Light Probes 光照探针

Only static objects are considered by Unity’s Baked or Precomputed Realtime GI systems. In order for dynamic objects such as interactive scene elements or characters to pick up some of the rich bounced light that our static geometry receives, we need to record this lighting information into a format which can be quickly read and used in our lighting equations during gameplay.


We do this by placing sample points in the world and then capturing light from all directions. The color information these points record is then encoded into a set of values (or ‘coefficients’) which can be quickly evaluated during gameplay. In Unity, we call these sample points, ‘Light Probes’.


Scene using Light Probes. Notice how they have been placed in greater density around areas of lighting change - such as shadows or color transition.

使用光照探针的场景。注意它在光照变化区域以更大密度放置 - 例如阴影或颜色过渡区域。

Light Probes allow moving objects to respond to the same complex bounced lighting which is affecting our lightmaps regardless of whether Baked GI or Precomputed Realtime GI is used. An object’s mesh renderer will look for the Light Probes around its position and blend between their values. This is done by looking for tetrahedrons made up by the position of Light Probes, and then deciding which tetrahedron the object’s pivot falls into. This allows us to place moving characters in scenes and have them appear properly integrated. Without Light Probes, dynamic objects would not receive any global illumination and would appear darker than surrounding, lightmapped geometry.

光照探针允许移动物体响应同样复杂的反射光,无论是使用烘焙GI还是预计算实时GI产生光照贴图。对象的MeshRenderer将在其位置周围寻找Light Probes并在它们的值之间进行混合。这是通过寻找由光探针位置组成的四面体,然后决定该物体的枢轴落入哪个四面体来完成的。这使我们能够在场景中放置移动角色使它们看起来得到恰当的效果。如果没有光探测器,动态物体将不会接收到任何GI(全局照明),并且会比周围的光照贴图几何体看起来更暗。

By default there are no Light Probes in a scene so these will need to be placed using a Light Probe Group (GameObjects>Light>Light Probe Group).

默认情况下场景中没有任何光照探针,需要通过光照探针组来放置(GameObjects>Light>Light Probe Group)。

If the ‘Auto’ box is checked at the bottom of your scene precompute settings (Lighting>Scene>Auto), Light Probes will update whenever changes are made to the scene lighting or static geometry. Otherwise they will be updated when the Build button is clicked.


Further Reading 进一步阅读

In this document we have given an overview of the considerations which need to be made prior to setting up a scene for lighting. We have also briefly looked at the tools available for creating various lighting effects. However, there is still a lot which we haven’t yet covered.


For a more in-depth look at optimizing your Scenes for Unity's Precomputed Realtime GI please see our tutorial here.


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