数据库连接池 -->
<bean id="abstractDataSource" abstract="true" destroy-method="close"
<!-- c3p0连接池的私有属性 -->
<property name="maxPoolSize" value="30" />
<property name="minPoolSize" value="10" />
<!-- 关闭连接后不自动commit -->
<property name="autoCommitOnClose" value="false" />
<!-- 获取连接超时时间 -->
<property name="checkoutTimeout" value="10000" />
<!-- 当获取连接失败重试次数 -->
<property name="acquireRetryAttempts" value="2" />
<bean id="master" parent="abstractDataSource">
<!-- 配置连接池属性 -->
<property name="driverClass" value="${jdbc.driver}" />
<property name="jdbcUrl" value="${jdbc.master.url}" />
<property name="user" value="${jdbc.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}" />
<bean id="slave" parent="abstractDataSource">
<!-- 配置连接池属性 -->
<property name="driverClass" value="${jdbc.driver}" />
<property name="jdbcUrl" value="${jdbc.slave.url}" />
<property name="user" value="${jdbc.username}" />
<property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}" />
<!-- 3.配置SqlSessionFactory对象 -->
<bean id="sqlSessionFactory" class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean">
<!-- 注入数据库连接池 -->
<property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
<!-- 配置MyBaties全局配置文件:mybatis-config.xml -->
<property name="configLocation" value="classpath:mybatis-config.xml" />
<!-- 扫描entity包 使用别名 -->
<property name="typeAliasesPackage" value="com.ouyan.o2o.entity" />
<!-- 扫描sql配置文件:mapper需要的xml文件 -->
<property name="mapperLocations" value="classpath:mapper/*.xml" />
<!-- 配置动态数据源,这儿targetDataSources就是路由数据源对应的名称 -->
<bean id="dynamicDataSource" class="com.ouyan.o2o.dao.split.DynamicDataSource">
<property name="targetDataSources">
<entry value-ref="master" key="master"></entry>
<entry value-ref="slave" key="slave"></entry>
<bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.LazyConnectionDataSourceProxy">
<property name="targetDataSource">
<ref bean="dynamicDataSource"/>
<!-- 4.配置扫描Dao接口包,动态实现Dao接口,注入到spring容器中 -->
<bean class="org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperScannerConfigurer">
<!-- 注入sqlSessionFactory -->
<property name="sqlSessionFactoryBeanName" value="sqlSessionFactory" />
<!-- 给出需要扫描Dao接口包 -->
<property name="basePackage" value="com.ouyan.o2o.dao" />
package com.ouyan.o2o.cache; import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPoolConfig; /**
* 强指定redis的JedisPool接口构造函数,这样才能在centos成功创建jedispool
* @author ouyan
public class JedisPoolWriper {
/** Redis连接池对象 */
private JedisPool jedisPool; public JedisPoolWriper(final JedisPoolConfig poolConfig, final String host,
final int port) {
try {
jedisPool = new JedisPool(poolConfig, host, port);
} catch (Exception e) {
} /**
* 获取Redis连接池对象
* @return
public JedisPool getJedisPool() {
return jedisPool;
} /**
* 注入Redis连接池对象
* @param jedisPool
public void setJedisPool(JedisPool jedisPool) {
this.jedisPool = jedisPool;
} }
package com.ouyan.o2o.cache; import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set; import redis.clients.jedis.BinaryClient.LIST_POSITION;
import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis;
import redis.clients.jedis.JedisPool;
import redis.clients.jedis.SortingParams;
import redis.clients.util.SafeEncoder; public class JedisUtil {
* 缓存生存时间
private final int expire = 60000;
/** 操作Key的方法 */
public Keys KEYS;
/** 对存储结构为String类型的操作 */
public Strings STRINGS;
/** 对存储结构为List类型的操作 */
public Lists LISTS;
/** 对存储结构为Set类型的操作 */
public Sets SETS;
/** 对存储结构为HashMap类型的操作 */
public Hash HASH; /** Redis连接池对象 */
private JedisPool jedisPool; /**
* 获取redis连接池
* @return
public JedisPool getJedisPool() {
return jedisPool;
} /**
* 设置redis连接池
* @return
public void setJedisPool(JedisPoolWriper jedisPoolWriper) {
this.jedisPool = jedisPoolWriper.getJedisPool();
} /**
* 从jedis连接池中获取获取jedis对象
* @return
public Jedis getJedis() {
return jedisPool.getResource();
} /**
* 设置过期时间
* @author ouyan
* @param key
* @param seconds
public void expire(String key, int seconds) {
if (seconds <= 0) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
jedis.expire(key, seconds);
} /**
* 设置默认过期时间
* @author ouyan
* @param key
public void expire(String key) {
expire(key, expire);
} // *******************************************Keys*******************************************//
public class Keys { /**
* 清空所有key
public String flushAll() {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String stata = jedis.flushAll();
return stata;
} /**
* 更改key
* @param String
* oldkey
* @param String
* newkey
