While trying to apply patches to upgrade to 12.2.4, adop failed due to the below errors.

Validating system setup...
[ERROR] Failed to execute SQL statement :
select AD_ZD_ADOP.GET_INVALID_NODES() from dual
[ERROR] Error Message :
[ERROR] Failed to execute SQL statement :
select AD_ZD_ADOP.GET_INVALID_NODES() from dual
[ERROR] Error Message :
[UNEXPECTED]Nodes "-1" are listed in ADOP_VALID_NODES table but not in FND_NODES table.
[UNEXPECTED]To correct this, run AutoConfig on nodes "-1"
[UNEXPECTED]Error while checking if this is a multi node instance


MOS had a direct hit on this (1988581.1):  “Nodes “-1″ are listed in ADOP_VALID_NODES table but not in FND_NODES table.”, but it didn’t fix the issue.  In fact in accordance with this note I was fine.


$ sqlplus  apps/****@adgrants.sql APPS

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Dec 22 10:32:04 2016

Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Connected.
End of Creating PL/SQL Package AD_ZD_SYS. Start of giving grants. This may take few minutes. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. Start of PURGE DBA_RECYCLEBIN. PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. End of PURGE DBA_RECYCLEBIN. Commit complete. SQL> alter package apps.AD_ZD_ADOP compile body; Package body altered.


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