Question 9
You are designing an external binary large object (BLOB) store provider by implementing the ISP External Binary Provider interface. The farm has existing sites that contain content. Your implementation has been verified to be working correctly. You need to ensure that content within existing sites is moved using the external BLOB store provider. You also must ensure that the solution does not require further custom coding. Which approach should
you recommend?
A. Perform a backup and restore on each site.
B. Perform a backup and restore of each content database.
C. Perform a backup and restore on each site collection.
D. Perform a backup and restore of the configuration database.

   这道题感觉仍然是基于Sharepoint2007在设计,因为它要开发人员开发实现external binary large object (BLOB) store provider。 微软在Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 SP1开始增加了一个External BLOB Storage(EBS)接口,但是微软并没有提供实现,而是需要开发人员自己来实现它。
  到了SharePoint 2010虽然仍然对EBS提供兼容,但并不推荐使用EBS,而是推荐使用SQL Server 2008 Remote BLOB Storage(RBS)。所以本题你可以只作了解。
本题的场景是基于EBS:你试图设计一个“external binary large object (BLOB) store provider”来实现EBS。但当前Sharepoint场中已经已经有一些Site了,并且还存储了需要的内容,你需要把这些内容移到EBS的内容数据库中去.题目的要求是不需要代码实现。
“EBS is more natively granular as it provides a site collection context thru the interface whereas RBS provides a content database context.”
而且网上也有人通过Move-SPSite 命令(将网站集从一个内容数据库移到另一个内容数据库。)实现本题的场景。
因此本题答案应该选 C


Question 10
You are designing a SharePoint 2010 application that includes a Task list. You have the following requirements:
.For each task, allow users to specify one of three values for an item named Phase using a drop-down menu.
.Allow contributors to add new values for the Phase item. You need to design this application without using custom code. Which approach should you recommend?
A. Create a Multiple lines of text field type on the Task list.
B. Create a Single line of text field type on the Task list.
C. Create a Choice field type on the Task list that gets values from a custom list.
D. Create a Lookup field type on the Task list that gets values from a custom list.

 本题题意是:你想在你的应用中包含一个任务列表,此列表有一个Phrase字段,这个字段允许用户从一个下拉框中选取值 ,而且待选取的值可以后续添加。要求是不能编码实现。
根据题意很快就能想到要把待选值放到另一个列表中去保存和维护,所以直接就排除了选项A.B。再因为要在一个列表中引用另一个列表中的值,很明显是Lookup字段干的事情,所以选项D为正解。至于选项C提到的Choice Field 也是一种选择值功能,但其值并不是来自于其它列表。

因此本题答案应该选 D


Question 11
You are designing an asset management solution using SharePoint 2010. You need to design a solution that  meets the following requirements:
.Binary large objects (BLOBs) cannot be stored in Microsoft SQL Server.
.There can be no custom development or third-party products.
Which approach should you recommend?
A. Install and configure Remote BLOB Storage and enable the content databases to use Remote BLOB Storage.
B. Install and configure Remote BLOB Storage and enable the configuration databases to use Remote BLOB
C. Install and configure an external BLOB store provider and enable the content databases to use the external BLOB store provider.
D. Install and configure an external BLOB store provider and enable the configuration databases to use the external BLOB store provider.

要求1. 这些文件不能直接被保存在SQL Server数据库中,
要求2. 不能使用编程方式或采用第三方软件方式实现。
  看到要求2,马上就可以排除选项C.D。因为这两个选项都要求通过external BLOB store provider来实现,而external BLOB store provider是由用户使用微软提供的接口来编程实现的。
   至于要求1,当然只有通过BLOB方式去实现了,但BLOB存取方式是建立在Sharepoint的内容数据库(Content Data Base)上的,这个很好理解,因为BLOB所存取的数据本身就应该是Sharepoint内容数据库的一部分,只不过被放置到其它位置。至于选项B提到的Configuration Database,那是Sharepoint的场配置数据库,是用来维护Sharepoint场的正常运行的。
因此本题答案应该选 A

Question 12
You need to specify the correct artifacts to use in a SharePoint 2010 application for a school district. The school district’s administrator needs to be able to search for student information on an intranet SharePoint 2010 portal. Student information is currently available in another database, which supports an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver. You need to design the solution to meet the following requirements:
.Provide a user interface to search for a student based on name.
.Enable the administrator to select the correct student name from the search results.
.Provide a student header section that displays the primary student identity information, which will enable the administrator to correlate any new information with the correct student.
.Provide additional data entry pages to add or update additional student information.
Which approach should you recommend?
A. Design HTML Web pages to render the student details. Install these pages under the /templates/_layouts/1033  folder and load these pages in Web Parts.
B. Design connected Web Parts to share information among search data entry, student header information, and new data entry information Web Parts.
C. Design a user control and load this control in a Web Part to search for a student. Then render the student details in a SharePoint page.
D. Design a Web Part to search for a student. Then render the student record details in a SharePoint page.

  要求1. 提供一个操作界面,允许在此界面上通过学生的姓名查找学生的信息
  要求2. 允许管理者从返回的查找结果中,进一步选择想要查找的学生姓名(即:如果在要求1涉及的界面中输入Jack,则返回所有包含Jack的学生的姓名, eg. Jack Dorsey, Jack Reacher…….,在要求2中可以进一步选择具体哪个学生)
  要求3. 在学生信息界面中,提供学生标识信息栏,以便于管理者根据关联的信息快速定位到想查找的学生。
要求4. 提供对学生信息的添加和修改界面。
 其次,根据要求4,需要实现对学生信息的添加和修改,所以又可以进一步排除选项 C.D。因为这两个选项都只提供了搜索功能,没有提供修改功能。


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