* @return 状态码
public String rename(String oldkey, String newkey) {
return rename(SafeEncoder.encode(oldkey), SafeEncoder.encode(newkey));
} /**
* 更改key,仅当新key不存在时才执行
* @param String
* oldkey
* @param String
* newkey
* @return 状态码
public long renamenx(String oldkey, String newkey) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long status = jedis.renamenx(oldkey, newkey);
return status;
} /**
* 更改key
* @param String
* oldkey
* @param String
* newkey
* @return 状态码
public String rename(byte[] oldkey, byte[] newkey) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String status = jedis.rename(oldkey, newkey);
return status;
} /**
* 设置key的过期时间,以秒为单位
* @param String
* key
* @param 时间
* ,已秒为单位
* @return 影响的记录数
public long expired(String key, int seconds) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.expire(key, seconds);
return count;
} /**
* 设置key的过期时间,它是距历元(即格林威治标准时间 1970 年 1 月 1 日的 00:00:00,格里高利历)的偏移量。
* @param String
* key
* @param 时间
* ,已秒为单位
* @return 影响的记录数
public long expireAt(String key, long timestamp) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.expireAt(key, timestamp);
return count;
} /**
* 查询key的过期时间
* @param String
* key
* @return 以秒为单位的时间表示
public long ttl(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
long len = sjedis.ttl(key);
return len;
} /**
* 取消对key过期时间的设置
* @param key
* @return 影响的记录数
public long persist(String key) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.persist(key);
return count;
} /**
* 删除keys对应的记录,可以是多个key
* @param String
* ... keys
* @return 删除的记录数
public long del(String... keys) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.del(keys);
return count;
} /**
* 删除keys对应的记录,可以是多个key
* @param String
* ... keys
* @return 删除的记录数
public long del(byte[]... keys) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.del(keys);
return count;
} /**
* 判断key是否存在
* @param String
* key
* @return boolean
public boolean exists(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
boolean exis = sjedis.exists(key);
return exis;
} /**
* 对List,Set,SortSet进行排序,如果集合数据较大应避免使用这个方法
* @param String
* key
* @return List<String> 集合的全部记录
public List<String> sort(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
List<String> list = sjedis.sort(key);
return list;
} /**
* 对List,Set,SortSet进行排序或limit
* @param String
* key
* @param SortingParams
* parame 定义排序类型或limit的起止位置.
* @return List<String> 全部或部分记录
public List<String> sort(String key, SortingParams parame) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
List<String> list = sjedis.sort(key, parame);
return list;
} /**
* 返回指定key存储的类型
* @param String
* key
* @return String string|list|set|zset|hash
public String type(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
String type = sjedis.type(key);
return type;
} /**
* 查找所有匹配给定的模式的键
* @param String
* key的表达式,*表示多个,?表示一个
public Set<String> keys(String pattern) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
Set<String> set = jedis.keys(pattern);
return set;
} // *******************************************Strings*******************************************//
public class Strings {
* 根据key获取记录
* @param String
* key
* @return 值
public String get(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
String value = sjedis.get(key);
return value;
} /**
* 根据key获取记录
* @param byte[]
* key
* @return 值
public byte[] get(byte[] key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
byte[] value = sjedis.get(key);
return value;
} /**
* 添加记录,如果记录已存在将覆盖原有的value
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* value
* @return 状态码
public String set(String key, String value) {
return set(SafeEncoder.encode(key), SafeEncoder.encode(value));
} /**
* 添加记录,如果记录已存在将覆盖原有的value
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* value
* @return 状态码
public String set(String key, byte[] value) {
return set(SafeEncoder.encode(key), value);
} /**
* 添加记录,如果记录已存在将覆盖原有的value
* @param byte[]
* key
* @param byte[]
* value
* @return 状态码
public String set(byte[] key, byte[] value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String status = jedis.set(key, value);
return status;
} /**
* 添加有过期时间的记录
* @param String
* key
* @param int
* seconds 过期时间,以秒为单位
* @param String
* value
* @return String 操作状态
public String setEx(String key, int seconds, String value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String str = jedis.setex(key, seconds, value);
return str;
} /**
* 添加有过期时间的记录
* @param String
* key
* @param int
