BZOJ1000-1099板刷计划+一句话题解 73/100
1000A+B Problem
1001 狼抓兔子
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define id(i , j , k) ((k) * (N - 1) * (M - 1) + ((i) - 1) * (M - 1) + (j)) #define PII pair < int , int > #define st first #define nd second //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF) c = getchar(); if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return a; } ; struct Edge{ int end , upEd , w; }Ed[MAXN << ]; int head[MAXN] , dis[MAXN] , N , M , S , T , cntEd; priority_queue < PII > q; inline void addEd(int a , int b , int c){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; Ed[cntEd].w = c; head[a] = cntEd; } void input(){ N = read(); M = read(); T = id(N - , M - , ) + ; int k; || N == ){ int lMin = 0x7fffffff; ; i < max(N , M) ; ++i) lMin = min(lMin , read()); cout << lMin; exit(); } ; i <= N ; ++i) ; j < M ; ++j){ k = read(); ) addEd(S , id(i , j , ) , k); else if(i == N) addEd(id(i - , j , ) , T , k); else{ addEd(id(i - , j , ) , id(i , j , ) , k); addEd(id(i , j , ) , id(i - , j , ) , k); } } ; i < N ; ++i) ; j <= M ; ++j){ k = read(); ) addEd(id(i , j , ) , T , k); else if(j == M) addEd(S , id(i , j - , ) , k); else{ addEd(id(i , j , ) , id(i , j - , ) , k); addEd(id(i , j - , ) , id(i , j , ) , k); } } ; i < N ; ++i) ; j < M ; ++j){ k = read(); addEd(id(i , j , ) , id(i , j , ) , k); addEd(id(i , j , ) , id(i , j , ) , k); } } void Dijk(){ memset(dis , 0x3f , sizeof(dis)); dis[S] = ; q.push(PII( , S)); while(!q.empty()){ PII t =; q.pop(); if( > dis[t.nd]) continue; if(t.nd == T) return; for(int i = head[t.nd] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(dis[Ed[i].end] > dis[t.nd] + Ed[i].w){ dis[Ed[i].end] = dis[t.nd] + Ed[i].w; q.push(PII(-dis[Ed[i].end] , Ed[i].end)); } } } void work(){ Dijk(); cout << dis[T]; } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif input(); work(); ; }
1001 狼抓兔子
1002 轮状病毒
设$f_i$为周围有$i$个点时的方案数。考虑断环成链,强制令第$1$个点与第$i$个点不连通,考虑枚举第$1$个点所在联通块的大小,可以得到状态转移方程:$f_i = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{i} f_{i-j} \times j$,后面的乘$j$表示中心点有$j$种向这个联通块加边的方式。然后考虑$1$与$n$相连的情况,同样考虑$1$和$n$所在联通块的大小。如果联通块大小为$j$,则有$j-1$种方式使得$1$与$n$是相连的,那么就会有$f_i=\sum\limits_{j = 1}^{i} f_{i-j} \times j+\sum\limits_{j = 2}^{i} f_{i-j} \times j \times (j-1)$
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct BN{ ]; BN(){ memset(arr , , sizeof(arr)); } void operator =(int x){ arr[] = ; while(x){ arr[++arr[]] = x % ; x /= ; } } int& operator [](int x){ return arr[x]; } inline void output(){ ] ; i ; i--) putchar(arr[i] + ); } BN operator +(BN b){ BN c; c[] = max(arr[] , b[]); ; i <= c[] ; i++) ){ c[i + ]++; c[i] -= ; } ] + ]) c[]++; return c; } BN operator *(BN b){ BN c; c[] = arr[] + b[] - ; ; i <= arr[] ; i++) ; j <= b[] ; j++) c[i + j - ] += arr[i] * b[j]; ; i <= c[] ; i++) ){ c[i + ] += c[i] / ; c[i] %= ; ]) c[]++; } return c; } }ans[]; int main(){ int N; cin >> N; ans[] = ; ans[] = ; ; i <= N ; i++) ans[i] = ans[i - ] + ans[i - ]; ans[N] = ans[N] * ans[N]; == ) ] -= ) < ){ ans[N][] += ; ans[N][]--; ]]) ans[N][]--; } ans[N].output(); ; }
1002 轮状病毒 瞪眼法
1003 物流运输
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define int long long #define inf 0x3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3fll using namespace std; struct Edge{ int end , upEd , len; }Ed[]; ] , minDis[] , minR[][] , dp[] , N , M , K , E , cntEd; ] , no[][]; queue < int > q; inline void addEd(int a , int b , int c){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; Ed[cntEd].len = c; head[a] = cntEd; } inline int SPFA(){ memset(minDis , 0x3f , sizeof(minDis)); minDis[] = ; q.push(); while(!q.empty()){ int t = q.front(); q.pop(); for(int i = head[t] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!cannot[Ed[i].end] && minDis[Ed[i].end] > minDis[t] + Ed[i].len){ minDis[Ed[i].end] = minDis[t] + Ed[i].len; q.push(Ed[i].end); } } return minDis[M]; } main(){ cin >> N >> M >> K >> E; ; i <= E ; i++){ int a , b , c; cin >> a >> b >> c; addEd(a , b , c); addEd(b , a , c); } int Q; for(cin >> Q ; Q ; Q--){ int a , b , c; cin >> a >> b >> c; while(b <= c) no[b++][a] = ; } memset(minR , 0x3f , sizeof(minR)); memset(dp , 0x3f , sizeof(dp)); ; i <= N ; i++){ memset(cannot , , sizeof(cannot)); for(int j = i ; j ; j--){ ; k <= M ; k++) cannot[k] |= no[j][k]; int t = SPFA(); if(t == inf) break; minR[j][i] = t; } } dp[] = ; ; i <= N ; i++) ; j >= ; j--) ][i] != inf) dp[i] = min(dp[i] , dp[j] + minR[j + ][i] * (i - j) + K * (bool)j); cout << dp[N]; ; }
1003 物流运输
1004 Cards
1005 明明的烦恼
第一个是$\frac{(\sum du_i -1)!}{\prod (du_i - 1)!}$,第二个是$[N - 2 - \sum (du_i - 1)] ^ {\text{-1的个数}}$,第三个是$C_{N-2}^{\sum (du_i - 1)}$
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } struct Bignum{ ]; int& operator [](int x){return a[x];} Bignum(){ memset(a , , sizeof(a)); } Bignum(int b){ memset(a , , sizeof(a)); while(b){ a[++a[]] = b % ; b /= ; } } Bignum operator =(int b){ return *this = Bignum(b); } void input(){ string s; cin >> s; a[] = s.size(); ; i <= a[] ; ++i) a[i] = s[s.size() - i] - '; } void output(){ ]) putchar('); ] ; i ; --i) putchar(a[i] + '); putchar('\n'); } Bignum operator +(Bignum b){ Bignum c; c[] = max(a[] , b[]); ; i <= c[] ; ++i) ){ c[i] -= ; ++c[i + ]; } ] + ]) ++c[]; return c; } Bignum operator +=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this + b; } Bignum operator -(Bignum b){ Bignum c; c[] = max(a[] , b[]); ; i <= c[] ; ++i) ){ c[i] += ; --c[i + ]; } ] && !c[c[]]) --c[]; return c; } Bignum operator -=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this - b; } Bignum operator *(Bignum b){ ]) return b; Bignum c; c[] = a[] + b[] - ; ; i <= a[] ; ++i) ; j <= b[] ; ++j) c[i + j - ] += a[i] * b[j]; ; i <= c[] ; ++i) ){ c[i + ] += c[i] / ; c[i] %= ; ]) ++c[]; } ] && !c[c[]]) --c[]; return c; } Bignum operator *=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this * b; } Bignum operator ^(int a){ Bignum times() , b(*this); while(a){ ) times *= b; b *= b; a >>= ; } return times; } bool operator >(Bignum b)const{ ] > b[]) ; ] < b[]) ; ] ; i ; --i) if(a[i] > b[i]) ; else if(a[i] < b[i]) ; ; } bool operator >= (Bignum b){ ] > b[]) ; ] < b[]) ; ] ; i ; --i) if(a[i] > b[i]) ; else if(a[i] < b[i]) ; ; } Bignum operator /(Bignum b){ Bignum c , d = *this , e; c[] = a[] - b[] + ; ] ; i && d[] ; --i){ e = b * (Bignum() ^ (i - )); ; j <= ; ++j) if(e > d){ c[i] = j - ; break; } else d -= e; } ] && !c[c[]]) --c[]; return c; } Bignum operator /=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this / b; } Bignum operator %(Bignum b){ return *this - *this / b * b; } Bignum operator %=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this % b; } }all(); ] , jc[][] , prime[][] , ans[]; int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); //freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i){ int t = i; ; j * j <= t ; ++j) ){ t /= j; ++prime[i][j]; } ) ++prime[i][t]; } ; i <= N - ; ++i) ; j <= i ; ++j) jc[i][j] = jc[i - ][j] + prime[i][j]; ; i <= N ; ++i){ int a = read(); ){ ){ puts("); ; } du[++cnt] = a; } } ; ; i <= cnt ; ++i) sum += du[i] - ; ){ puts("); ; } memcpy(ans , jc[sum] , sizeof(ans)); ; i <= cnt ; ++i) ; j < du[i] ; ++j) ans[j] -= jc[du[i] - ][j]; ; i <= N - cnt ; ++i) ans[i] += prime[N - cnt][i] * (N - - sum); ; i <= N - ; ++i) ans[i] = ans[i] + jc[N - ][i] - jc[sum][i] - jc[N - - sum][i]; ; i <= N ; ++i) all *= Bignum(i) ^ ans[i]; all.output(); ; }
1005 明明的烦恼
1006 神奇的国度
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; deque < int > num[MAXN]; struct Edge{ int end , upEd; }Ed[MAXN * ]; int head[MAXN] , ans[MAXN] , cnt[MAXN] , mex[MAXN] , col[MAXN] , N , M , cntEd; bool vis[MAXN]; inline void addEd(int a , int b){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; head[a] = cntEd; } void calc(){ ; i <= N ; ++i) num[].push_back(i); ; for(int i = N ; i ; --i){ ; while(!cur){ while(!cur && !num[best].empty()){ if(!vis[num[best].back()]) cur = num[best].back(); num[best].pop_back(); } if(!cur) --best; } vis[cur] = ; ans[i] = cur; for(int j = head[cur] ; j ; j = Ed[j].upEd) if(!vis[Ed[j].end]){ ++cnt[Ed[j].end]; num[cnt[Ed[j].end]].push_back(Ed[j].end); best = max(best , cnt[Ed[j].end]); } } } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif N = read(); M = read(); ; i <= M ; ++i){ int a = read() , b = read(); addEd(a , b); addEd(b , a); } calc(); ; for(int i = N ; i ; --i){ for(int j = head[ans[i]] ; j ; j = Ed[j].upEd) mex[col[Ed[j].end]] = i; col[ans[i]] = ; while(mex[col[ans[i]]] == i) ++col[ans[i]]; all = max(all , col[ans[i]]); } cout << all; ; }
1006 神奇的国度
1007 水平可见直线
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ld long double //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; struct L{ int A , B , ind; bool operator <(const L a)const{ return A == a.A ? B > a.B : A < a.A; } }line[MAXN]; int St[MAXN] , top , N; inline int sgn(int x){ ? - : (x == ? : ); } inline bool cmp(int a , int b , int c){ int p = line[a].B - line[b].B , q = line[b].A - line[a].A , m = line[b].B - line[c].B , n = line[c].A - line[b].A; return 1ll * p * n * sgn(q) * sgn(n) >= 1ll * q * m * sgn(q) * sgn(n); } signed main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif N = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i){ line[i].A = read(); line[i].B = read(); line[i].ind = i; } sort(line + , line + N + ); ; i <= N ; ++i){ && line[i].A == line[i - ].A) continue; && cmp(St[top] , St[top - ] , i) && cmp(St[top - ] , i , St[top])) --top; St[++top] = i; } ; i <= top ; ++i) St[i] = line[St[i]].ind; sort(St + , St + top + ); ; i <= top ; ++i) printf("%d " , St[i]); ; }
1007 水平可见直线
1008 越狱
答案等于$M^N$减去不会产生越狱的方案数,不会越狱的方案数显然是$M \times (M-1)^{N-1}$
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define int long long //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; inline int poww(int a , int b){ a %= MOD; ; while(b){ ) times = times * a % MOD; a = a * a % MOD; b >>= ; } return times; } signed main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif int M = read() , N = read(); cout << (poww(M , N) - M % MOD * poww(M - , N - ) % MOD + MOD) % MOD; ; }
1008 越狱
1009 GT考试
