December 13th 2016 Week 51st Tuesday
Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.
A boat sails on the sea, the vast sea, it may be lost in the boundless expanse of the sea, it may be overturned by the huge waves, it may be drifted along the winds and the currents...
But it may also reach its destination after a long trip, it may also discover the new land full of treasure...
Maybe the winds and the currents just bring it to the new land, maybe sometimes the winds and the currents can accelerate its sailing...
It is also the same to the life sailing.
There're bad times, there're also good times.
There're full of difficulties and obstacles, there're also full of chances and happinesses.
Don't be afraid of the possible difficulties, maybe the treasures we are going after are just behind them.
Be the captain of your own life-boat, sail in the sea of life courageously.
I abhor war and view it as the greatest scourge of mankind.
Today is the 79th Anniversay of Nanjing Massacre, and the day also had been designated as the National Memorial Day.
Let's mourn for our dead ancestors.
Please don't forget the National Humillitation, please always keep the history in our minds.
The best way to memory the day and the death may be not just to ignite the hatred in our hearts, but to do our best both in life and work, to fullfill our responsibilites to the society and the country.
As to myself, I want to make our industrial-control products tower over the competing products of Japan.
Can I realize this dream?
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