* seconds 过期时间,以秒为单位
* @param String
* value
* @return String 操作状态
public String setEx(byte[] key, int seconds, byte[] value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String str = jedis.setex(key, seconds, value);
return str;
} /**
* 添加一条记录,仅当给定的key不存在时才插入
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* value
* @return long 状态码,1插入成功且key不存在,0未插入,key存在
public long setnx(String key, String value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long str = jedis.setnx(key, value);
return str;
} /**
* 从指定位置开始插入数据,插入的数据会覆盖指定位置以后的数据<br/>
* 例:String str1="123456789";<br/>
* 对str1操作后setRange(key,4,0000),str1="123400009";
* @param String
* key
* @param long
* offset
* @param String
* value
* @return long value的长度
public long setRange(String key, long offset, String value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long len = jedis.setrange(key, offset, value);
return len;
} /**
* 在指定的key中追加value
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* value
* @return long 追加后value的长度
public long append(String key, String value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long len = jedis.append(key, value);
return len;
} /**
* 将key对应的value减去指定的值,只有value可以转为数字时该方法才可用
* @param String
* key
* @param long
* number 要减去的值
* @return long 减指定值后的值
public long decrBy(String key, long number) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long len = jedis.decrBy(key, number);
return len;
} /**
* <b>可以作为获取唯一id的方法</b><br/>
* 将key对应的value加上指定的值,只有value可以转为数字时该方法才可用
* @param String
* key
* @param long
* number 要减去的值
* @return long 相加后的值
public long incrBy(String key, long number) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long len = jedis.incrBy(key, number);
return len;
} /**
* 对指定key对应的value进行截取
* @param String
* key
* @param long
* startOffset 开始位置(包含)
* @param long
* endOffset 结束位置(包含)
* @return String 截取的值
public String getrange(String key, long startOffset, long endOffset) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
String value = sjedis.getrange(key, startOffset, endOffset);
return value;
} /**
* 获取并设置指定key对应的value<br/>
* 如果key存在返回之前的value,否则返回null
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* value
* @return String 原始value或null
public String getSet(String key, String value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String str = jedis.getSet(key, value);
return str;
} /**
* 批量获取记录,如果指定的key不存在返回List的对应位置将是null
* @param String
* keys
* @return List<String> 值得集合
public List<String> mget(String... keys) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
List<String> str = jedis.mget(keys);
return str;
} /**
* 批量存储记录
* @param String
* keysvalues 例:keysvalues="key1","value1","key2","value2";
* @return String 状态码
public String mset(String... keysvalues) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String str = jedis.mset(keysvalues);
return str;
} /**
* 获取key对应的值的长度
* @param String
* key
* @return value值得长度
public long strlen(String key) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long len = jedis.strlen(key);
return len;
} // *******************************************Sets*******************************************//
public class Sets { /**
* 向Set添加一条记录,如果member已存在返回0,否则返回1
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* member
* @return 操作码,0或1
public long sadd(String key, String member) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.sadd(key, member);
return s;
} public long sadd(byte[] key, byte[] member) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.sadd(key, member);
return s;
} /**
* 获取给定key中元素个数
* @param String
* key
* @return 元素个数
public long scard(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
long len = sjedis.scard(key);
return len;
} /**
* 返回从第一组和所有的给定集合之间的差异的成员
* @param String
* ... keys
* @return 差异的成员集合
public Set<String> sdiff(String... keys) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
Set<String> set = jedis.sdiff(keys);
return set;
} /**
* 这个命令等于sdiff,但返回的不是结果集,而是将结果集存储在新的集合中,如果目标已存在,则覆盖。
* @param String
* newkey 新结果集的key
* @param String
* ... keys 比较的集合
* @return 新集合中的记录数
public long sdiffstore(String newkey, String... keys) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.sdiffstore(newkey, keys);
return s;
} /**
* 返回给定集合交集的成员,如果其中一个集合为不存在或为空,则返回空Set
* @param String
* ... keys
* @return 交集成员的集合
public Set<String> sinter(String... keys) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
Set<String> set = jedis.sinter(keys);