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; ]; ]; struct matrix{ ][]; matrix(){memset(a , , sizeof(a));} int* operator [](int x){return a[x];} matrix operator *(matrix b){ matrix c; ; i < L ; ++i) ; j < L ; ++j) ; k < L ; ++k) c[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j]; ; i < L ; ++i) ; j < L ; ++j) c[i][j] %= P; return c; } }S , T; int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif nxt[] = -; scanf(); S[][] = ; ; i <= L ; ++i){ ]; && s[dir + ] != s[i]) dir = nxt[dir]; nxt[i] = dir + ; } ; i < L ; ++i){ ; ] = {}; ){ ] - ']){ vis[s[t + ] - ; --cnt; ) T[i][t + ] = ; } t = nxt[t]; } T[i][] = cnt; } while(N){ ) S = S * T; T = T * T; N >>= ; } ; ; i < L ; ++i) sum += S[][i]; cout << sum % P; ; }
1009 GT考试
1010 玩具装箱
1011 遥远的行星
对于$i \times A \leq 300$的暴力统计
对于$i \times A > 300$的先暴力统计最后300个,剩下的分块统计
分块统计过程中一段区间$[x,y]$的贡献变为$M_i \times \frac{\sum\limits_{j = x} ^ y M_j}{i - \frac{x + y}{2}}$
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ld long double //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; ; ld M[MAXN] , sum[MAXN] , A; int N; int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif scanf("%d %Lf" , &N , &A); ; i <= N ; ++i) scanf("%Lf" , M + i); ; i <= N ; ++i){ sum[i] = sum[i - ] + M[i]; ld ans = ; int bef = i * A; , ) ; --j) ans += M[i] * M[j] / (i - j); ){ bef -= ; int t = sqrt(bef) , p; while(bef){ p = max(bef - t , ); ans += M[i] * (sum[bef] - sum[p]) / (i - (bef + p) / ); bef = p; } } printf("%.5Lf\n" , ans); } ; }
1011 遥远的行星
1012 最大数
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline unsigned int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return a; } ; ] , M , MOD , len , lastans; inline void insert(int num){ ST[++len][] = num; ; << i <= len ; i++) ST[len][i] = max(ST[len][i - ] , ST[len - ( << i - )][i - ]); } inline int query(int ind){ int l = log2(ind); << l)][l]); } int main(){ M = read(); MOD = read(); while(M--){ char c = getchar(); while(!isupper(c)) c = getchar(); if(c == 'Q') printf("%d\n" , lastans = query(read())); else insert((read() + lastans) % MOD); } ; }
1012 最大数 ST表
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define endl '\n' using namespace std; struct node{ long long maxN , start , end; node *left , *right; node(long long _s , long long _e):start(_s) , end(_e) { maxN = ; if(_e - _s) { left = ); right = ) + , _e); } } long long find_max(long long _s, long long _e) { if(_s == start && _e == end) return maxN; ) return left->find_max(_s , _e); ) return right->find_max(_s , _e); ) , right->find_max((start + end >> ) + , _e)); } void change_max(long long k , long long q) { maxN = max(maxN , q); if(start == end) return; ) left->change_max(k , q); else right->change_max(k , q); } }; int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio();cin.tie();cout.tie(); , cou = ; cin >> M >> D; node *Tree = , M); ; i <= M ; i++) { char c; long long a; cin >> c >> a; if(c == 'Q'){ ; , cou); cout << t << endl; } else Tree->change_max(++cou , (t + a) % D); } ; }
1012 最大数 动态开点线段树
1013 球形空间产生器
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define eps 1e-8 using namespace std; ][] , dir[][]; int main(){ int N; cin >> N; ; i <= N + ; i++){ ; j <= N ; j++){ cin >> dir[i][j]; guass[i][j] = * dir[i][j]; guass[i][N + ] += dir[i][j] * dir[i][j]; } guass[i][N + ] = -; } ; i <= N + ; i++){ int j; ; j++) || guass[j][i] + eps < ) break; if(j != i) ; k <= N + ; k++) swap(guass[i][k] , guass[j][k]); ; j >= i ; j--) guass[i][j] /= guass[i][i]; ; j <= N + ; j++) || guass[j][i] + eps < )) ; k >= i ; k--) guass[j][k] -= guass[i][k] * guass[j][i] / guass[i][i]; } ; i <= N ; i++) cout << ) << guass[i][N + ] << ' '; ; }
1013 球形空间产生器
1014 火星人
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ll long long using namespace std; ; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return a; } struct node{ ] , fa , size; char c; unsigned ll Hash; }Tree[MAXN]; unsigned ll poww[MAXN] = {}; , root = , N; inline bool son(int dir){ ] == dir; } inline void pushup(int dir){ Tree[dir].size = Tree[Tree[dir].ch[]].size + Tree[Tree[dir].ch[]].size + ; Tree[dir].Hash = Tree[Tree[dir].ch[]].Hash + poww[Tree[Tree[dir].ch[]].size] * Tree[dir].c + poww[Tree[Tree[dir].ch[]].size + ] * Tree[Tree[dir].ch[]].Hash; } inline void ZigZag(int dir){ bool f = son(dir); int t = Tree[Tree[dir].fa].fa; if(Tree[dir].fa == root) root = dir; Tree[Tree[dir].fa].ch[f] = Tree[dir].ch[f ^ ]; Tree[Tree[dir].ch[f ^ ]].fa = Tree[dir].fa; Tree[t].ch[son(Tree[dir].fa)] = dir; Tree[Tree[dir].fa].fa = dir; Tree[dir].ch[f ^ ] = Tree[dir].fa; Tree[dir].fa = t; pushup(Tree[dir].ch[f ^ ]); pushup(dir); } inline void Splay(int dir , int fa){ while(Tree[dir].fa != fa) if(Tree[Tree[dir].fa].fa == fa) ZigZag(dir); else{ if(son(dir) == son(Tree[dir].fa)) ZigZag(Tree[dir].fa); else ZigZag(dir); ZigZag(dir); } } void insert(int &now , int size , char c , int fa){ ){ now = ++cntNode; Tree[now].fa = fa; Tree[now].c = c - 'a'; Splay(now , ); return; } ]].size + ) insert(Tree[now].ch[] , size - Tree[Tree[now].ch[]].size - , c , now); else insert(Tree[now].ch[] , size , c , now); } void getKth(int &now , int size , int to){ ]].size + == size){ Splay(now , to); return; } ]].size) getKth(Tree[now].ch[] , size - Tree[Tree[now].ch[]].size - , to); else getKth(Tree[now].ch[] , size , to); } inline bool check(int fir , int sec , int len){ getKth(root , fir , ); getKth(root , fir + len + , root); unsigned ll t = Tree[Tree[Tree[root].ch[]].ch[]].Hash; getKth(root , sec , ); getKth(root , sec + len + , root); ]].ch[]].Hash; } inline int getAns(int fir , int sec){ if(fir > sec) swap(fir , sec); , r = cntNode - sec - ; while(l < r){ >> ; if(check(fir , sec , mid)) l = mid; else r = mid - ; } return l; } ]; int main(){ ; i <= ; i++) poww[i] = poww[i - ] * ; scanf("%s" , s); Tree[].fa = ; Tree[].ch[] = ; Tree[].size = ; Tree[].size = ; int len = strlen(s); ; i < len ; i++){ insert(root , i + , s[i] , ); Splay(rand() % cntNode + , ); } int Q; for(Q = read() ; Q ; Q--){ char c = getchar(); int a; while(!isupper(c)) c = getchar(); a = read(); switch(c){ case 'Q': printf("%d\n" , getAns(a , read())); break; case 'R': c = getchar(); while(!islower(c)) c = getchar(); getKth(root , a + , ); Tree[root].c = c - 'a'; pushup(root); break; case 'I': c = getchar(); while(!islower(c)) c = getchar(); insert(root , a + , c , ); } } ; }
1014 火星人
1015 星球大战
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return a; } ; struct Edge{ int start , end , time; }now[MAXN]; ] , times[MAXN << ] , N , M; int find(int x){ return x == fa[x] ? x : (fa[x] = find(fa[x])); } bool cmp(Edge a , Edge b){ return a.time < b.time; } int main(){ memset(times , 0x3f , sizeof(times)); N = read(); M = read(); ; i <= M ; i++){ now[i].start = read(); now[i].end = read(); } ; i < N ; i++) fa[i] = i; int K = read(); ; i <= K ; i++) times[read()] = i; ; i <= M ; i++) now[i].time = min(times[now[i].start] , times[now[i].end]); sort(now + , now + M + , cmp); int p = M , cnt = N; ; i--){ while(p && now[p].time > i){ int a = find(now[p].start) , b = find(now[p].end); if(a != b){ cnt--; fa[a] = b; } p--; } ans[i] = cnt; } ; i <= K ; i++) printf("%d\n" , ans[i] - i); ; }
1015 星球大战
1016 最小生成树计数
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return a; } ; struct Edge{ int s , t , w; bool operator <(const Edge a)const{ return w < a.w; } }Ed[]; ][] , fa[] , N , M , cntL , ans = ; map < int , int > lsh; ]; int find(int x){ return fa[x] == x ? x : (fa[x] = find(fa[x])); } inline int getL(int x){ if(!lsh.count(x)) lsh[x] = ++cntL; return lsh[x]; } inline void calc(int x , int y , int &a , int &b , int &c , int &d , int &flg){ a = d = flg = ; c = b = ; while(y){ int t = x / y; x -= t * y; a = (a - t * c % MOD + MOD) % MOD; b = (b - t * d % MOD + MOD) % MOD; swap(x , y); swap(a , c); swap(b , d); flg *= -; } } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif N = read(); M = read(); ; i <= M ; ++i){ Ed[i].s = read(); Ed[i].t = read(); Ed[i].w = read(); } ; i <= N ; ++i) fa[i] = i; sort(Ed + , Ed + M + ); ; i <= M ; ++i) if(fa[find(Ed[i].s)] != fa[find(Ed[i].t)]){ fa[find(Ed[i].s)] = find(Ed[i].t); vis[i] = ; } ; i <= N ; ++i) )){ puts("); ; } ; i <= M ; ){ int p = i; cntL = ; lsh.clear(); memset(mat , , sizeof(mat)); ; j <= N ; ++j) fa[j] = j; ; j <= M ; ++j) if(vis[j] && Ed[j].w != Ed[i].w) fa[find(Ed[j].s)] = find(Ed[j].t); while(p <= M && Ed[i].w == Ed[p].w){ int m = find(Ed[p].s) , n = find(Ed[p].t); if(m != n){ m = getL(m); n = getL(n); --mat[m][n]; --mat[n][m]; ++mat[m][m]; ++mat[n][n]; } ++p; } ; j < cntL ; ++j) ; k < cntL ; ++k) ) mat[j][k] += MOD; ; j < cntL ; ++j) ; k < cntL ; ++k) if(mat[k][j]){ int a , b , c , d , flg; calc(mat[j][j] , mat[k][j] , a , b , c , d , flg); ans = (ans * flg + MOD) % MOD; for(int l = j ; l < cntL ; ++l){ int r = (mat[j][l] * a + mat[k][l] * b) % MOD; int s = (mat[j][l] * c + mat[k][l] * d) % MOD; mat[j][l] = r; mat[k][l] = s; } } ; j < cntL ; ++j) if(mat[j][j]) ans = (ans * mat[j][j] % MOD + MOD) % MOD; while(i < p){ fa[find(Ed[i].s)] = find(Ed[i].t); ++i; } } cout << ans << endl; ; }
1016 最小生成树计数
1018 堵塞的交通
