Snapshots of the primary entity's attributes from database before(pre) and after (post) the core platform operation.


简单的我们可以理解PreOperation与PostOperation的 entity中数据的镜像.


1. 如果你需要对original data在modification之前做使用.

2. 如果你需要form的original data没有被modified修改之前做读取.

PS: local name 为field的label name/entity name. Schema name 为数据库中field的名字  

这次我们将修改leader 中的filedbusiness telephone number(logical name 为telephone1)


我们可以看到,我们获取了modifiedBusinessPhone 为update之后的值.

我们又使用了preImage这个value 从PreEntityImages镜像中获取original value 为originalBusinessPhone

  1. // Plug-in business logic goes here.
  3. //Pre and post entity images
  4. // Snapshots of the primary entity's attributes from database before (pre) and after (post) the core platfomr operation.
  6. // This is modified business phone number
  7. var modifiedBusinessPhone = entity.Attributes["telephone1"].ToString();
  9. // Retrieve preEntity Images
  10. var preImage = (Entity)context.PreEntityImages["PreImage"];
  12. // Normally we don't retrieve post entity images with following reason
  13. // 1. After the postOperation, we are on the current situation modifed data
  14. // 2. When retrieve the postEntityImages, due to it is not created, the entity will be null.
  15. // Entity postImage = (Entity)context.PostEntityImages["PostImage"];
  17. // Retrieve original business phone number
  18. var originalBusinessPhone = preImage.Attributes["telephone1"].ToString();
  20. // Display the information in the error log
  21. throw new InvalidPluginExecutionException("Phone number is changed from" + originalBusinessPhone + " to " + modifiedBusinessPhone);

我们build代码之后打开我们的plugin registration tool.

点开我们的MyCRM Assembly, 点开class PreEntityImageDemo(我创建的新的class名称).

在update我们的MyCRM assembly之后,我们点击建立新的Step

创建Step之后, 我们需要右键Step建立image

PS:因为我们不需要全局的fields都做触发,所以在register step的时候切记Filtering Attributes只勾选telephone1, 创建image镜像的时候只在Parameters中指勾选telephone1.


点击保存之后,可以发现我们的business Phone 有在error log中改动

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