return set;
} /**
* 这个命令等于sinter,但返回的不是结果集,而是将结果集存储在新的集合中,如果目标已存在,则覆盖。
* @param String
* newkey 新结果集的key
* @param String
* ... keys 比较的集合
* @return 新集合中的记录数
public long sinterstore(String newkey, String... keys) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.sinterstore(newkey, keys);
return s;
} /**
* 确定一个给定的值是否存在
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* member 要判断的值
* @return 存在返回1,不存在返回0
public boolean sismember(String key, String member) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
boolean s = sjedis.sismember(key, member);
return s;
} /**
* 返回集合中的所有成员
* @param String
* key
* @return 成员集合
public Set<String> smembers(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
Set<String> set = sjedis.smembers(key);
return set;
} public Set<byte[]> smembers(byte[] key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
Set<byte[]> set = sjedis.smembers(key);
return set;
} /**
* 将成员从源集合移出放入目标集合 <br/>
* 如果源集合不存在或不包哈指定成员,不进行任何操作,返回0<br/>
* 否则该成员从源集合上删除,并添加到目标集合,如果目标集合中成员已存在,则只在源集合进行删除
* @param String
* srckey 源集合
* @param String
* dstkey 目标集合
* @param String
* member 源集合中的成员
* @return 状态码,1成功,0失败
public long smove(String srckey, String dstkey, String member) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.smove(srckey, dstkey, member);
return s;
} /**
* 从集合中删除成员
* @param String
* key
* @return 被删除的成员
public String spop(String key) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String s = jedis.spop(key);
return s;
} /**
* 从集合中删除指定成员
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* member 要删除的成员
* @return 状态码,成功返回1,成员不存在返回0
public long srem(String key, String member) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.srem(key, member);
return s;
} /**
* 合并多个集合并返回合并后的结果,合并后的结果集合并不保存<br/>
* @param String
* ... keys
* @return 合并后的结果集合
* @see sunionstore
public Set<String> sunion(String... keys) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
Set<String> set = jedis.sunion(keys);
return set;
} /**
* 合并多个集合并将合并后的结果集保存在指定的新集合中,如果新集合已经存在则覆盖
* @param String
* newkey 新集合的key
* @param String
* ... keys 要合并的集合
public long sunionstore(String newkey, String... keys) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.sunionstore(newkey, keys);
return s;
} // *******************************************Hash*******************************************//
public class Hash { /**
* 从hash中删除指定的存储
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* fieid 存储的名字
* @return 状态码,1成功,0失败
public long hdel(String key, String fieid) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.hdel(key, fieid);
return s;
} public long hdel(String key) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.del(key);
return s;
} /**
* 测试hash中指定的存储是否存在
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* fieid 存储的名字
* @return 1存在,0不存在
public boolean hexists(String key, String fieid) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
boolean s = sjedis.hexists(key, fieid);
return s;
} /**
* 返回hash中指定存储位置的值
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* fieid 存储的名字
* @return 存储对应的值
public String hget(String key, String fieid) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
String s = sjedis.hget(key, fieid);
return s;
} public byte[] hget(byte[] key, byte[] fieid) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
byte[] s = sjedis.hget(key, fieid);
return s;
} /**
* 以Map的形式返回hash中的存储和值
* @param String
* key
* @return Map<Strinig,String>
public Map<String, String> hgetAll(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
Map<String, String> map = sjedis.hgetAll(key);
return map;
} /**
* 添加一个对应关系
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* fieid
* @param String
* value
* @return 状态码 1成功,0失败,fieid已存在将更新,也返回0
public long hset(String key, String fieid, String value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.hset(key, fieid, value);
return s;
} public long hset(String key, String fieid, byte[] value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.hset(key.getBytes(), fieid.getBytes(), value);
return s;
} /**
* 添加对应关系,只有在fieid不存在时才执行
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* fieid
* @param String
* value
* @return 状态码 1成功,0失败fieid已存
public long hsetnx(String key, String fieid, String value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.hsetnx(key, fieid, value);
return s;
} /**
* 获取hash中value的集合
* @param String
* key
* @return List<String>
public List<String> hvals(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