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return a; } ; ]; int all; namespace segTree{ struct node{ bool f1 , f2 , f3 , f4 , f5 , f6; /*f1: <^ ^> f2: <v v> f3: <^ v> f4: <^ <v f5: ^> <v f6: ^> v> */ node(){f1 = f2 = f3 = f4 = f5 = f6 = ;} }Tree[MAXN << ]; #define mid ((l + r) >> 1) #define lch (x << 1) #define rch (x << 1 | 1) node merge(node a , node b , int x){ node t; t.f4 |= a.f4; t.f6 |= b.f6; ]){ t.f1 |= a.f1 & b.f1; t.f3 |= a.f1 & b.f3; t.f2 |= a.f5 & b.f3; t.f5 |= a.f5 & b.f1; } ]){ t.f1 |= a.f3 & b.f5; t.f3 |= a.f3 & b.f2; t.f2 |= a.f2 & b.f2; t.f5 |= a.f2 & b.f5; } ] && link[x][]){ t.f4 |= a.f1 & a.f2 & b.f4; t.f6 |= b.f1 & b.f2 & a.f6; } return t; } void init(int x , int l , int r){ ; , r);} } void modify(int x , int l , int r , int tar , bool flg){ if(l == r){ Tree[x].f3 ^= flg; Tree[x].f4 ^= flg; Tree[x].f5 ^= flg; Tree[x].f6 ^= flg; return; } if(mid >= tar) modify(lch , l , mid , tar , flg); , r , tar , flg); Tree[x] = merge(Tree[lch] , Tree[rch] , mid); } node query(int x , int l , int r , int L , int R){ if(L > R) return node(); if(l >= L && r <= R) return Tree[x]; ; node t; ; t = query(lch , l , mid , L , R);} if(mid < R) t = f ? merge(t , query(rch , mid + , r , L , R) , mid) : query(rch , mid + , r , L , R); return t; } } using namespace segTree; inline char getc(){ char c = getchar(); while(!isupper(c)) c = getchar(); return c; } inline void out(bool f){puts(f ? "Y" : "N");} int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif init( , , all = read()); char c = getc(); ;; node lft , now , rht; while(c != 'E'){ if(c == 'A'){ ++cntQue; B = read(); A = read(); D = read(); C = read(); if(A > C){A ^= C ^= A ^= C; B ^= D ^= B ^= D;} lft = query( , , all , , A - ); rht = query( , , all , C + , all); now = query( , , all , A , C); ) ) ][] && link[C][] && link[A - ][] && link[C][] && now.f2 && lft.f6 && rht.f4) || (link[A - ][] && link[A - ][] && lft.f6 && now.f5) || (link[C][] && link[C][] && rht.f4 && now.f3)); else ][] && link[A - ][] && lft.f6 && now.f2) || (link[C][] && link[C][] && rht.f4 && now.f1) || (link[A - ][] && link[A - ][] && link[C][] && link[C][] && lft.f6 && rht.f4 && now.f5)); else ) ][] && link[A - ][] && lft.f6 && now.f1) || (link[C][] && link[C][] && rht.f4 && now.f2) || (link[A - ][] && link[A - ][] && link[C][] && link[C][] && lft.f6 && rht.f4 && now.f3)); else ][] && link[A - ][] && link[C][] && link[C][] && now.f1 && lft.f6 && rht.f4) || (link[A - ][] && link[A - ][] && lft.f6 && now.f3) || (link[C][] && link[C][] && rht.f4 && now.f5)); } else{ B = read(); A = read(); D = read(); C = read(); , , all , A , ); else{ if(A > C) --A; link[A][B - ] ^= ; modify( , , all , A , ); } } c = getc(); } ; }
1018 堵塞的交通
1022 小约翰的游戏
Anti-SG模板,先手必胜则有:所有石子为$1$且$SG = 0$或者至少有一堆石子不为$1$且$SG \neq 0$
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE //freopen("in","r",stdin); //freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif for(int T = read() ; T ; --T){ ; ; for(int N = read() ; N ; --N){ int a = read(); sum ^= a; flg &= a == ; } puts((flg ^ (bool)sum) ? "John" : "Brother"); } ; }
1022 小约翰的游戏
1023 仙人掌图
1024 生日快乐
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ld long double //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; ; char c = getchar(); while(c != EOF && !isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(c != EOF && isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; ld S; int N; bool cmp(ld x , ld y){ return x + eps > y && x - eps < y; } struct node{ ld x , y; }; map < node , ld > m; bool operator <(node a , node b){ return !cmp(a.x , b.x) && a.x < b.x || cmp(a.x , b.x) && a.y < b.y; } bool operator ==(node a , node b){ return cmp(a.x , b.x) && cmp(a.y , b.y); } ld dfs(int now , ld nowX , ld nowY){ if(m.count((node){nowX , nowY})) return m[(node){nowX , nowY}]; if(cmp(nowX * nowY , S)) ? nowY / nowX : nowX / nowY; ld ans = 1e18; ; i ; i--){ ld k = dfs(i , nowX / now * i , nowY); if(k < ans) ans = min(ans , max(k , dfs(now - i , nowX / now * (now - i) , nowY))); } ; i ; i--){ ld k = dfs(i , nowX , nowY / now * i); if(k < ans) ans = min(ans , max(k , dfs(now - i , nowX , nowY / now * (now - i)))); } return m[(node){nowX , nowY}] = ans; } int main(){ #ifdef BZ freopen("" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("1024.out" , "w" , stdout); #endif ld X = read() , Y = read(); N = read(); S = X * Y / N; printf("%.6Lf" , dfs(N , X , Y)); ; }
1024 生日快乐
1026 Windy数
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define BZ //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; ; char c = getchar(); while(c != EOF && !isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(c != EOF && isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ] = {,,,1e3,1e4,1e5,1e6,1e7,1e8,1e9}; ][]; inline int abs(int x){ ? -x : x; } void init(){ ; i < ; i++) dp[][i] = ; ; j <= ; j++) ; k < ; k++) ; l < ; l++) ) dp[j][k] += dp[j - ][l]; } int dfs(int now , int pos , int pre){ ){ ; ; i <= now ; i++) ) sum++; return sum; } , i; ; poww10[pos] * (i + ) <= now ; i++) ) sum += dp[pos][i]; ) , i); else return sum; } inline int work(int pos){ ) ; ) + 1e- , sum = ; ; i < t ; i++) ; j <= ; j++) sum += dp[i][j]; ) - dp[t][] + sum; } int main(){ #ifdef BZ freopen("" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("1026.out" , "w" , stdout); #endif , R = read(); init(); printf("%d" , work(R) - work(L)); ; }
1026 Windy数
1028 麻将
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return a; } ] , forCheck[] , forDui[] , ansNum[] , M; bool check(int dir){ memcpy(forCheck , pot , sizeof(pot)); forCheck[dir] -= ; ; i <= M ; i++){ ) ; forCheck[i] %= ; forCheck[i + ] -= forCheck[i]; forCheck[i + ] -= forCheck[i]; } ] == && forCheck[M + ] == ; } int main(){ M = read(); int N = read(); ; i <= * N + ; i++){ int a = read(); ) forDui[++forDui[]] = a; } ; i <= M ; i++){ pot[i]++; ) if(check(i)){ ansNum[++ansNum[]] = i; pot[i]--; continue; } ; ; !f && j <= forDui[] ; j++) f = check(forDui[j]); if(f) ansNum[++ansNum[]] = i; pot[i]--; } ]) cout << "NO"; ; i <= ansNum[] ; i++) cout << ansNum[i] << ' '; ; }
1028 麻将
1029 建筑抢修
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; priority_queue < int > q; struct work{ int t1 , t2; bool operator <(const work a)const{ return t2 == a.t2 ? t1 < a.t1 : t2 < a.t2; } }now[MAXN]; int N; long long all; int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i){ now[i].t1 = read(); now[i].t2 = read(); } sort(now + , now + N + ); ; i <= N ; ++i) if(all + now[i].t1 <= now[i].t2){ q.push(now[i].t1); all += now[i].t1; } else if(!q.empty() && now[i].t1 <{ all = all - + now[i].t1; q.pop(); q.push(now[i].t1); } cout << q.size(); ; }
1029 建筑抢修
1030 文本生成器
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } , MOD = ; struct node{ ] , fail; bool get; }Trie[MAXN]; , N , M , dp[][][]; char s[MAXN]; void insert(){ , L = strlen(s + ); ; i <= L ; ++i){ if(!Trie[t].ch[s[i] - 'A']) Trie[t].ch[s[i] - 'A'] = ++cntN; t = Trie[t].ch[s[i] - 'A']; } Trie[t].; } void init(){ queue < int > q; Trie[].fail = ; ; i < ; ++i) ].ch[i]){ Trie[Trie[].ch[i]].fail = ; q.push(Trie[].ch[i]); } else Trie[].ch[i] = ; while(!q.empty()){ int t = q.front(); q.pop(); ; i < ; ++i) if(Trie[t].ch[i]){ Trie[Trie[t].ch[i]].fail = Trie[Trie[t].fail].ch[i]; Trie[Trie[t].ch[i]].get |= Trie[Trie[Trie[t].fail].ch[i]].get; q.push(Trie[t].ch[i]); } else Trie[t].ch[i] = Trie[Trie[t].fail].ch[i]; } } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); M = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i){ scanf(); insert(); } init(); dp[][][] = ; ; i < M ; ++i) ; j <= cntN ; ++j) ; k <= ; ++k) if(dp[i][j][k]) ; p < ; ++p) (dp[i + ][Trie[j].ch[p]][k | Trie[Trie[j].ch[p]].get] += dp[i][j][k]) %= MOD; ; ; i <= cntN ; ++i) sum = (sum + dp[M][i][]) % MOD; cout << sum; ; }
1030 文本生成器
1031 字符加密
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ; char s[MAXN]; ] , tp[MAXN << ] , pot[MAXN] , sa[MAXN] , h[MAXN]; int maxN , L; void sort(int p){ memset(pot , , )); ; i <= L ; ++i) ++pot[rk[i]]; ; i <= maxN ; ++i) pot[i] += pot[i - ]; ; i <= L ; ++i) sa[++pot[rk[tp[i]] - ]] = tp[i]; swap(rk , tp); ; i <= L ; ++i) rk[sa[i]] = rk[sa[i - ]] + (tp[sa[i]] != tp[sa[i - ]] || tp[sa[i] + p] != tp[sa[i - ] + p]); maxN = rk[sa[L]]; } int main(){ scanf(); L = strlen(s + ); ; i <= L << ; ++i) s[i] = s[i - L]; s[] = s[L]; L <<= ; maxN = ; ; i <= L ; ++i){ rk[i] = s[i]; tp[i] = i; } sort(); ; i <= L && maxN < L ; i <<= ){ ; ; j <= i ; ++j) tp[++cnt] = L - i + j; ; j <= L ; ++j) if(sa[j] > i) tp[++cnt] = sa[j] - i; sort(i); } /*for(int i = 1 ; i <= L ; ++i){ if(rk[i] == 1) continue; int t = rk[i]; h[t] = max(0 , h[rk[i - 1]] - 1); while(s[sa[t] + h[t]] == s[sa[t - 1] + h[t]]) ++h[t]; }*/ ; i <= L ; ++i) ) putchar(s[sa[i] - ]); }
1031 字符加密
1034 泡泡堂
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; int zj[MAXN] , cp[MAXN]; int N; int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); //freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i) zj[i] = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i) cp[i] = read(); sort(zj + , zj + N + ); sort(cp + , cp + N + ); , t1 = N , h2 = , t2 = N , sum = ; ; i <= N ; ++i) if(zj[t1] > cp[t2]){ --t1; --t2; sum += ; } else if(zj[t1] < cp[t2]){ ++h1; --t2; } else if(zj[h1] > cp[h2]){ ++h1; ++h2; sum += ; } else{ if(zj[h1] == cp[t2]) ++sum; ++h1; --t2; } cout << sum << ' '; swap(cp , zj); h1 = , t1 = N , h2 = , t2 = N , sum = ; ; i <= N ; ++i) if(zj[t1] > cp[t2]){ --t1; --t2; sum += ; } else if(zj[t1] < cp[t2]){ ++h1; --t2; } else if(zj[h1] > cp[h2]){ ++h1; ++h2; sum += ; } else{ if(zj[h1] == cp[t2]) ++sum; ++h1; --t2; } cout << N * - sum; ; }
1034 泡泡堂
1036 树的统计
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define MAXN 30001 using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } struct node{ int l , r , sum , maxN; }Tree[MAXN << ]; struct Edge{ int end , upEd; }Ed[MAXN << ]; int head[MAXN] , val[MAXN] , size[MAXN] , dep[MAXN] , son[MAXN] , fa[MAXN]; int N , Q , cntEd , ts , top[MAXN] , ind[MAXN] , rk[MAXN]; inline int max(int a , int b){ return a > b ? a : b; } inline void addEd(int a , int b){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; head[a] = cntEd; } void dfs1(int dir , int father , int depth){ size[dir] = ; dep[dir] = depth; fa[dir] = father; for(int i = head[dir] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(Ed[i].end != father){ dfs1(Ed[i].end , dir , depth + ); size[dir] += size[Ed[i].end]; if(size[Ed[i].end] > size[son[dir]]) son[dir] = Ed[i].end; } } void dfs2(int dir , int t){ top[dir] = t; ind[dir] = ++ts; rk[ts] = dir; if(!son[dir]) return; dfs2(son[dir] , t); for(int i = head[dir] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(son[dir] != Ed[i].end && fa[dir] != Ed[i].end) dfs2(Ed[i].end , Ed[i].end); } inline void pushup(int dir){ Tree[dir].sum = Tree[dir << ].sum + Tree[dir << | ].sum; Tree[dir].maxN = max(Tree[dir << ].maxN , Tree[dir << | ].maxN); } void init(int dir , int l , int r){ Tree[dir].l = l; Tree[dir].r = r; if(l == r) Tree[dir].sum = Tree[dir].maxN = val[rk[l]]; else{ init(dir << , l , l + r >> ); init(dir << | , (l + r >> ) + , r); pushup(dir); } } void change(int dir , int poi , int mark){ if(Tree[dir].l == Tree[dir].r){ Tree[dir].maxN = Tree[dir].sum = mark; return; } Tree[dir].l + Tree[dir].r >> >= poi ? change(dir << , poi , mark) : change(dir << | , poi , mark); pushup(dir); } int Query_Max(int dir , int l , int r){ if(Tree[dir].l >= l && Tree[dir].r <= r) return Tree[dir].maxN; ; ) maxN = max(maxN , Query_Max(dir << , l , r)); ) maxN = max(maxN , Query_Max(dir << | , l , r)); return maxN; } int Query_Sum(int dir , int l , int r){ if(Tree[dir].l >= l && Tree[dir].r <= r) return Tree[dir].sum; ; ) sum = Query_Sum(dir << , l , r); ) sum += Query_Sum(dir << | , l , r); return sum; } inline void work1(int x , int y){ change( , ind[x] , y); } inline int work2(int x , int y){ ; while(fx - fy) if(dep[fx] >= dep[fy]){ maxN = max(maxN , Query_Max( , ind[fx] , ind[x])); x = fa[fx]; fx = top[x]; } else{ maxN = max(maxN , Query_Max( , ind[fy] , ind[y])); y = fa[fy]; fy = top[y]; } , ind[x] , ind[y])) : max(maxN , Query_Max( , ind[y] , ind[x])); } inline int work3(int x , int y){ ; while(fx - fy) if(dep[fx] >= dep[fy]){ sum += Query_Sum( , ind[fx] , ind[x]); x = fa[fx]; fx = top[x]; } else{ sum += Query_Sum( , ind[fy] , ind[y]); y = fa[fy]; fy = top[y]; } , ind[x] , ind[y]) : sum + Query_Sum( , ind[y] , ind[x]); } ]; int main(){ N = read(); ; i < N ; i++){ int a = read() , b = read(); addEd(a , b); addEd(b , a); } ; i <= N ; i++) val[i] = read(); dfs1( , , ); dfs2( , ); init( , , N); for(int Q = read() ; Q ; Q--){ scanf("%s" , s); int a = read() , b = read(); ] == 'C') work1(a , b); else ] == 'M') printf("%d\n" , work2(a , b)); else printf("%d\n" , work3(a , b)); } ; }
1036 树的统计
1037 生日聚会
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; ; char c = getchar(); while(c != EOF && !isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(c != EOF && isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; ][][][]; int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("2592.out" , "w" , stdout); #endif int N = read() , M = read() , K = read(); dp[][][][] = ; ; i <= N ; ++i) ; j <= M ; ++j) ; k <= K ; ++k) ; l <= K ; ++l) if(dp[i][j][k][l]){ if(i < N && k < K) (dp[i + ][j][k + ][max(l - , )] += dp[i][j][k][l]) %= MOD; if(j < M && l < K) (dp[i][j + ][max(k - , )][l + ] += dp[i][j][k][l]) %= MOD; } ; ; i <= K ; ++i) ; j <= K ; ++j) sum = (sum + dp[N][M][i][j]) % MOD; cout << sum; ; }
1037 生日聚会
1038 瞭望塔
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<cmath> #include<vector> #include<iomanip> #define eps 1e-12 //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; #define ld long double bool cmp(ld a , ld b){return a - eps < b && a + eps > b;} struct comp{ ld x , y; comp(ld _x = , ld _y = ) : x(_x) , y(_y){} comp operator +(comp a){return comp(x + a.x , y + a.y);} comp operator -(comp a){return comp(x - a.x , y - a.y);} comp operator *(ld a){return comp(x * a , y * a);} ld operator *(comp a){return x * a.x + y * a.y;} ld operator %(comp a){return x * a.y - y * a.x;} ld dir()const{return atan2(y , x);} bool operator <(const comp a)const{return dir() < a.dir();} bool operator ==(const comp a)const{return cmp(dir() , a.dir());} }now[] , inter[]; struct line{ comp pos , dir; ;} }cur[]; ]; comp intersect(line a , line b){ ld t = (b.dir % (a.pos - b.pos)) / (a.dir % b.dir); return a.pos + a.dir * t; } bool chk(line a , line b , line c){ ; } void create(){ hd = tl = ; que[] = ; ; i < N ; ++i){ ].dir) continue; ]] , cur[i])) --tl; ]] , cur[i])) ++hd; que[++tl] = i; } ]] , cur[que[hd]])) --tl; ; i <= tl ; ++i) inter[i] = intersect(cur[que[i]] , cur[que[i - ]]); } ld calc(line a , ld b){ ) , comp( , )}).y; } ld search(ld pos){ int L = hd , R = tl; while(L < R){ ; inter[mid + ].x <= pos ? L = mid + : R = mid; } return calc(cur[que[L]] , pos); } int binary(ld pos){ , R = N; while(L < R){ ) >> ; now[mid].x >= pos ? R = mid - : L = mid; } return L; } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); //freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif cin >> N; ; i <= N ; ++i) cin >> now[i].x; ; i <= N ; ++i) cin >> now[i].y; ; i < N ; ++i){ cur[i].pos = now[i]; cur[i].dir = now[i + ] - now[i]; } sort(cur + , cur + N); create(); vector < long double > vec; ; i <= N ; ++i) vec.push_back(now[i].x); ; i <= tl ; ++i) vec.push_back(inter[i].x); sort(vec.begin() , vec.end()); ld ans = 1e20; ; i < vec.size() ; ++i){ ld t = vec[i]; int pos = binary(t); ans = min(ans , search(t) - calc((line){now[pos] , now[pos + ] - now[pos]} , t)); } cout << ) << ans; ; }
1038 瞭望塔
1040 骑士
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; , dp[MAXN][] , dp2[MAXN][][]; int fa[MAXN] , val[MAXN] , in[MAXN] , N; bool vis[MAXN] , inCir[MAXN]; queue < int > q; int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i){ val[i] = read(); dp[i][] += val[i]; fa[i] = read(); ++in[fa[i]]; } ; i <= N ; ++i) if(!in[i]) q.push(i); while(!q.empty()){ int t = q.front(); vis[t] = ; q.pop(); dp[fa[t]][] += max(dp[t][] , dp[t][]); dp[fa[t]][] += dp[t][]; if(!--in[fa[t]]) q.push(fa[t]); } ; i <= N ; ++i) if(!vis[i]){ int t = i , p = fa[t]; vis[t] = ; dp2[t][][] = dp[t][]; dp2[t][][] = dp[t][]; while(p != i){ vis[p] = ; dp2[p][][] = dp[p][] + max(dp2[t][][] , dp2[t][][]); dp2[p][][] = dp[p][] + max(dp2[t][][] , dp2[t][][]); dp2[p][][] = dp[p][] + dp2[t][][]; dp2[p][][] = dp[p][] + dp2[t][][]; t = p; p = fa[t]; } ans += max(dp2[t][][] , max(dp2[t][][] , dp2[t][][])); } cout << ans; ; }
1040 骑士
1041 圆上的整点
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define int long long //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; signed main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE //freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif , N; cin >> N; )) N >>= ; ; i * i <= N ; ++i) ){ ; ){ ++cnt; N /= i; } ) == ) times *= (cnt * + ); } ) ) == ) times = times * ; cout << times * 4ll; ; }
1041 圆上的整点
1042 硬币购物
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define int long long using namespace std; ] = {} , mon[] , e[] , ans; void dfs(int num , int cnt , int sum){ ) return; ){ ans += (cnt & ? - : ) * times[sum]; return; } dfs(num + , cnt , sum); dfs(num + , cnt + , sum - (e[num] + ) * mon[num]); } main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(); cin.tie(); cout.tie(); int tot; cin >> mon[] >> mon[] >> mon[] >> mon[] >> tot; ; i < ; i++) ; j <= - mon[i] ; j++) times[j + mon[i]] += times[j]; while(tot--){ int s; cin >> e[] >> e[] >> e[] >> e[] >> s; ans = ; dfs( , , s); cout << ans << endl; } ; }
1042 硬币购物
1044 木棍分割
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return a; } ; ][] , sum[] , num[] , point[] , N , M; bool check(int mid){ , cnt = ; ; i <= N ; i++) if(num[i] > mid) ; else if(sum + num[i] <= mid) sum += num[i]; else{ sum = num[i]; cnt++; } return cnt <= M; } int main(){ N = read(); M = read(); ; i <= N ; i++) num[i] = read(); , R = ; while(L < R){ ; check(mid) ? R = mid : L = mid + ; } printf("%d " , L); ; i <= N ; i++) sum[i] = sum[i - ] + num[i]; ; i <= N ; i++) dp[][i] = dp[][i - ] + (sum[i] <= L); , p = ; ; i <= N ; i++){ while(sum[i] - sum[p] > L) p++; point[i] = p; } num = dp[][N] - dp[][N - ]; ; i <= M ; i++){ now ^= ; memset(dp[now] , , sizeof(dp[now])); for(int j = i ; j <= N ; j++) dp[now][j] = (dp[now][j - ] + dp[now ^ ][j - ] - dp[now ^ ][point[j] - ] + MOD) % MOD; num = (num + dp[now][N] - dp[now][N - ] + MOD) % MOD; } cout << num; ; }
1044 木棍分割
1045 糖果传递
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); ) + (a << ) + (c ^ ') , c = getchar(); return a; } inline int abs(int a){ ? a : -a; } ]; int main(){ int n = read(); ; ; i <= n ; i++) sum += S[i] = read(); sum /= n; ; i <= n ; i++) S[i] += S[i - ] - sum; sort(S + , S + n + ); sum = ; ; i <= n ; i++) sum += abs(S[i] - S[n + >> ]); printf("%lld" , sum); ; }
1045 糖果传递
1046 上升序列
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f #define int long long #define PII pair < int , int > #define st first #define nd second //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ] , maxN[] , num[] , N , cnt; signed main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE //freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif N = read(); maxN[] = 1e9; ; i <= N ; ++i) num[i] = read(); for(int i = N ; i ; --i){ , R = cnt; while(L < R){ ) >> ; maxN[mid] > num[i] ? L = mid : R = mid - ; } dp[i] = L + ; if(L == cnt) ++cnt; maxN[L + ] = num[i]; } for(int M = read() ; M ; --M){ int L = read(); if(cnt < L) puts("Impossible"); else{ ; ; i <= N && L ; ++i) if(dp[i] >= L && num[bef] < num[i]){ cout << num[i] << ' '; bef = i; --L; } putchar('\n'); } } ; }
1046 上升序列
1047 理想的正方形
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); ) + (a << ) + (c ^ ') , c = getchar(); return a; } ][][][] , N , lgN , a , b , poww[] = {}; inline int max(int a , int b){return a > b ? a : b;} inline int min(int a , int b){return a < b ? a : b;} int main(){ ; i < ; i++) poww[i] = poww[i - ] << ; a = read(); b = read(); N = read(); lgN = log(N) / log(); ; i <= a ; i++) ; j <= b ; j++) ST[i][j][][] = ST[i][j][][] = read(); ; k <= lgN ; k++) ; i <= a - poww[k] + ; i++) ; j <= b - poww[k] + ; j++){ ST[i][j][k][] = max(ST[i][j][k - ][] , max(ST[i][j + poww[k - ]][k - ][] , max(ST[i + poww[k - ]][j + poww[k - ]][k - ][] , ST[i + poww[k - ]][j][k - ][]))); ST[i][j][k][] = min(ST[i][j][k - ][] , min(ST[i][j + poww[k - ]][k - ][] , min(ST[i + poww[k - ]][j + poww[k - ]][k - ][] , ST[i + poww[k - ]][j][k - ][]))); } ; ; i <= a - N + ; i++) ; j <= b - N + ; j++) minT = min(minT , max(max(max(ST[i][j][lgN][] , ST[i][j + N - poww[lgN]][lgN][]) , ST[i + N - poww[lgN]][j + N - poww[lgN]][lgN][]) , ST[i + N - poww[lgN]][j][lgN][]) - min(min(min(ST[i][j][lgN][] , ST[i][j + N - poww[lgN]][lgN][]) , ST[i + N - poww[lgN]][j + N - poww[lgN]][lgN][]) , ST[i + N - poww[lgN]][j][lgN][])); cout << minT; ; }
1047 理想的正方形 二维ST表
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); ) + (a << ) + (c ^ ') , c = getchar(); return a; } ][]; deque < ][]; inline int min(int a , int b){return a < b ? a : b;} int main(){ ; a = read(); b = read(); n = read(); ; i <= a ; i++){ deque < ]; ; j <= b ; j++){ num[i][j] = read(); ; p <= ; p++){ if(i - q[j][p].front() == n) q[j][p].pop_front(); while(!q[j][p].empty() && (p ^ (num[q[j][p].back()][j] <= num[i][j]))) q[j][p].pop_back(); q[j][p].push_back(i); if(j - Q[p].front() == n) Q[p].pop_front(); while(!Q[p].empty() && (p ^ (num[q[Q[p].back()][p].front()][Q[p].back()] <= num[q[j][p].front()][j]))) Q[p].pop_back(); Q[p].push_back(j); } if(i >= n && j >= n) minT = min(minT , num[q[Q[].front()][].front()][Q[].front()] - num[q[Q[].front()][].front()][Q[].front()]); } } cout << minT; ; }
