select instance_id,jh.run_date,jh.job_id,jh.step_name,
case jh.run_status
when 0 then 'failed'
when 1 then 'Succeeded'
when 2 then 'Retry'
when 3 then 'Canceled'
end as run_status ,left(jh.run_time,len(jh.run_time)-2) as '开始时间'
,left(run_duration,len(run_duration)-2) as '分',right(run_duration,2) as '秒',jh.run_duration,jh.run_time
from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh with(nolock)
where job_id=N'1C8F16AC-5C37-4D76-883F-CD318A9E19D6' and
step_name='OUT2SAP_Without_PR' and jh.run_status=1
order by instance_id desc
select * from (select instance_id,jh.run_date,jh.job_id,jh.step_name,
case jh.run_status
when 0 then 'failed'
when 1 then 'Succeeded'
when 2 then 'Retry'
when 3 then 'Canceled'
end as run_status ,left(jh.run_time,len(jh.run_time)-2) as '开始时间'
,left(run_duration,len(run_duration)-2) as '分',right(run_duration,2) as '秒',jh.run_duration,jh.run_time
from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh with(nolock)
where job_id=N'1C8F16AC-5C37-4D76-883F-CD318A9E19D6' and
step_name='OUT2SAP_Without_PR' and jh.run_status=1
--order by instance_id desc union all
select instance_id,jh.run_date,jh.job_id,jh.step_name,
case jh.run_status
when 0 then 'failed'
when 1 then 'Succeeded'
when 2 then 'Retry'
when 3 then 'Canceled'
end as run_status ,left(jh.run_time,len(jh.run_time)-2) as '开始时间'
,left(run_duration,len(run_duration)-2) as '分',right(run_duration,2) as '秒',jh.run_duration,jh.run_time
from msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory jh with(nolock)
where --job_id=N'1C8F16AC-5C37-4D76-883F-CD318A9E19D6' and
step_name='AutoOut2Sap_Without_SO' and jh.run_status=1
--order by instance_id desc ) A order by instance_id desc

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