List<String> list = sjedis.hvals(key);
return list;
} /**
* 在指定的存储位置加上指定的数字,存储位置的值必须可转为数字类型
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* fieid 存储位置
* @param String
* long value 要增加的值,可以是负数
* @return 增加指定数字后,存储位置的值
public long hincrby(String key, String fieid, long value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long s = jedis.hincrBy(key, fieid, value);
return s;
} /**
* 返回指定hash中的所有存储名字,类似Map中的keySet方法
* @param String
* key
* @return Set<String> 存储名称的集合
public Set<String> hkeys(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
Set<String> set = sjedis.hkeys(key);
return set;
} /**
* 获取hash中存储的个数,类似Map中size方法
* @param String
* key
* @return long 存储的个数
public long hlen(String key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
long len = sjedis.hlen(key);
return len;
} /**
* 根据多个key,获取对应的value,返回List,如果指定的key不存在,List对应位置为null
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* ... fieids 存储位置
* @return List<String>
public List<String> hmget(String key, String... fieids) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
List<String> list = sjedis.hmget(key, fieids);
return list;
} public List<byte[]> hmget(byte[] key, byte[]... fieids) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
List<byte[]> list = sjedis.hmget(key, fieids);
return list;
} /**
* 添加对应关系,如果对应关系已存在,则覆盖
* @param Strin
* key
* @param Map
* <String,String> 对应关系
* @return 状态,成功返回OK
public String hmset(String key, Map<String, String> map) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String s = jedis.hmset(key, map);
return s;
} /**
* 添加对应关系,如果对应关系已存在,则覆盖
* @param Strin
* key
* @param Map
* <String,String> 对应关系
* @return 状态,成功返回OK
public String hmset(byte[] key, Map<byte[], byte[]> map) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String s = jedis.hmset(key, map);
return s;
} } // *******************************************Lists*******************************************//
public class Lists {
* List长度
* @param String
* key
* @return 长度
public long llen(String key) {
return llen(SafeEncoder.encode(key));
} /**
* List长度
* @param byte[]
* key
* @return 长度
public long llen(byte[] key) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
long count = sjedis.llen(key);
return count;
} /**
* 覆盖操作,将覆盖List中指定位置的值
* @param byte[]
* key
* @param int
* index 位置
* @param byte[]
* value 值
* @return 状态码
public String lset(byte[] key, int index, byte[] value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String status = jedis.lset(key, index, value);
return status;
} /**
* 覆盖操作,将覆盖List中指定位置的值
* @param key
* @param int
* index 位置
* @param String
* value 值
* @return 状态码
public String lset(String key, int index, String value) {
return lset(SafeEncoder.encode(key), index, SafeEncoder.encode(value));
} /**
* 在value的相对位置插入记录
* @param key
* 前面插入或后面插入
* @param String
* pivot 相对位置的内容
* @param String
* value 插入的内容
* @return 记录总数
public long linsert(String key, LIST_POSITION where, String pivot, String value) {
return linsert(SafeEncoder.encode(key), where, SafeEncoder.encode(pivot), SafeEncoder.encode(value));
} /**
* 在指定位置插入记录
* @param String
* key
* 前面插入或后面插入
* @param byte[]
* pivot 相对位置的内容
* @param byte[]
* value 插入的内容
* @return 记录总数
public long linsert(byte[] key, LIST_POSITION where, byte[] pivot, byte[] value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.linsert(key, where, pivot, value);
return count;
} /**
* 获取List中指定位置的值
* @param String
* key
* @param int
* index 位置
* @return 值
public String lindex(String key, int index) {
return SafeEncoder.encode(lindex(SafeEncoder.encode(key), index));
} /**
* 获取List中指定位置的值
* @param byte[]
* key
* @param int
* index 位置
* @return 值
public byte[] lindex(byte[] key, int index) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
byte[] value = sjedis.lindex(key, index);
return value;
} /**
* 将List中的第一条记录移出List
* @param String
* key
* @return 移出的记录
public String lpop(String key) {
return SafeEncoder.encode(lpop(SafeEncoder.encode(key)));
} /**
* 将List中的第一条记录移出List
* @param byte[]
* key
* @return 移出的记录
public byte[] lpop(byte[] key) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
byte[] value = jedis.lpop(key);
return value;
} /**
* 将List中最后第一条记录移出List
* @param byte[]
* key
* @return 移出的记录
public String rpop(String key) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String value = jedis.rpop(key);
return value;
} /**
* 向List尾部追加记录
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* value
