MS Recognition


hihoCoder 1402


OpenJudge - I:PKU Zealots


Given an image containing only two kinds of capital letters, ‘M’ and

‘S’, can you tell how many of each letter are there in the image? Note

that the letters may be of different sizes and may be rotated.


The first line contains two integers H and W, indicating the height

and weight of the image. (1 <= H, W <= 500)

Then follows an H x W matrix indicating the image.

‘.’ indicates the pixel is empty and ‘#’ indicates the pixel is part

of a letter.

It is guaranteed that:

  1. The letters are actually in Microsoft Yahei font.

  2. Each letter consists of at least 20 pixels.

  3. Different letters are at least 2 pixels away from each other.


Two integers, the number of ‘M’ letters and the number of ‘S’ letters.


50 50





















































3 4



2017微软秋季校园招聘在线编程笔试4——1402 : MS Recognition - 简书

我来贴一个第四题的思路 - hihoCoder

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