1047 理想的正方形 二维单调队列
1048 分割矩阵
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ][][][][] , sum[][] , N , M , K; ][][][][]; inline int calc(int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2){ ][y2] - sum[x2][y1 - ] + sum[x1 - ][y1 - ]; } int dfs(int x1 , int y1 , int x2 , int y2 , int k){ if(vis[x1][y1][x2][y2][k]) return dp[x1][y1][x2][y2][k]; vis[x1][y1][x2][y2][k] = ; if(!k) return dp[x1][y1][x2][y2][k] = calc(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2) * calc(x1 , y1 , x2 , y2); dp[x1][y1][x2][y2][k] = 0x3f3f3f3f; for(int i = x1 ; i < x2 ; ++i) ; j < k ; ++j) dp[x1][y1][x2][y2][k] = min(dp[x1][y1][x2][y2][k] , dfs(x1 , y1 , i , y2 , j) + dfs(i + , y1 , x2 , y2 , k - - j)); for(int i = y1 ; i < y2 ; ++i) ; j < k ; ++j) dp[x1][y1][x2][y2][k] = min(dp[x1][y1][x2][y2][k] , dfs(x1 , y1 , x2 , i , j) + dfs(x1 , i + , x2 , y2 , k - - j)); return dp[x1][y1][x2][y2][k]; } signed main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); //freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); M = read(); K = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i) ; j <= M ; ++j) sum[i][j] = sum[i - ][j] + sum[i][j - ] - sum[i - ][j - ] + read(); long double s = sum[N][M] * 1.0 / K; cout << ) << sqrt(( , , N , M , K - ) - * sum[N][M] * s + K * s * s) / K); ; }
1048 分割矩阵
1050 旅行
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define inf 0x7fffffff using namespace std; struct Edge{ int start , end , w; }Ed[]; ] , N , M , S , T , ansMax = inf , ansMin = ; bool cmp(Edge a , Edge b){ return a.w < b.w; } inline int gcd(int a , int b){ int t = a % b; while(t){ a = b; b = t; t = a % b; } return b; } inline void init(){ ; i <= N ; i++) fa[i] = i; } int find(int x){ return fa[x] == x ? x : (fa[x] = find(fa[x])); } int check(int num){ init(); while(num <= M){ int p = find(Ed[num].start) , q = find(Ed[num].end); fa[p] = q; if(find(S) == find(T)) break; num++; } return num; } int main(){ cin >> N >> M; ; i <= M ; i++) cin >> Ed[i].start >> Ed[i].end >> Ed[i].w; cin >> S >> T; sort(Ed + , Ed + M + , cmp); ; i <= M ; i++){ int t = check(i); ) break; int nowMax = Ed[t].w , nowMin = Ed[i].w; if((double)ansMax / ansMin > (double)nowMax / nowMin){ ansMax = nowMax; ansMin = nowMin; } } if(ansMax / ansMin == inf) cout << "IMPOSSIBLE"; else{ int t = gcd(ansMax , ansMin); cout << ansMax / t; if(ansMin != t) cout << "/" << ansMin / t; } ; }
1050 旅行
1051 受欢迎的牛
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); ) + a + (c ^ ') , c = getchar(); return a; } inline int min(int a , int b){ return a < b ? a : b; } ] , dfn[] , low[] , ts , inSCC[] , sizeSCC[] , headStack , headSCC; ] , inStack[] , outSCC[]; vector < ]; void dfs(int a){ low[a] = dfn[a] = ++ts; Stack[++headStack] = a; vis[a] = inStack[a] = ; ; i < Ed[a].size() ; i++){ if(!vis[Ed[a][i]]) dfs(Ed[a][i]); else if(!inStack[a]) continue; low[a] = min(low[a] , low[Ed[a][i]]); } if(low[a] == dfn[a]){ headSCC++; do{ inStack[Stack[headStack]] = ; inSCC[Stack[headStack]] = headSCC; sizeSCC[headSCC]++; }while(Stack[headStack--] != a); } } int main(){ for(int M = read() ; M ; M--){ int a = read() , b = read(); Ed[a].push_back(b); } ; i <= N ; i++) if(!vis[i]) dfs(i); ; i <= N ; i++) ; !outSCC[inSCC[i]] && j < Ed[i].size() ; j++) outSCC[inSCC[i]] = inSCC[Ed[i][j]] != inSCC[i]; ; ; i <= headSCC ; i++) if(!outSCC[i]){ if(!ans) ans = sizeSCC[i]; else{ cout << ; ; } } cout << ans; ; }
1051 受欢迎的牛
1053 反素数
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ,,,,,,,,,}; long long maxN , N , maxYS; inline int max(int a , int b){ return a > b ? a : b; } void dfs(int k , long long now , int bef , long long q){ ){ if(maxYS < q || maxYS == q && maxN > now){ maxYS = q; maxN = now; } return; } ; while(now <= N && cou <= bef){ dfs(k + , now , cou , q * (cou + )); cou++; now *= dir[k]; } } int main(){ cin >> N; dfs( , , , ); cout << maxN; ; }
1053 反素数
1054 移动玩具
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ] = { , } , bef[]; int main(){ string s; , tar = ; ; i >= ; i--){ cin >> s; ; j >= ; j--) now += (s[ - j] - << (i << ) + j); } ; i >= ; i--){ cin >> s; ; j >= ; j--) tar += (s[ - j] - << (i << ) + j); } if(now == tar){ cout << ; ; } queue < pair < int , int > > q; q.push(make_pair(now , )); bef[now] = -; while(!q.empty()){ pair < int , int > t = q.front(); q.pop(); t.second++; ; i < ; i++) ; j < ; j++) && !(j == && i % == ) && (( << i + dir[j])) ^ ( << i))))){ << i) + ( << i + dir[j]); if(!bef[m]){ bef[m] = t.first; if(m == tar){ cout << t.second; ; } q.push(make_pair(m , t.second)); } } } ; }
1054 移动玩具
1055 玩具取名
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ] , L; ][][] , cg[][][]; ]; inline int toInt(char c){ switch(c){ case 'W': ; case 'I': ; case 'N': ; case 'G': ; } } inline char getc(){ char c = getchar(); while(!isupper(c)) c = getchar(); return c; } void input(){ ; i < ; ++i) num[i] = read(); ; i < ; ++i) ; j <= num[i] ; ++j){ char a = getc() , b = getc(); cg[toInt(a)][toInt(b)][i] = ; } scanf(); L = strlen(s + ); ; i <= L ; ++i) dp[i][i][toInt(s[i])] = ; } void work(){ ; i ; --i) ; j <= L ; ++j) for(int k = i ; k < j ; ++k) ; p < ; ++p) if(dp[i][k][p]) ; q < ; ++q) ][j][q]) ; r < ; ++r) if(cg[p][q][r]) dp[i][j][r] = ; } char toChar(int c){ switch(c){ : return 'W'; : return 'I'; : return 'N'; : return 'G'; } } void output(){ ; ; i < ; ++i) ][L][i]){ f = ; putchar(toChar(i)); } if(!f) puts("The name is wrong!"); } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif input(); work(); output(); ; }
1055 玩具取名
1056 排名系统
; void output(int x){ if(!x) return; output(lch); || !(Tree[x].val + )) return; lltoS(name[x]); ) return; output(rch); } void out(int x){ nm = ; find(rt , x - , ); output(Tree[rt].ch[]); }
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<map> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; #define ll long long ; int N , cnt; ll val , name[MAXN]; ]; map < ll , int > app; #define rt Tree[0].ch[0] struct node{ ] , sz; ll val; }Tree[MAXN]; #define lch Tree[x].ch[0] #define rch Tree[x].ch[1] inline ll Stoll(){ ll cur = ; int l = strlen(s); ; i < l ; ++i) cur = cur * + s[i] - ; return cur; } inline void lltoS(ll num){ ; i < ; ++i){ s[i] = num % ; num /= ; } ; i >= ; --i) ); putchar(' '); } inline ] == x;} inline ;} inline void rot(int x){ bool f = son(x); ]; Tree[x].fa = z; Tree[z].ch[son(y)] = x; Tree[x].ch[f ^ ] = y; Tree[y].fa = x; Tree[y].ch[f] = w; if(w) Tree[w].fa = y; up(y); } void splay(int x , int tar){ while(Tree[x].fa != tar){ if(Tree[Tree[x].fa].fa != tar) rot(son(x) == son(Tree[x].fa) ? Tree[x].fa : x); rot(x); } up(x); } void find(int x , int K , int tar){ if(Tree[lch].sz == K) splay(x , tar); else if(Tree[lch].sz > K) find(lch , K , tar); , tar); } void ins(int &x , ll val , int fa){ if(!x){ Tree[x = cnt].fa = fa; Tree[x].val = val; splay(x , ); return; } ins(Tree[x].ch[Tree[x].val >= val] , val , x); } void del(int x){ splay(x , ); find(rt , Tree[lch].sz + , rt); Tree[rt = rch].fa = ; Tree[Tree[rch].ch[] = lch].fa = rch; } ); return Tree[lch].sz;} void output(int x){ if(!x) return; output(lch); lltoS(name[x]); output(rch); } void out(int x){ find(rt , x - , ); find(rt , min(x + , Tree[rt].sz - ) , rt); output(Tree[Tree[rt].ch[]].ch[]); } inline char getc(){ char c = getchar(); while(c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') c = getchar(); return c; } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif cnt = ; ins(rt , 1e18 , ); cnt = ; ins(rt , - , ); for(scanf("%d" , &N) ; N ; --N) if(getc() == '+'){ scanf("%s %lld" , s , &val); if(app.count(name[++cnt] = Stoll())) del(app[name[cnt]]); app[name[cnt]] = cnt; ins(rt , val , ); } else{ scanf("%s" , s); ])) printf("%d\n" , getRk(app[Stoll()])); else{ , l = strlen(s); ; i < l ; ++i) num = num * + s[i] - ; out(num); putchar('\n'); } } ; }
1056 排名系统
1057 棋盘制作
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; /*char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); while(isdigit(c)) a = (a << 3) + (a << 1) + (c ^ '0') , c = getchar();*/ scanf("%d" , &a); return a; } inline int min(int a , int b){ return a < b ? a : b; } inline int max(int a , int b){ return a > b ? a : b; } ][]; ][] , zhan[][] , len[][]; int main(){ , maxN2 = , head = , N = read() , M = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i) ; j <= M ; ++j){ vis[i][j] = read(); DP[i][j] = ; && j - && !(vis[i - ][j - ] ^ vis[i][j])) ][j] ^ vis[i][j]) && (vis[i][j - ] ^ vis[i][j])) DP[i][j] += min(DP[i - ][j] , min(DP[i - ][j - ] , DP[i][j - ])); maxN1 = max(maxN1 , DP[i][j]); } printf("%d\n" , maxN1 * maxN1); ; i <= N ; i++) ; j <= ; j++){ ; k <= M ; k++) { ; )) len[k][j]++; else len[k][j] = ; int a = len[k][j]; ] > a){ maxN2 = max(maxN2 , zhan[head][] * (zhan[head][] + wid)); wid += zhan[head--][]; } zhan[++head][] = a; zhan[head][] = wid + ; } while(head){ maxN2 = max(maxN2 , zhan[head][] * zhan[head][]); zhan[head - ][] += zhan[head][]; --head; } } printf("%d" , maxN2); ; }
1057 棋盘制作
1058 报表统计