* @return 记录总数
public long lpush(String key, String value) {
return lpush(SafeEncoder.encode(key), SafeEncoder.encode(value));
} /**
* 向List头部追加记录
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* value
* @return 记录总数
public long rpush(String key, String value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.rpush(key, value);
return count;
} /**
* 向List头部追加记录
* @param String
* key
* @param String
* value
* @return 记录总数
public long rpush(byte[] key, byte[] value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.rpush(key, value);
return count;
} /**
* 向List中追加记录
* @param byte[]
* key
* @param byte[]
* value
* @return 记录总数
public long lpush(byte[] key, byte[] value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.lpush(key, value);
return count;
} /**
* 获取指定范围的记录,可以做为分页使用
* @param String
* key
* @param long
* start
* @param long
* end
* @return List
public List<String> lrange(String key, long start, long end) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
List<String> list = sjedis.lrange(key, start, end);
return list;
} /**
* 获取指定范围的记录,可以做为分页使用
* @param byte[]
* key
* @param int
* start
* @param int
* end 如果为负数,则尾部开始计算
* @return List
public List<byte[]> lrange(byte[] key, int start, int end) {
// ShardedJedis sjedis = getShardedJedis();
Jedis sjedis = getJedis();
List<byte[]> list = sjedis.lrange(key, start, end);
return list;
} /**
* 删除List中c条记录,被删除的记录值为value
* @param byte[]
* key
* @param int
* c 要删除的数量,如果为负数则从List的尾部检查并删除符合的记录
* @param byte[]
* value 要匹配的值
* @return 删除后的List中的记录数
public long lrem(byte[] key, int c, byte[] value) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
long count = jedis.lrem(key, c, value);
return count;
} /**
* 删除List中c条记录,被删除的记录值为value
* @param String
* key
* @param int
* c 要删除的数量,如果为负数则从List的尾部检查并删除符合的记录
* @param String
* value 要匹配的值
* @return 删除后的List中的记录数
public long lrem(String key, int c, String value) {
return lrem(SafeEncoder.encode(key), c, SafeEncoder.encode(value));
} /**
* 算是删除吧,只保留start与end之间的记录
* @param byte[]
* key
* @param int
* start 记录的开始位置(0表示第一条记录)
* @param int
* end 记录的结束位置(如果为-1则表示最后一个,-2,-3以此类推)
* @return 执行状态码
public String ltrim(byte[] key, int start, int end) {
Jedis jedis = getJedis();
String str = jedis.ltrim(key, start, end);
return str;
} /**
* 算是删除吧,只保留start与end之间的记录
* @param String
* key
* @param int
* start 记录的开始位置(0表示第一条记录)
* @param int
* end 记录的结束位置(如果为-1则表示最后一个,-2,-3以此类推)
* @return 执行状态码
public String ltrim(String key, int start, int end) {
return ltrim(SafeEncoder.encode(key), start, end);
} }
package com.ouyan.o2o.service.impl; import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil;
import com.ouyan.o2o.dao.AreaDao;
import com.ouyan.o2o.entity.Area;
import com.ouyan.o2o.exceptions.AreaOperationException;
import com.ouyan.o2o.service.AreaService; @Service
public class AreaServiceImpl implements AreaService {
private AreaDao areaDao;
private JedisUtil.Keys jedisKeys;
private JedisUtil.Strings jedisStrings; private static String AREALISTKEY="arealist";
private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AreaServiceImpl.class); @Override
public List<Area> getAreaList() {
// 定义redis的key
String key = AREALISTKEY;
// 定义接收对象
List<Area> areaList = null;
// 定义jackson数据转换操作类
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// 判断key是否存在
if (!jedisKeys.exists(key)) {
// 若不存在,则从数据库里面取出相应数据
areaList = areaDao.queryArea();
// 将相关的实体类集合转换成string,存入redis里面对应的key中
String jsonString;
try {
jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(areaList);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new AreaOperationException(e.getMessage());
jedisStrings.set(key, jsonString);
} else {
// 若存在,则直接从redis里面取出相应数据
String jsonString = jedisStrings.get(key);
// 指定要将string转换成的集合类型
JavaType javaType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(ArrayList.class, Area.class);
try {
// 将相关key对应的value里的的string转换成对象的实体类集合
areaList = mapper.readValue(jsonString, javaType);
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
throw new AreaOperationException(e.getMessage());
} catch (JsonMappingException e) {
throw new AreaOperationException(e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AreaOperationException(e.getMessage());
return areaList;
} }
package com.ouyan.o2o.exceptions; public class AreaOperationException extends RuntimeException { /**
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1512771573934050550L; public AreaOperationException(String msg) {
