January 10 2017 Week 2nd Tuesday
Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.
It is difficult to know deeply about oneself.
And to know oneself is the start point to improve oneself, because only in this way, one can do things consciously to make up his or her shortcomings and strengthen his or her advantages.
Therefore, to know oneself is of great importance.
What can we do to know oursleves, first, we must be entirely honest with ourselves, don't cheat ourselves, that is, don't cheat life.
The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.
The world is full of beautiful things that are waiting for us to find them.
Remember, it is always useful to have something to fall back on, for example, the ability to find beauty or the ability to find out problem.
The day, March 14th 1879, was the birthday of the famed physicist Albert Einstein, who was best known for his theories of relativity and the famous equation, known as E = mc 2.
His theories about the space, time and matter helped unravel the secrets of the atom and of the universe, and he was chosen as Person of the Century, of course, he deserved that title.
When he created his famous theories, he was working in the Swiss patent office, if he didn't dedicate himself to the research, he would live as a common one.
So, now I am working as an electric-engineer, an ordinary engineer, if I want to make something great in life, what should I do?
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