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define MAXN 500001 using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ]; inline void print(int x){ ; ) fwrite( , stdout); else{ while(x){ output[--dirN] = x % + ; x /= ; } fwrite(output + dirN , , strlen(output + dirN) , stdout); } fwrite( , , stdout); } struct Node{ ] , num; }Tree[MAXN << ]; , N , root = ; ]; priority_queue < int , vector < int > , greater < int > > q , erase; inline int abs(int a){ ? a : -a; } inline int min(int a , int b){ return a < b ? a : b; } inline bool son(int dir){ ] == dir; } inline void ZigZag(int dir){ bool f = son(dir); if(Tree[dir].fa == root) root = dir; Tree[Tree[dir].son[!f]].fa = Tree[dir].fa; Tree[Tree[dir].fa].son[f] = Tree[dir].son[!f]; int x = Tree[Tree[dir].fa].fa; Tree[x].son[son(Tree[dir].fa)] = dir; Tree[dir].son[!f] = Tree[dir].fa; Tree[Tree[dir].fa].fa = dir; Tree[dir].fa = x; } inline void Splay(int dir){ while(root != dir) if(Tree[dir].fa == root) ZigZag(dir); else{ if(son(Tree[dir].fa) == son(dir)) ZigZag(Tree[dir].fa); else ZigZag(dir); ZigZag(dir); } } inline void calcMinAll(){ ]; if(t){ ]) t = Tree[t].son[]; minAll = min(minAll , Tree[root].num - Tree[t].num); } t = Tree[root].son[]; if(t){ ]) t = Tree[t].son[]; minAll = min(minAll , Tree[t].num - Tree[root].num); } } void insert(int num , int &dir , int fa){ if(!dir){ dir = ++cntNode; Tree[dir].num = num; Tree[dir].fa = fa; Splay(dir); calcMinAll(); return; } if(Tree[dir].num == num) minAll = ; else insert(num , Tree[dir].son[Tree[dir].num < num] , dir); } int main(){ N = read(); int M = read(); num[] = Tree[].num = read(); ; i <= N ; i++){ start[i] = num[i] = read(); if(minAll) if(Tree[root].num == num[i]) minAll = ; else insert(num[i] , Tree[root].son[Tree[root].num < num[i]] , root); q.push(abs(num[i] - num[i - ])); } while(M--){ scanf("%s" , s); ] == 'I'){ int a = read() , b = read(); if(a - N){ erase.push(abs(num[a] - start[a + ])); while(!erase.empty() && =={ erase.pop(); q.pop(); } q.push(abs(b - start[a + ])); } q.push(abs(b - num[a])); num[a] = b; if(minAll) insert(b , Tree[root].son[Tree[root].num < b] , root); } else ] == 'G') print(; else print(minAll); } ; }
1058 报表统计
1059 矩阵游戏
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; struct Edge{ int end , upEd; }Ed[]; ] , match[] , cntEd; ]; inline void add(int a , int b){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; head[a] = cntEd; } bool dfs(int dir){ for(int i = head[dir] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!vis[Ed[i].end]){ vis[Ed[i].end] = ; if(!match[Ed[i].end] || dfs(match[Ed[i].end])){ match[Ed[i].end] = dir; ; } } ; } int main(){ int T; for(cin >> T ; T ; T--){ memset(head , , sizeof(head)); memset(match , , sizeof(match)); cntEd = ; int N; cin >> N; ; i <= N ; i++) ; j <= N ; j++){ int a; cin >> a; if(a) add(i , j); } ; ; f && i <= N ; i++){ memset(vis , , sizeof(vis)); f = dfs(i); } cout << (f ? "Yes" : "No") << endl; } ; }
1059 矩阵游戏
1060 时态同步
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define MAXN 500001 using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; ; char c; fread(&c , , stdin); while(!isdigit(c)){ ; fread(&c , , stdin); } while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); fread(&c , , stdin); } return f ? -a : a; } struct Edge{ int end , upEd , t; }Ed[MAXN << ]; int head[MAXN] , size[MAXN] , minT[MAXN] , cntEd; bool vis[MAXN]; inline int max(int a , int b){return a > b ? a : b;} inline void add(int a , int b , int c){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].t = c; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; head[a] = cntEd; } long long dfs(int dir){ ; vis[dir] = ; for(int i = head[dir] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!vis[Ed[i].end]){ sum += dfs(Ed[i].end); if(minT[Ed[i].end] + Ed[i].t >= minT[dir]) sum += (minT[Ed[i].end] + Ed[i].t - minT[dir]) * size[dir]; else sum += (-minT[Ed[i].end] - Ed[i].t + minT[dir]); minT[dir] = max(minT[dir] , minT[Ed[i].end] + Ed[i].t); size[dir]++; } return sum; } int main(){ int N = read() , S = read(); ; i < N ; i++){ int a = read() , b = read() , c = read(); add(a , b , c); add(b , a , c); } cout << dfs(S); ; }
1060 时态同步
1061 志愿者招募
1063 道路设计
1064 假面舞会
1066 蜥蜴
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f #define id(i , j) ((i - 1) * C + j) //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; , MAXM = ; struct Edge{ int end , upEd , f , c; }Ed[MAXM]; int head[MAXN] , cur[MAXN] , dep[MAXN]; ; queue < int > q; inline ){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; Ed[cntEd].f = c; Ed[cntEd].c = d; head[a] = cntEd; } inline bool bfs(){ while(!q.empty()) q.pop(); q.push(S); memset(dep , , sizeof(dep)); dep[S] = ; while(!q.empty()){ int t = q.front(); q.pop(); for(int i = head[t] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(Ed[i].f && !dep[Ed[i].end]){ dep[Ed[i].end] = dep[t] + ; if(Ed[i].end == T){ memcpy(cur , head , sizeof(head)); ; } q.push(Ed[i].end); } } ; } inline int dfs(int x , int mF){ if(x == T) return mF; ; for(int &i = cur[x] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) ){ int t = dfs(Ed[i].end , min(mF - sum , Ed[i].f)); if(t){ Ed[i].f -= t; Ed[i ^ ].f += t; sum += t; if(sum == mF) break; } } return sum; } int Dinic(){ ; while(bfs()) ans += dfs(S , INF); return ans; } inline char getc(){ char c = getchar(); while(c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') c = getchar(); return c; } void input(){ cin >> R >> C >> D; T = R * C * + ; ; i <= R ; ++i) ; j <= C ; ++j){ addEd(id(i , j) , id(i , j) + R * C , getc() - ); addEd(id(i , j) + R * C , id(i , j) , ); } ; i <= R ; ++i) ; j <= C ; ++j) if(getc() == 'L'){ addEd(S , id(i , j) , ); addEd(id(i , j) , S , ); ++M; } ; i <= R ; ++i) ; j <= C ; ++j){ , i) , min(C - j + , j)) <= D){ addEd(T , id(i , j) + R * C , ); addEd(id(i , j) + R * C , T , INF); } ; p <= R ; ++p) ; q <= C ; ++q) if(i != p || j != q) <= D){ addEd(id(i , j) + R * C , id(p , q) , INF); addEd(id(p , q) , id(i , j) + R * C , ); } } } void work(){ cout << M - Dinic(); } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif input(); work(); ; }
1066 蜥蜴
1067 降雨量
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define MAXN 100002 using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)){ ; c = getchar(); } ) + (a << ) + (c ^ ') , c = getchar(); return f ? -a : a; } inline int max(int a , int b){ return a > b ? a : b; } ]; ]; inline int Query(int a , int b){ if(a > b) ; )] , ST[b - ( << ()) + ][()]); } inline bool ifNeighbor(int a , int b){ )] && ifNei[b - ( << ()) + ][()]; } int main(){ int N = read(); ; i <= N ; i++){ num[i] = read(); ST[i][] = read(); ifNei[i][] = num[i] - num[i - ] == ; } ; ( << i) <= N ; i++) ; j + ( << i) - <= N ; j++){ ST[j][i] = max(ST[j][i - ] , ST[j + ( << i - )][i - ]); ifNei[j][i] = ifNei[j][i - ] && ifNei[j + ( << i - )][i - ]; } for(int M = read() ; M ; M--){ ; if(a > b){ fwrite( , , stdout); continue; } if(a == b){ fwrite( , , stdout); continue; } , num + N + , a) - num , t2 = lower_bound(num + , num + N + , b) - num; if(num[t2] != b){ t2--; f++; } if(num[t1] != a) f -= ; switch(f){ : fwrite( , , stdout); break; : ] && Query(t1 + , t2) != ST[t1][]) fwrite( , , stdout); else fwrite( , , stdout); break; : ] && Query(t1 , t2 - ) != ST[t2][]) fwrite( , , stdout); else fwrite( , , stdout); break; default: ] >= ST[t2][] && Query(t1 + , t2) == ST[t2][] && Query(t1 + , t2 - ) < ST[t2][]) , t2)) fwrite( , , stdout); else fwrite( , , stdout); else fwrite( , , stdout); } fwrite( , sizeof(char) , stdout); } ; }
1067 降雨量
1068 压缩
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; ][] , N; string s; signed main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE //freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif cin >> s; N = s.size(); s = " " + s; dp[][] = ; ; i <= N ; ++i){ ; j ; --j){ dp[i][j] = dp[i - ][j] + ; ) && - j + ) == + , (i + j) / - j + )) dp[i][j] = min(dp[i][j] , dp[(i + j) / ][j] + ); } dp[i][i] = 1e9; ; j < i ; ++j) dp[i][i] = min(dp[i][i] , dp[i - ][j]); dp[i][i] += ; } int ans = 1e9; ; i <= N ; ++i) ans = min(ans , dp[N][i]); cout << ans; ; }
1068 压缩
1069 最大土地面积
1072 排列
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; string s; ]; void dfs(int cur , long long t){ if(cur > l) cnt += t % k == ; ; i < ; ++i) if(times[i]){ --times[i]; dfs(cur + , t * + i); ++times[i]; } } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif int T; for(cin >> T ; T ; --T){ cin >> s >> k; memset(times , , sizeof(times)); cnt = ; l = s.size(); ; i < l ; ++i) ++times[s[i] - ']; dfs( , ); cout << cnt << endl; } ; }
1072 排列
1073 K短路
还有一种奇怪的剪枝:将估价函数定为当前状态到终点的最短路,用平衡树代替堆,当平衡树中点数$> K$时将最后一个决策删掉
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } struct Edge{ int end , upEd , w; }Ed[] , fan[]; struct zt{ string s; int dis , qw; long long clc; bool operator <(const zt a)const{ return qw == a.qw ? s > a.s : qw > a.qw; } }now; priority_queue < zt > all; ] , head[] , hFan[]; int N , M , K , A , B , cntEd , cntFan; queue < int > q; ]; inline void addEd(Edge* Ed , int* head , int& cntEd , int a , int b , int c){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; Ed[cntEd].w = c; head[a] = cntEd; } void SPFA(){ memset(dis , 0x3f , sizeof(dis)); dis[B] = ; q.push(B); while(!q.empty()){ int t = q.front(); q.pop(); vis[t] = ; for(int i = hFan[t] ; i ; i = fan[i].upEd) if(dis[fan[i].end] > dis[t] + fan[i].w){ dis[fan[i].end] = dis[t] + fan[i].w; if(!vis[fan[i].end]){ vis[fan[i].end] = ; q.push(fan[i].end); } } } } inline bool chk(zt now){ ]; if(t == B) ; long long clc = now.clc; while(!q.empty()) q.pop(); q.push(t); while(!q.empty()){ t = q.front(); q.pop(); for(int i = head[t] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!(clc & (1ll << Ed[i].end))){ clc |= 1ll << Ed[i].end; if(Ed[i].end == B) ; q.push(Ed[i].end); } } ; } inline void ist(zt now){ if(chk(now)) all.push(now); } void Astar(){ ist((zt){ , A) , , dis[A] , 1ll << A}); while(!all.empty()){ now =; all.pop(); ]; if(t == B){ if(!--K){ ; i < now.s.size() ; ++i){ if(i) putchar('-'); cout << (int)now.s[i]; } exit(); } continue; } for(int i = head[t] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!(now.clc & (1ll << Ed[i].end)) && dis[Ed[i].end] != 0x3f3f3f3f) ist(zt{now.s + , Ed[i].end) , now.dis + Ed[i].w , now.dis + Ed[i].w + dis[Ed[i].end] , now.clc | (1ll << Ed[i].end)}); } } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); //freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); M = read(); K = read(); A = read(); B = read(); ; i <= M ; ++i){ int a = read() , b = read() , c = read(); addEd(Ed , head , cntEd , a , b , c); addEd(fan , hFan , cntFan , b , a , c); } SPFA(); Astar(); puts("No"); ; }
1073 K短路 A*