package com.ouyan.o2o.service; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import com.ouyan.o2o.BaseTest;
import com.ouyan.o2o.entity.Area; public class AreaServiceTest extends BaseTest {
private AreaService areaService;
private CacheService cacheService; @Test
public void testGetAreaList() {
List<Area> areaList = areaService.getAreaList();
assertEquals("西苑", areaList.get(0).getAreaName());
package com.ouyan.o2o; import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.test.context.ContextConfiguration;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner; /**
* 配置spring和junit整合,junit启动时加载springIOC容器
* @author think
public class BaseTest { }
package com.ouyan.o2o.service.impl; import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil;
import com.ouyan.o2o.dao.ShopCategoryDao;
import com.ouyan.o2o.entity.ShopCategory;
import com.ouyan.o2o.exceptions.ShopCategoryOperationException;
import com.ouyan.o2o.service.ShopCategoryService; @Service
public class ShopCategoryServiceImpl implements ShopCategoryService { @Autowired
private ShopCategoryDao shopCategoryDao;
private JedisUtil.Keys jedisKeys;
private JedisUtil.Strings jedisStrings; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShopCategoryServiceImpl.class); @Override
public List<ShopCategory> getShopCategoryList(ShopCategory shopCategoryCondition) {
// 定义redis的key前缀
String key = SCLISTKEY;
// 定义接收对象
List<ShopCategory> shopCategoryList = null;
// 定义jackson数据转换操作类
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// 拼接出redis的key
if (shopCategoryCondition == null) {
// 若查询条件为空,则列出所有首页大类,即parentId为空的店铺类别
key = key + "_allfirstlevel";
} else if (shopCategoryCondition != null && shopCategoryCondition.getParent() != null
&& shopCategoryCondition.getParent().getShopCategoryId() != null) {
// 若parentId为非空,则列出该parentId下的所有子类别
key = key + "_parent" + shopCategoryCondition.getParent().getShopCategoryId();
} else if (shopCategoryCondition != null) {
// 列出所有子类别,不管其属于哪个类,都列出来
key = key + "_allsecondlevel";
// 判断key是否存在
if (!jedisKeys.exists(key)) {
// 若不存在,则从数据库里面取出相应数据
shopCategoryList = shopCategoryDao.queryShopCategory(shopCategoryCondition);
// 将相关的实体类集合转换成string,存入redis里面对应的key中
String jsonString;
try {
jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(shopCategoryList);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new ShopCategoryOperationException(e.getMessage());
jedisStrings.set(key, jsonString);
} else {
// 若存在,则直接从redis里面取出相应数据
String jsonString = jedisStrings.get(key);
// 指定要将string转换成的集合类型
JavaType javaType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(ArrayList.class, ShopCategory.class);
try {
// 将相关key对应的value里的的string转换成对象的实体类集合
shopCategoryList = mapper.readValue(jsonString, javaType);
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
throw new ShopCategoryOperationException(e.getMessage());
} catch (JsonMappingException e) {
throw new ShopCategoryOperationException(e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new ShopCategoryOperationException(e.getMessage());
return shopCategoryDao.queryShopCategory(shopCategoryCondition);
} }
package com.ouyan.o2o.service.impl; import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil;
import com.ouyan.o2o.dao.HeadLineDao;
import com.ouyan.o2o.entity.HeadLine;
import com.ouyan.o2o.exceptions.HeadLineOperationException;
import com.ouyan.o2o.service.HeadLineService; @Service
public class HeadLineServiceImpl implements HeadLineService {
private HeadLineDao headLineDao;
private JedisUtil.Keys jedisKeys;
private JedisUtil.Strings jedisStrings; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HeadLineServiceImpl.class); @Override
public List<HeadLine> getHeadLineList(HeadLine headLineCondition) {
// 定义redis的key前缀
String key = HLLISTKEY;
// 定义接收对象
List<HeadLine> headLineList = null;
// 定义jackson数据转换操作类
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// 拼接出redis的key
if (headLineCondition != null && headLineCondition.getEnableStatus() != null) {
key = key + "_" + headLineCondition.getEnableStatus();
// 判断key是否存在
if (!jedisKeys.exists(key)) {
// 若不存在,则从数据库里面取出相应数据
headLineList = headLineDao.queryHeadLine(headLineCondition);
// 将相关的实体类集合转换成string,存入redis里面对应的key中
String jsonString;
try {
jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(headLineList);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new HeadLineOperationException(e.getMessage());
jedisStrings.set(key, jsonString);
