Navigate an image

Zoom in Command-Plus (+)
Zoom out Command-Minus (-)
Zoom to fit Command-0
View actual size Option-Command-0
Select Zoom tool Z
Navigate using the Zoom tool Click to zoom in, Option-click to zoom out, drag over an area to zoom in to it
Scroll an image Press and hold the Space bar, then drag the image

Select tools

Style S
Arrange V
Free Selection L
Rectangular Selection M
Elliptical Selection Y
Color Selection W
Quick Selection Q
Paint B
Erase E
Color Fill N
Gradient Fill G
Repair R
Rectangle Shape U
Pen P
Type T
Color Adjustments C
Effects F
Crop C
Slice and Export for Web K or Shift-Command-E

Open, save, and export images

Create a new image Command-N
Open an image Command-O
Save an image Command-S
Duplicate an image Shift-Command-S
Save an existing image as a new image Option-Shift-Command-S
Export an image Command-E
Create a new image from your Photos library Option-Command-N

Basic edits

Undo last action Command-Z
Redo last action Shift-Command-Z
Cut Command-X
Copy Command-C
Paste Command-V
Paste and match style Option-Shift-Command-V
Duplicate layer or selected area Shift-Command-D

Work with layers

Create an empty new layer Shift-Command-N
Delete selected layer(s) Backspace
Select all layers Option-Command-A
Merge selected layers Option-Command-E
Merge all layers Option-Shift-Command-E
Group layers Command-G
Ungroup layers Shift-Command-G
Bring selected layer(s) forward Command-Right Bracket (])
Send selected layer(s) to the front Option-Command-Right Bracket (])
Bring selected layer(s) backward Command-Left Bracket ([)
Send selected layer(s) to the back Option-Command-Right Bracket ([)
Move a layer while any tool is active Command-drag the layer

Style tool

Cycle through blending modes Shift-Plus (+) or Minus (-)
Set layer opacity Press a number key once or twice quickly in succession. Press the 0 key once for 100% and twice for 0%

Arrange tool

Resize a layer Drag a layer handle
Duplicate a layer Shift-Command-D or Option-drag
Disable alignment guides while moving or resizing Command-drag
Resize a layer from the center Option-drag a layer handle
Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing a layer Shift-drag a layer handle
Constrain the aspect ratio when resizing a layer from the center Option-Shift-drag a layer handle
Open the shortcut menu for the selected layer Control-click the layer
Rotate a layer Command-drag a layer handle
Rotate a layer in 15º steps Shift-Command-drag a layer handle
Move a layer in a straight or diagonal line Shift-drag a layer

Selection tools

Select the entire image Command-A
Deselect an active selection Command-D
Invert a selection Shift-Command-I
Load the outline of a layer as a selection Option-Command-L
Turn on Refine Selection Option-Command-R
Copy a selected area Command-C
Cut a selected area Command-X
Paste a selected area Command-V
Duplicate a selected area Shift-Command-D
Constrain selection to a circle or a square Press and hold the Shift key after starting a selection
Add to a selection Hold down the Shift key before starting to select
Subtract from a selection Hold down the Option key before starting to select
Intersect a selection Hold down the Shift and Option keys before starting to select

Paint and erase

Reset foreground and background colors to white and black D
Switch between foreground and background color X
Paint or erase a straight line Shift-click
Paint or erase a vertical or horizontal line Press and hold the Shift key before starting to paint
Open brush settings Double-click a brush
Paint straight lines Shift-click
Paint vertical or horizontal lines Shift-drag
Navigate through brushes Comma (,) or Period (.)
Increase or decrease brush size Right bracket (]) or Left bracket ([)
Increase or decrease brush softness Shift-Right bracket (]) or Shift-Left bracket ([)
Constrain gradient to 15º angle Shift-drag gradient
Pick a color from your image Option-click
Fill layer with foreground color Command-Backspace
Fill layer with background color Option-Backspace
Set Paint tool opacity Press a number key once or twice quickly in succession. Press the 0 key for 100%, or 00 for 0%
Cycle through blending modes Shift-Plus (+) or Minus (-)

Clone tool

Set clone source Option-click

Shapes and vectors

Draw a rectangle shape U
Unite a shape with the selected shape Press and hold the Shift key before starting to draw
Subtract a shape from the selected shape Press and hold the Option key before starting to draw
Intersect a shape with the selected shape Press and hold the Option and Shift keys before starting to draw


Show Pixelmator Pro preferences Command-Comma (,)
View document info Shift-Option-Command-I
Show Info bar Command-Forward Slash (/)
Hide toolbar Option-Command-T
Hide Tools sidebar Command-T
Enter fullscreen Control-Command-F
Close window Command-W
Close all windows Option-Command-W
Show Next Tab Control-Tab
Show Previous Tab Control-Shift-Tab
View All Tabs Shift-Command-Backslash (\)
Cycle through windows Command-Grave Accent (`) key
Minimize window Command-M
Minimize all windows Option-Command-M
Hide Pixelmator Pro Command-H
Hide others Option-Command-H
Print Command-P
Quit Pixelmator Pro Command-Q


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