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } struct Edge{ int end , upEd , w; }Ed[]; struct zt{ string s; int dis , qw; long long clc; bool operator <(const zt a)const{ return qw == a.qw ? s < a.s : qw < a.qw; } }now; set < zt > all; ] , N , M , K , A , B , cntEd; ]; inline void addEd(int a , int b , int c){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; Ed[cntEd].w = c; head[a] = cntEd; } #define PII pair < int , int > #define st first #define nd second priority_queue < PII > q1; inline bool chk(zt& now){ ]; long long clc = now.clc; while(!q1.empty()) q1.pop(); q1.push(PII( , t)); while(!q1.empty()){ PII x =; q1.pop(); if(clc & (1ll << x.nd)) continue; clc |= 1ll << x.nd; if(x.nd == B){ now.qw = now.dis +; now.clc |= 1ll << t; ; } for(int i = head[x.nd] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!(clc & (1ll << Ed[i].end))) q1.push(PII( - Ed[i].w , Ed[i].end)); } ; } inline void ist(zt now){ if(chk(now)){ all.insert(now); if(all.size() > K) all.erase(--all.end()); } } void Astar(){ ist((zt){ , A) , , , }); while(!all.empty()){ now = *all.begin(); all.erase(all.begin()); ]; if(t == B){ if(!--K){ ; i < now.s.size() ; ++i){ if(i) putchar('-'); cout << (int)now.s[i]; } exit(); } continue; } for(int i = head[t] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!(now.clc & (1ll << Ed[i].end))) ist(zt{now.s + , Ed[i].end) , now.dis + Ed[i].w , , now.clc}); } } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); //freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); M = read(); K = read(); A = read(); B = read(); ; i <= M ; ++i){ int a = read() , b = read() , c = read(); addEd(a , b , c); } Astar(); puts("No"); ; }
1073 K短路 带奇怪剪枝的A*(非正解)
1076 奖励关
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; ; char c = getchar(); while(c != EOF && !isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(c != EOF && isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ][ << ]; ] , need[]; int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("2473.out" , "w" , stdout); #endif int N = read() , K = read(); ; i < K ; ++i){ pri[i] = read(); for(int j = read() ; j ; j = read()) need[i] |= << (j - ); } for(int i = N ; i ; --i) ; j < K ; ++j) ; k < << K ; ++k) if((k & need[j]) == need[j]) dp[i][k] += max(pri[j] + dp[i + ][k | ( << j)] , dp[i + ][k]) / K; else dp[i][k] += dp[i + ][k] / K; cout << ) << dp[][]; ; }
1076 奖励关
1078 斜堆
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } struct node{ ] , sz; }Tree[]; ]; int init(int x){ ) ; ]) + init(Tree[x].ch[]) + ; } void search(int& x){ ] == -){ ){ ans[++cnt] = Tree[x].ch[]; Tree[x].ch[] = -; --Tree[x].sz; } else{ ans[++cnt] = x; x = Tree[x].ch[]; } return; } search(Tree[x].ch[]); swap(Tree[x].ch[] , Tree[x].ch[]); --Tree[x].sz; } int main(){ N = read(); Tree[].ch[] = Tree[].ch[] = -; ; i <= N ; ++i){ Tree[i].ch[] = Tree[i].ch[] = -; int k = read(); Tree[k >= ? k - : k].ch[k >= ] = i; } init(); ; i <= N ; ++i) search(rt); ; i ; --i) cout << ans[i] << ' '; ; }
1078 斜堆
1079 着色方案
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define ld long double using namespace std; ] , pot[] , N , sum; map < unsigned long long , int > hash; ; inline unsigned long long Hash(int past){ memcpy(pot , num , sizeof(num)); sort(pot + , pot + N + ); unsigned ; ; i <= N ; i++) sum = sum * + pot[i]; + past; } int dfs(int all , int past){ ) ; unsigned long long t = Hash(num[past]); if(hash.count(t)) return hash[t]; ; ; i <= N ; i++) if(i != past && num[i]){ num[i]--; (sum += dfs(all - , i)) %= MOD; num[i]++; } return hash[t] = sum; } int main(){ cin >> N; ; i <= N ; i++){ cin >> num[i]; sum += num[i]; } cout << dfs(sum , ); ; }
1079 着色方案
1081 超级格雷码
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ] , num[] , B , N; inline int modify(int ind){ || add[ind] + num[ind] == B){ add[ind] *= -; modify(ind + ); } else num[ind] += add[ind]; } inline void output(){ ; i >= ; i--) putchar(num[i] < ? num[i] + + 'A'); putchar('\n'); } int main(){ ; cin >> N >> B; ; i < N ; i++){ add[i] = ; ans *= B; } while(ans--){ output(); modify(); } ; }
1081 超级格雷码
1082 栅栏
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar(); ) + (a << ) + (c ^ ') , c = getchar(); return a; } ] , Have[] , AddNeed[] , t[] , maxN , N , M , sum , waste = ; bool dfs(int dir , int now){ ) ; ; for(int i = dir ; i <= M ; i++) if(t[i] >= Need[now]){ ]) waste += t[i]; ] ? i : , now - )) ; ]) waste -= t[i]; t[i] += Need[now]; } ; } inline bool check(){ ; waste = ; memcpy(t , Have , sizeof(Have)); , AtMid); } int main(){ M = read(); ; i <= M ; i++) sum += Have[i] = read(); N = read(); ; i <= N ; i++) Need[i] = read(); sort(Have + , Have + M + ); sort(Need + , Need + N + ); ; i <= N ; i++) AddNeed[i] = AddNeed[i - ] + Need[i]; , r = N; while(r - l){ AtMid = r + l + >> ; if(check()) l = AtMid; ; } cout << r; ; }
1082 栅栏
1083 繁忙的都市
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ][] , minDir[]; ]; int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); , k = ; cin >> N >> M; memset(num , 0x3f , sizeof(num)); memset(minDir , 0x3f , sizeof(minDir)); vis[] = ; minDir[] = ; ; i < M ; i++) { int a , b , c; cin >> a >> b >> c; num[a][b] = num[b][a] = c; } ; i <= N - ; i++){ int minN = 0x3f3f3f3f , minD; ; j <= N ; j++) if(!vis[j] && minN > (minDir[j] = min(minDir[j] , num[k][j]))) minN = minDir[minD = j]; vis[k = minD] = ; maxN = max(maxN , minN); } cout << N - << " " << maxN; ; }
1083 繁忙的都市
1084 最大子矩阵
一直眼瞎看不到$M \leq 2$以为是不可做题
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; ; char c = getchar(); while(!isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ][] , sum[][] , dp[][][]; int main(){ int N = read() , M = read() , K = read(); ; i <= N ; i++) ; j < M ; j++) sum[i][j] = (num[i][j] = read()) + sum[i - ][j]; ; i <= (M == ? : N) ; i++){ ; j <= N ; j++){ ; k <= K ; k++) dp[i][j][k] = max(dp[i][j - ][k] , max(dp[i][j][k - ] , i ? dp[i - ][j][k] : )); ; k < i ; k++) ; l <= K ; l++) dp[i][j][l] = max(dp[i][j][l] , dp[k][j][l - ] + sum[i][] - sum[k][]); ; k < j ; k++) ; l <= K ; l++) dp[i][j][l] = max(dp[i][j][l] , dp[i][k][l - ] + sum[j][] - sum[k][]); if(i == j) ; k < j ; k++) ; l <= K ; l++) dp[i][i][l] = max(dp[i][i][l] , dp[k][k][l - ] + sum[i][] - sum[k][] + sum[j][] - sum[k][]); } } ; ; j <= N ; j++) ; k <= K ; k++) all = max(all , dp[M == ? : N][j][k]); cout << all; ; }
1084 最大子矩阵
1085 骑士精神
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ][] = {"}; ][] = {,,,-,,,,-,-,-,-,,-,-,-,}; struct p{ ][]; char* operator [](int x){return m[x];} int step , est; inline void askEst(){ est = step; ; i < ; i++) ; j < ; j++) est += (ex[i][j] != m[i][j] && m[i][j] != '*'); } }t , f; int ans; bool dfs(p x , int lasMove){ ; ; x.step++; x.est++; ; i < ; i++) ; j < ; j++) if(x[i][j] == '*'){ ; k < ; k++) && i + dir[k][] >= && i + dir[k][] < && j + dir[k][] >= && j + dir[k][] < ){ f = x; f[i][j] = f[i + dir[k][]][j + dir[k][]]; if(f[i][j] - ex[i][j]) f.est++; ]][j + dir[k][]] - ex[i + dir[k][]][j + dir[k][]]) f.est--; f[i + dir[k][]][j + dir[k][]] = '*'; ; } ; } } int main(){ //freopen("" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("knight.out" , "w" , stdout); register int T; for(scanf("%d" , &T) ; T ; T--){ ; i < ; i++) ; j < ; j++) cin >> t[i][j]; t.step = ; t.askEst(); ; ans <= && !dfs(t , -) ; ans++); printf( ? - : ans); } fclose(stdin);fclose(stdout); ; }
1085 骑士精神
1086 王室联邦
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; struct Edge{ int end , upEd; }Ed[MAXN << ]; int head[MAXN] , s[MAXN] , cap[MAXN] , be[MAXN] , N , B , top , cnt , cntEd; inline void addEd(int a , int b){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; head[a] = cntEd; } void dfs(int x , int p){ s[++top] = x; int bot = top; for(int i = head[x] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(Ed[i].end != p){ dfs(Ed[i].end , x); if(top - bot >= B){ cap[++cnt] = x; while(top != bot) be[s[top--]] = cnt; } } } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif N = read(); B = read(); ; i < N ; ++i){ int a = read() , b = read(); addEd(a , b); addEd(b , a); } dfs( , ); if(top < B){ ; ; !root && i <= top ; ++i){ for(int j = head[s[i]] ; !root && j ; j = Ed[j].upEd) if(be[Ed[j].end]){ cap[be[Ed[j].end]] = ; root = be[Ed[j].end]; } } if(!root){ cout << ; ; } else ; i <= top ; ++i) be[s[i]] = root; } else{ cap[++cnt] = ; ; i <= top ; ++i) be[s[i]] = cnt; } cout << cnt << endl; ; i <= N ; ++i) cout << be[i] << ' '; cout << endl; ; i <= cnt ; ++i) cout << cap[i] << ' '; ; }
1086 王室联邦
1087 互不侵犯
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define MOD 1000000009 using namespace std; ] , N , K , tarN , num[]; ][][] = {{{}}}; ]; int main(){ cin >> N >> K; maxN[][][] = ; ; i < << N ; i++) ) || i & (i >> ))){ int k = i; while(k){ num[i]++; k -= k & -k; } } ; i <= ; i++){ ; k < << N ; k++) if(check[k]) ; j < << N ; j++) ) || k & (j << ))) for(int q = num[k] ; q + num[j] <= K ; q++) maxN[i][q + num[j]][j] += maxN[i - ][q][k]; } ; ; i < << N ; i++) sum += maxN[N][K][i]; cout << sum; ; }
1087 互不侵犯
1088 扫雷
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ][][] , bomb[]; int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio();cin.tie();cout.tie(); int N; cin >> N; ; i <= N ; i++) cin >> bomb[i]; ]){ : num[][][] = ; break; : num[][][] = num[][][] = ; break; default: num[][][] = ; } ; i <= N ; i++) ]){ : num[i][][] += num[i - ][][]; break; : num[i][][] += num[i - ][][]; num[i][][] += num[i - ][][]; num[i][][] += num[i - ][][]; break; : num[i][][] += num[i - ][][]; num[i][][] += num[i - ][][]; num[i][][] += num[i - ][][]; break; default: num[i][][] += num[i - ][][]; } cout << (bomb[N] == ? num[N][][] : bomb[N] == ? num[N][][] : num[N][][] + num[N][][]); ; }
1088 扫雷
1089 严格n元树
$f_i = sum_{i-1}^n$-$sum_{i-1}+1$