} else {
// 若存在,则直接从redis里面取出相应数据
String jsonString = jedisStrings.get(key);
// 指定要将string转换成的集合类型
JavaType javaType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(ArrayList.class, HeadLine.class);
try {
// 将相关key对应的value里的的string转换成对象的实体类集合
headLineList = mapper.readValue(jsonString, javaType);
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
throw new HeadLineOperationException(e.getMessage());
} catch (JsonMappingException e) {
throw new HeadLineOperationException(e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new HeadLineOperationException(e.getMessage());
return headLineList;
package com.ouyan.o2o.exceptions; public class HeadLineOperationException extends RuntimeException { /**
private static final long serialVersionUID = -6866853564850051110L; public HeadLineOperationException(String msg) {
package com.ouyan.o2o.exceptions; public class ShopCategoryOperationException extends RuntimeException { /**
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5423986306645291467L; public ShopCategoryOperationException(String msg) {
package com.ouyan.o2o.service.impl; import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JavaType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil;
import com.ouyan.o2o.dao.AreaDao;
import com.ouyan.o2o.entity.Area;
import com.ouyan.o2o.exceptions.AreaOperationException;
import com.ouyan.o2o.service.AreaService; @Service
public class AreaServiceImpl implements AreaService {
private AreaDao areaDao;
private JedisUtil.Keys jedisKeys;
private JedisUtil.Strings jedisStrings; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AreaServiceImpl.class); @Override
public List<Area> getAreaList() {
// 定义redis的key
String key = AREALISTKEY;
// 定义接收对象
List<Area> areaList = null;
// 定义jackson数据转换操作类
ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// 判断key是否存在
if (!jedisKeys.exists(key)) {
// 若不存在,则从数据库里面取出相应数据
areaList = areaDao.queryArea();
// 将相关的实体类集合转换成string,存入redis里面对应的key中
String jsonString;
try {
jsonString = mapper.writeValueAsString(areaList);
} catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
throw new AreaOperationException(e.getMessage());
jedisStrings.set(key, jsonString);
} else {
// 若存在,则直接从redis里面取出相应数据
String jsonString = jedisStrings.get(key);
// 指定要将string转换成的集合类型
JavaType javaType = mapper.getTypeFactory().constructParametricType(ArrayList.class, Area.class);
try {
// 将相关key对应的value里的的string转换成对象的实体类集合
areaList = mapper.readValue(jsonString, javaType);
} catch (JsonParseException e) {
throw new AreaOperationException(e.getMessage());
} catch (JsonMappingException e) {
throw new AreaOperationException(e.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AreaOperationException(e.getMessage());
return areaList;
} }
package com.ouyan.o2o.service; import java.util.List; import com.ouyan.o2o.entity.Area; public interface AreaService {
public static final String AREALISTKEY="arealist"; List<Area> getAreaList();
package com.ouyan.o2o.service; import java.util.List; import com.ouyan.o2o.entity.ShopCategory; public interface ShopCategoryService {
public static final String SCLISTKEY="shopcategorylist"; /**
* 根据查询条件获取shopCategory列表
* @param shopCategoryCondition
* @return
List<ShopCategory> getShopCategoryList(ShopCategory shopCategoryCondition);
package com.ouyan.o2o.service; public interface CacheService {
* 依据key前缀删除匹配该模式下的所有key-value 如传入:shopcategory,则shopcategory_allfirstlevel等
* 以shopcategory打头的key_value都会被清空
* @param keyPrefix
* @return
void removeFromCache(String keyPrefix);
package com.ouyan.o2o.service.impl; import java.util.Set; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.ouyan.o2o.cache.JedisUtil;
import com.ouyan.o2o.service.CacheService; @Service
public class CacheServiceImpl implements CacheService {
private JedisUtil.Keys jedisKeys; @Override
public void removeFromCache(String keyPrefix) {
Set<String> keySet = jedisKeys.keys(keyPrefix + "*");
for (String key : keySet) {
} }
package com.ouyan.o2o.service; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import com.ouyan.o2o.BaseTest;
import com.ouyan.o2o.entity.Area; public class AreaServiceTest extends BaseTest {
private AreaService areaService;
private CacheService cacheService; @Test
public void testGetAreaList() {
List<Area> areaList = areaService.getAreaList();
assertEquals("西苑", areaList.get(0).getAreaName());
areaList = areaService.getAreaList();
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