root@localhost:~# unzip easy-creds-master.zip
Archive: easy-creds-master.zip
creating: easy-creds-master/
inflating: easy-creds-master/README
inflating: easy-creds-master/definitions.sslstrip
inflating: easy-creds-master/easy-creds.sh
inflating: easy-creds-master/installer.sh
root@kali:~# cd easy-creds/
root@kali:~/easy-creds# ./installer.sh
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||e|||a |||s |||y |||- |||c |||r |||e |||d |||s ||
Version 3.7 - Garden of Your Mind
Please choose your OS to install easy-creds
1\. Debian/Ubuntu and derivatives
2\. Red Hat or Fedora
3\. Microsoft Windows
4\. Exit
Choice: 1
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||e |||a |||s |||y |||- |||c |||r |||e |||d |||s ||
Version 3.7 - Garden of Your Mind
Please provide the path you'd like to place the easy-creds folder. [/opt] : #选择安装位置,本例中使用默认设置
[*] Installing pre-reqs for Debian/Ubuntu…
[*] Running 'updatedb'
[-] cmake is not installed, will attempt to install…
[+] cmake was successfully installed from the repository.
[+] I found gcc installed on your system
[+] I found g++ installed on your system
[+] I found subversion installed on your system
[+] I found wget installed on your system
[+] I found libssl-dev installed on your system
[+] I found libpcap0.8 installed on your system
[+] I found libpcap0.8-dev installed on your system
[+] I found libssl-dev installed on your system
[+] I found aircrack-ng installed on your system
[+] I found xterm installed on your system
[+] I found sslstrip installed on your system
[+] I found ettercap installed on your system
[+] I found hamster installed on your system
[-] ferret is not installed, will attempt to install…
[*] Downloading and installing ferret from SVN
[*] Installing the patched freeradius server…
make[4]: Leaving directory `/tmp/ec-install/freeradius-server-2.1.11/doc/rfc'
make[3]: Leaving directory `/tmp/ec-install/freeradius-server-2.1.11/doc'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/ec-install/freeradius-server-2.1.11/doc'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/ec-install/freeradius-server-2.1.11'
[+] The patched freeradius server has been installed
[+] I found asleap installed on your system
[+] I found metasploit installed on your system
[*] Running 'updatedb' again because we installed some new stuff
…happy hunting!
以上信息显示了安装Easy-Creds包的详细过程。在该过程中,会检测easy-creds的依赖包是否都已安装。如果没有安装,此过程中会安装。Easy-Creds软件包安装完成后,将显示happy hunting!信息。
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||e |||a |||s |||y |||- |||c |||r |||e |||d |||s ||
Version 3.8-dev - Garden of New Jersey
At any time, ctrl+c to cancel and return to the main menu
1\. Prerequisites & Configurations
2\. Poisoning Attacks
3\. FakeAP Attacks
4\. Data Review
5\. Exit
q. Quit current poisoning session
Choice: 3
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||e |||a |||s |||y |||- |||c |||r |||e |||d |||s ||
Version 3.8-dev - Garden of New Jersey
At any time, ctrl+c to cancel and return to the main menu
1\. FakeAP Attack Static
2\. FakeAP Attack EvilTwin
3\. Karmetasploit Attack
4\. FreeRadius Attack
5\. DoS AP Options
6\. Previous Menu
图9.34 有效的窗口
At any time, ctrl+c to cancel and return to the main menu
1\. Prerequisites & Configurations
2\. Poisoning Attacks
3\. FakeAP Attacks
4\. Data Review
5\. Exit
q. Quit current poisoning session
Choice: 4
____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
||e |||a |||s |||y |||- |||c |||r |||e |||d |||s ||
Version 3.8-dev - Garden of New Jersey
At any time, ctrl+c to cancel and return to the main menu
1\. Parse SSLStrip log for credentials
2\. Parse dsniff file for credentials
3\. Parse ettercap eci file for credentials
4\. Parse freeradius attack file for credentials
5\. Previous Menu
Choice: 3
(7)这里选择分析Ettercap eci文件,输入编号3,将显示如下所示的信息:
||e |||a |||s |||y |||- |||c |||r |||e |||d |||s ||
Version 3.8-dev - Garden of New Jersey
At any time, ctrl+c to cancel and return to the main menu
Ettercap logs in current log folder:
Enter the full path to your ettercap.eci log file:
Enter the full path to your ettercap.eci log file: /root/easy-creds-master/easy-creds-2014-07-24-1722/ettercap2014-07-24-1724.eci
图9.35 恢复的数据
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