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; struct Bignum{ ]; int& operator [](int x){return a[x];} Bignum(){ memset(a , , sizeof(a)); } Bignum(int b){ memset(a , , sizeof(a)); while(b){ a[++a[]] = b % ; b /= ; } } Bignum operator =(int b){ return *this = Bignum(b); } void input(){ string s; cin >> s; a[] = s.size(); ; i <= a[] ; ++i) a[i] = s[s.size() - i] - '; } void output(){ ]) putchar('); ] ; i ; --i) putchar(a[i] + '); putchar('\n'); } Bignum operator +(Bignum b){ Bignum c; c[] = max(a[] , b[]); ; i <= c[] ; ++i) ){ c[i] -= ; ++c[i + ]; } ] + ]) ++c[]; return c; } Bignum operator +=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this + b; } Bignum operator -(Bignum b){ Bignum c; c[] = max(a[] , b[]); ; i <= c[] ; ++i) ){ c[i] += ; --c[i + ]; } ] && !c[c[]]) --c[]; return c; } Bignum operator -=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this - b; } Bignum operator *(Bignum b){ ]) return b; Bignum c; c[] = a[] + b[] - ; ; i <= a[] ; ++i) ; j <= b[] ; ++j) c[i + j - ] += a[i] * b[j]; ; i <= c[] ; ++i) ){ c[i + ] += c[i] / ; c[i] %= ; ]) ++c[]; } ] && !c[c[]]) --c[]; return c; } Bignum operator *=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this * b; } Bignum operator ^(int a){ Bignum times() , b(*this); while(a){ ) times *= b; b *= b; a >>= ; } return times; } bool operator >(Bignum b)const{ ] > b[]) ; ] < b[]) ; ] ; i ; --i) if(a[i] > b[i]) ; else if(a[i] < b[i]) ; ; } bool operator >= (Bignum b){ ] > b[]) ; ] < b[]) ; ] ; i ; --i) if(a[i] > b[i]) ; else if(a[i] < b[i]) ; ; } Bignum operator /(Bignum b){ Bignum c , d = *this , e; c[] = a[] - b[] + ; ] ; i && d[] ; --i){ e = b * (Bignum() ^ (i - )); ; j <= ; ++j) if(e > d){ c[i] = j - ; break; } else d -= e; } ] && !c[c[]]) --c[]; return c; } Bignum operator /=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this / b; } Bignum operator %(Bignum b){ return *this - *this / b * b; } Bignum operator %=(Bignum b){ return *this = *this % b; } }dp[] , sum[]; int N , D; int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE //freopen("in","r",stdin); //freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif cin >> N >> D; dp[] = ; sum[] = ; ; i <= D ; ++i){ dp[i] = ; ; j <= N ; ++j) dp[i] *= sum[i - ]; dp[i] = dp[i] - sum[i - ] + ; sum[i] = sum[i - ] + dp[i]; } dp[D].output(); ; }
1089 严格n元树
1090 字符串折叠
#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; ][]; string s; inline bool pd(string s , int dir){ , dir); for(int i = dir ; i < s.size() ; i += dir) if(string(s , i , dir) != s1) ; ; } int main(){ memset(ans , 0x3f , sizeof(ans)); cin >> s; int l = s.size(); ; i < l ; i++) ans[i][i] = ; ; i >= ; i--) ; j < l ; j++){ for(int k = i ; k < j ; k++) ans[i][j] = min(ans[i][j] , ans[i][k] + ans[k + ][j]); ); ; k <= j - i + ; k++) ) % k == && pd(s1 , (j - i + ) / k)) ans[i][j] = min(ans[i][j] , ()) + + ans[i][i + (j - i + ) / k - ]); } cout << ans[][l - ]; ; }
1090 字符串折叠
1095 捉迷藏
#include<bits/stdc++.h> #define INF 0x3f3f3f3f //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; ; char c = getchar(); while(c != EOF && !isdigit(c)){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } while(c != EOF && isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } ; struct Edge{ int end , upEd; }Ed[MAXN << ]; ] , dis[MAXN][] , dep[MAXN] , size[MAXN] , ST[][MAXN << ] , fir[MAXN] , logg2[MAXN << ]; int nowSize , minSize , minInd , ts , N , cntEd; bool vis[MAXN]; struct pq{ priority_queue < int > now , del; inline void maintain(){ while(!del.empty() && =={ del.pop(); now.pop(); } } inline void push(int x){ now.push(x); } inline void pop(int x){ del.push(x); maintain(); } inline int top(){ return now.empty() ? -INF :; } inline int sec(){ if(now.empty()) return -INF; int t =; now.pop(); maintain(); int p = now.empty() ? -INF :; now.push(t); return p; } }ans , cur[MAXN] , ch[MAXN]; inline void addEd(int a , int b){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; head[a] = cntEd; } void init_dfs(int now , int fa){ fir[now] = ++ts; ST[][ts] = now; dep[now] = dep[fa] + ; for(int i = head[now] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(Ed[i].end != fa){ init_dfs(Ed[i].end , now); ST[][++ts] = now; } } inline int cmp(int a , int b){ return dep[a] < dep[b] ? a : b; } void init_st(){ logg2[] = -; ; i <= N << ; ++i) logg2[i] = logg2[i >> ] + ; ; << i <= N << ; ++i) ; j + ( << i) - <= N << ; ++j) ST[i][j] = cmp(ST[i - ][j] , ST[i - ][j + ( << (i - ))]); } inline int LCA(int x , int y){ x = fir[x]; y = fir[y]; if(x < y) swap(x , y); ]; << t) + ]); } void getSize(int x){ vis[x] = ; ++nowSize; for(int i = head[x] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!vis[Ed[i].end]) getSize(Ed[i].end); vis[x] = ; } void getRoot(int x){ vis[x] = size[x] = ; ; for(int i = head[x] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!vis[Ed[i].end]){ getRoot(Ed[i].end); maxN = max(maxN , size[Ed[i].end]); size[x] += size[Ed[i].end]; } maxN = max(maxN , nowSize - size[x]); if(maxN < minSize){ minSize = maxN; minInd = x; } vis[x] = ; } inline int getLen(int x , int y){ ); } int init_dfz(int x , int pre){ nowSize = ; minSize = INF; getSize(x); getRoot(x); x = minInd; vis[x] = ; fa[x][] = pre; , p = x ; fa[x][i] ; p = fa[x][i++]){ dis[x][i] = getLen(x , fa[x][i]); fa[x][i + ] = fa[fa[x][i]][]; ch[p].push(dis[x][i]); } for(int i = head[x] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) if(!vis[Ed[i].end]) cur[x].push(ch[init_dfz(Ed[i].end , x)].top()); cur[x].push(); cur[x].push(); ans.push(cur[x].top() + cur[x].sec()); vis[x] = ; return x; } inline void init(){ init_dfs( , ); init_st(); init_dfz( , ); } inline void modify(int x){ vis[x] ^= ; if(vis[x]){ ans.pop(cur[x].top() + cur[x].sec()); cur[x].pop(); cur[x].pop(); ans.push(cur[x].top() + cur[x].sec()); int p = x; ; fa[x][i] ; p = fa[x][i++]){ ans.pop(cur[fa[x][i]].top() + cur[fa[x][i]].sec()); cur[fa[x][i]].pop(ch[p].top()); ch[p].pop(dis[x][i]); cur[fa[x][i]].push(ch[p].top()); ans.push(cur[fa[x][i]].top() + cur[fa[x][i]].sec()); } } else{ ans.pop(cur[x].top() + cur[x].sec()); cur[x].push(); cur[x].push(); ans.push(cur[x].top() + cur[x].sec()); int p = x; ; fa[x][i] ; p = fa[x][i++]){ ans.pop(cur[fa[x][i]].top() + cur[fa[x][i]].sec()); cur[fa[x][i]].pop(ch[p].top()); ch[p].push(dis[x][i]); cur[fa[x][i]].push(ch[p].top()); ans.push(cur[fa[x][i]].top() + cur[fa[x][i]].sec()); } } } inline int query(){ ? - :; } inline char getc(){ char c = getchar(); while(!isupper(c)) c = getchar(); return c; } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("1095.out" , "w" , stdout); #endif N = read(); ; i < N ; ++i){ int a = read() , b = read(); addEd(a , b); addEd(b , a); } init(); for(int M = read() ; M ; --M) if(getc() == 'G') printf("%d\n" , query()); else modify(read()); ; }
1095 捉迷藏
1096 仓库建设
设$dp_i$表示满足前$i$个仓库的最小代价,转移$dp_i = \min\limits_{j=1}^{i-1} \{cnt_j \times dep_i + dp_j \ sum_j\} + C_i + sum_i - cnt_i \times dep_i$,其中$dep_i$表示$i$到山脚的距离,$cnt_i$表示前$i$个仓库的产品量总和,$sum_i$表示将前$i$个仓库的产品全运到山脚的代价
#include<iostream> #include<cstdio> #include<cstdlib> #include<ctime> #include<cctype> #include<algorithm> #include<cstring> #include<iomanip> #include<queue> #include<map> #include<set> #include<bitset> #include<stack> #include<vector> #include<cmath> #define int long long //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = (a << ) + (a << ) + (c ^ '); c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } #define eps 1e-8 #define ld long double ; struct line{ int K , B; line(int k , int b):K(k) , B(b){} }; deque < line > q; int sum[MAXN] , cnt[MAXN] , dep[MAXN] , dp[MAXN] , cost[MAXN]; int N; inline int calc(line a , int b){ return a.K * b + a.B; } inline ld calcP(line a , line b){ return 1.0 * (b.B - a.B) / (a.K - b.K); } signed main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in" , "r" , stdin); //freopen("out" , "w" , stdout); #endif N = read(); ; i <= N ; ++i){ dep[i] = read(); cnt[i] = read(); cost[i] = read(); } ; i <= N ; ++i){ dep[i] = dep[N] - dep[i]; sum[i] = sum[i - ] + dep[i] * cnt[i]; cnt[i] += cnt[i - ]; } q.push_back(line( , )); ; i <= N ; ++i){ && calc(q[] , dep[i]) > calc(q[] , dep[i])) q.pop_front(); dp[i] = calc(q.front() , dep[i]) + cost[i] + sum[i] - cnt[i] * dep[i]; line t(cnt[i] , dp[i] - sum[i]); if(q.back().K == cnt[i]) if(q.back().B < dp[i] - sum[i]) continue; else q.pop_back(); && calcP(t , q[q.size() - ]) > calcP(q[q.size() - ] , q[q.size() - ])) q.pop_back(); q.push_back(t); } cout << dp[N]; ; }
1096 仓库建设
1098 办公楼
#include<bits/stdc++.h> //This code is written by Itst using namespace std; inline int read(){ ; char c = getchar(); ; while(!isdigit(c) && c != EOF){ if(c == '-') f = ; c = getchar(); } if(c == EOF) exit(); while(isdigit(c)){ a = a * + c - ; c = getchar(); } return f ? -a : a; } , MAXM = 2e6 + ; struct Edge{ int end , upEd; }Ed[MAXM << ]; int sz[MAXN] , head[MAXN]; int N , M , cntEd , cnt; queue < int > q; deque < int > notin , notto , tmp; inline void addEd(int a , int b){ Ed[++cntEd].end = b; Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a]; head[a] = cntEd; } int main(){ #ifndef ONLINE_JUDGE freopen("in","r",stdin); freopen("out","w",stdout); #endif N = read(); M = read(); ; i <= M ; ++i){ int a = read() , b = read(); addEd(a , b); addEd(b , a); } ; i <= N ; ++i) notin.push_back(i); while(!notin.empty()){ int t = notin.front(); notin.pop_front(); ++cnt; q.push(t); while(!q.empty()){ int t = q.front(); q.pop(); ++sz[cnt]; notto.clear(); for(int i = head[t] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd) notto.push_back(Ed[i].end); sort(notto.begin() , notto.end()); tmp.clear(); while(!notin.empty()) if(!notto.empty() && notto.front() == notin.front()){ tmp.push_back(notto.front()); notto.pop_front(); notin.pop_front(); } else if(notto.empty() || notin.front() < notto.front()){ q.push(notin.front()); notin.pop_front(); } else notto.pop_front(); notin = tmp; } } cout << cnt << '\n'; sort(sz + , sz + cnt + ); ; i <= cnt ; ++i) cout << sz[i] << ' '; ; }
1098 办公楼
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2018年终总结之AI领域开源框架汇总 [稍显活跃的第一季度] 2018.3.04——OpenAI公布 “后见之明经验复现(Hindsight Experience Reply, HER)”的开源算法 ...
- arcgis api 3.x for js 入门开发系列三地图工具栏(附源码下载)
前言 关于本篇功能实现用到的 api 涉及类看不懂的,请参照 esri 官网的 arcgis api 3.x for js:esri 官网 api,里面详细的介绍 arcgis api 3.x 各个类 ...
- SpringBoot集成mybatis配置
一个有趣的现象:传统企业大都喜欢使用hibernate,互联网行业通常使用mybatis:之所以出现这个问题感觉与对应的业务有关,比方说,互联网的业务更加的复杂,更加需要进行灵活性的处理,所以myba ...
- Android 运行报错 Unknown failure (at android.os.Binder.execTransact( Error while Installing APKs 解决办法
今天,我用手机测试的时候出现了这个错误 我网站查找了一会资料, 在运行的时候出现提示大致意思:卸载删除已存在应用程序,是否卸载现有应用程序,点击ok就会出现如下错误 原应用程序也没有卸载,然后自己手动 ...
- EventBus中观察者模式的应用
一 介绍 EventBus是一款安卓的开源消息传递框架,地址: android系统的消息传递非常复杂,比如activity和 ...
- centos7 安装java运行环境
1.检测是否存在相关历史版本 shell:java-version 1.1.存在相关OpenJDK和其他版本SDK则需要删除,如图. 查看详细信息,命令窗口输入,shell:rpm -qa | gre ...