Chapter 5 Blood Type——13
"Kryptonite doesn't bother me, either," he chuckled.
“氪星石也不会影响我,” 他笑着说道。
"You're not supposed to laugh, remember?"
He struggled to compose his face.
"I'll figure it out eventually," I warned him.
“我最后会猜到的,” 我警告他。
"I wish you wouldn't try." He was serious again.
“我希望你不要尝试了。” 他又一次严厉的说道。
"Because… ?"
"What if I'm not a superhero? What if I'm the bad guy?" He smiled playfully, but his eyes were impenetrable.
“如果我不是一个英雄,或者我是一个坏人呢?” 他开玩笑的笑道,但是他的眼睛还是令人费解的。
"Oh," I said, as several things he'd hinted fell suddenly into place. "I see."
“哦,” 我说,好像暗示很多事情都能理解了,“我明白了”
"Do you?" His face was abruptly severe, as if he were afraid that he'd accidentally said too much.
“你明白了?” 他的脸突然严肃了,就好像他害怕他自己说的太多了。
"You're dangerous?" I guessed, my pulse quickening as I intuitively realized the truth of my own words. He was dangerous. He'd been trying to tell me that all along.
“你很危险吗?” 我猜测着说,我直觉的意识到我说出了真相,我的心跳边快了。他很危险。他始终想要告诉我这件事。
He just looked at me, eyes full of some emotion I couldn't comprehend.
"But not bad," I whispered, shaking my head. "No, I don't believe that you're bad."
“但是,你不坏,” 我低语道,摇着头。“至少,我并不相信你是个坏人。”
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