public class Solution
public IList<int> PartitionLabels(string S)
var dic = new Dictionary<char, int[]>();
for (int i = ; i < S.Length; i++)
if (!dic.ContainsKey(S[i]))
dic.Add(S[i], new int[] { i, i });
dic[S[i]][] = i;
var list = new List<int>();
int low = ;
int high = S.Length - ;
while (low <= high)
var c = S[low];
var i = dic[c][];//当前字符最小索引
var j = dic[c][];//当前字符最大索引
if (j == high)
list.Add(high - low + );
return list;
for (; i <= j; i++)
var cc = S[i];
var ii = dic[cc][];
var jj = dic[cc][];
if (jj == high)
list.Add(high - low + );
return list;
if (jj > j)
j = jj;
list.Add(i - low);
low = i;
} return list;



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